I : Meeting


"Done! Finally, my long, aching pain is over!" Minseok rejoiced. His voice echoing through the spacious, modern office. The interior was plain white aside from the couch, coffee table and rugs that were bright red. It matched the office very well. The desks and swivel chairs were the color they preferred, Minseok's was bright green, not neon. 

"You're finally done with it?" Baekhyun jumped from his seat, his voice rising. Everyone huddled over Minseok's desk. The game he worked on for approximately 3 years was finally done.

"It's called Wolf." Minseok showed them the start page, a blue wolf's face took over the whole screen, in the middle a start button. The boys hated to admit such things but this was great. They thought that this might finally become Minseok's future. They were honestly happy for him.

Everyone in Stitch Inc. had various jobs. The 6 company members all had talents of their own. Stitch Inc. was a multipurpose company that Joonmyun established at the age of 20, during college as he majored Business. Minseok never really got his break through like everyone else had. He was always last in everything. Only because he loved to take his time and pretty things up.

Being the leader of the company, Joonmyun worked more in business. He loved to negotiate and only did the best for his company, that was his skill. He could manage everything well. Joonmyun had always been a picky person. Hundreds and thousands of people applied in his company but he only chose to stick with the six losers. It was somehow a private company and that was what made people crazy to get in, because once you're in you'll be known. And still, no matter how many talented people he came across, it was still the six boys. Joonmyun wanted everything to meet his expectations everytime someone applied. That was the only way you could get in, and apparently these 6 hit jackpot. 

There was Chanyeol who majored in photography and Kyungsoo who worked in Preforming Arts. His lifeline goal was to become a singer and everyone who ever heard him sing, fell into a trance. Kyungsoo already had his break through. He was still under Stitch Inc. as their very first debuted idol. He was known more to the crowd as, D.O.

And then there's Jongdae. Jongdae was the best filmmaker anyone could possibly find. He was now out there editing music videos, putting effects on movies and even making his weekly, short films that earn millions of views. Kris. Kris was the best in painting and drawing. He was the artsy one in the group. He made Minseok's video game graphics and is now starting his art shop where he can draw the people who wants a portrait of themselves. And also a place where people can buy art.

Then there's Baekhyun who's the smart one, the architect. He was extremely good at designing and drawing too. Last but not least, Jongin. Jongin was the dancing machine of the group. He, just like Kyungsoo, is under Stitch Inc. as their second idol. Aside from dancing, Jongin could also rap. He is known as a soloist, Kai.

"So, wanna take us through?" Kris asked, wanting to see how beautiful his artwork was. 

Minseok chuckled, knowing exactly what Kris had meant. "It'll take us forever to finish. Instead, as a thank you gift, I'll give you guys each a copy. How 'bout that?" 

Everyone nodded at the decision. This could be the day Minseok had been waiting for, his break through. 

"Ok guys. Let's celebrate! Off to Itaewon for Club Rococo!" Joonmyun exlaimed. Club Rococo was so famous. It was even used as  the opening in TOP and GD's 'High High.'

"A club?" Baekhyun questioned. Actually everyone but Kris and Kai did. Minseok, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Kyungsoo had never really gone clubbing. I mean Kyungsoo had preformed in clubs before but he left right after. As for Jongdae and Baekhyun, the only time they'd been in there was for their project. Jongdae, for music video filming and Baekhyun, to review it's architecture.

And Minseok.. Minseok wasn't exactly the party person. In fact he rarely got out in the sun, explains his milky white skin, no signs of tan. What had he been doing all his life? Well, Minseok had been working on his games. For hours at a time, he would sit there and make changes to his game. How exactly is this night going to go? It'll be hard for Minseok, that's for sure.

"Yeah, a club. Let's meet outside the office at 7:30 pm, sharp, that is." Joonmyun winked at the boys, trying to cause some sort of hilarity upon the group of boys.


Everyone got dressed for the night out and as always, Minseok was first to arrive in the office. One by one the boys started to come. Joonmyun and Kyungsoo arrive together then Jongdae, Baekhyun, Kai, Chanyeol, and then Kris. 

"So everyone's here?" Joonmyun looked around, everyone nodded. "You should feel special tonight, Minseok." 

Minseok, baffled, just nodded at Joonmyun. A long black car dazzled their eyes as it rode up to them. And Minseok realized what Joonmyun had meant, to feel special because he rented a limousine just for him. Minseok smiled at Joonmyun, who just happened to glance over to him and nodded, letting him know it wasn't a big deal. He hurried everyone inside and the boys piled in, excitedly.

"Just enjoy yourself for tonight. The night is yours." Joonmyun smiled at Minseok and climbed in with the rest, "Hurry Minseok!" He called out, just like nothing had happened.


Being in Itaewon was nice, the weather there was the best of the best, the night was young. 

"Club Rococo." Baekhyun said, reading the big lights that hovered over the building.

"Yeah. Now everyone can go their own way. Just be sure to meet back here a approximately 12:00 am on the dot. Kay?" 

Everyone grabbed a partner, Kyungsoo to Chanyeol, Kris to Suho, and Kai to Baekhyun. Everyone was a perfect match, everyone but Minseok. It didn't bother him to be alone for the night. In fact, he wanted to spend the night by himself. The 6 danced their way into the club and Minseok was left outside. 

He wasn't really in the mood for loud music and strobe lights in the dark. He just wanted his peace and quiet and near the club was an open space where he could have the night alone and just think. 

Minseok tucked his hands in his pockets and made his way through the darkness that only the moon lit up. Behind him, some sort of gagging sound happened. Minseok wasn't really one to go up in people's business but this was a club. And he knew this person was throwing up. 

He glanced back just for a second, just to check if the guy was okay. Orange stuff was coming out of his mouth as he bent over a plant, does that count as being okay? The guy was obviously alone.

"Are you okay?" In no time, Minseok made his way to him. The boy looked up, an innocent doe-like boy. What was a 15 year old doing at a club? This guy was clearly underage. Minseok laid a hand on his shoulder, letting the boy know he wasn't a e. 

"I just.. I just.." The boy stood, wobbly as he held his aching head. 

"Hey, hey, can you see me?" Minseok waved in front of the boy's weary eyes.

"Hah, I'm not blind you know. Anyways.. i'm fine. Just a little boozed up." He jibed.

"How old are you? You look too young to be drinking." 

The boy chuckled. "22, sir. I am 22. My name is Lu Han and I'm 22, not 14."

"Lu Han?" Minseok repeated, the name was quite catchy.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go drink? It's on me." Lu Han grabbed Minseok's hand and dragged him in the club. Lu Han's body swayed to the beat of the music. Minseok was totally lost, dizzy even. The strobe lights made him dizzier than the drunken Lu Han. The two sat in the bar and Minseok gave Lu Han the honor to choose his drink.

"Two Smokey Margaritas." Lu Han to the bartender. "So you come here often?" 

"No, it's actually my first." Minseok looked around in excitement. "See.. How do I say this.. I'm not really a bar person, so.. I'd better get going." He said, rising from the top bar seat.

"No, no sir. You aren't going anywhere today. You have stay with me tonight, okay?" 


"But nothing."

The bartender left the margaritas on the table for the two boys to serve themselves. Lu Han grabbed both and handed one to Minseok. Before speaking, he chugged down about half the glass.

"Say.. He's so dumb. Why would he leave me?" Lu Han smiled, though hurt was clearly portrayed in his eyes. Minseok decided not to ask any questions but instead just drink the Smokey Margarita Lu Han got for him. It tasted bitter, but what else could have calmed his bitter heart?


The story Lu Han told still hadn't finished even after an hour had passed, 10:30. Minseok decided to stay quiet throughout Lu Han's whole explanation of why and how he ended up here at the bar. At this point, Minseok had tried a variety of drinks. Ones he liked and ones he didn't, Cognac was his least. Gin would have to be hs favorite one, explains why it was the only drink on his table.

Lu Han was drunker than ever and Minseok was out of his mind and then again Joonmyun's words spoke through him, 'Enjoy yourself for tonight, the night is yours.'

"Say, Lu Han.. how about we dance?" He suggested. Lu Han nodded and Minseok dragged him to the middle of the crowd. This would have to be the only time Minseok lost his mind. The only time he'd ever be drunk, and crazy. He slowly lost himself in a pool of alchohol, drugs, and . What was he getting into? The fun that Joonmyun meant was to have fun but still be completely sane. Drink, but don't get drunk. 

Minseok lost his soul into the crowd as he danced to every groove, grinding his body onto Lu Han's as Lu Han did the same. Loosing his soul as he held ice cold Gin in his hand, spilling every last drop on the floor as he swayed side to side, finally tossing the glass on the floor. 

One word, insane.


Lu Han and Minseok found themselves sitting down on a round sofa in the bar. Plenty more, they said. The night is long, they said. The table was filled with nothing more than empty bottles. To Minseok, the night seemed to never die out. Like tonight was infinite. And he could stay here forever, if he wanted. That's what he wanted.


"That was the best!" Chanyeol screamed as the group exited the club, still completely sane. In fact, everyone was. 

"Wait, where's Minseok? He's usually, always on time." Baekhyun pointed out and everyone started to wonder where he'd gone.

"What if..?" Chanyeol cut short.

"What if what, Chanyeol?" Joonmyun asked, slightly worried.

"What if he was kidnapped?!" Chanyeol's eyes widened. 

"Don't. Joke. Like. That." Joonmyun punched his arm along with every syllable.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

Lu Han and Minseok walked out of the roaring club, hazed and drunk. 

"There you are!" Chanyeol started towards him but stopped in tracks as soon as he saw Lu Han. "Who's that?" It wasn't only Chanyeol who was curious. Everyone else expected an answer right away.

"Lu Han. He's not 15 okay? He's 22 and his name is Lu Han." Minseok laughed and Lu Han ruffled his hair. 

"He's right." Lu Han nodded.

"So, let me ask you. Why are you holding his hand?" Kris pointed out, making everyone else looked down the their intertwined hands.

"Oh, that. We became friends now." Minseok slurred, holding up their hands for everyone to see. Everyone's faces were blurry to him and could hardly recognize his friends.

"This is scary, I've never seen him like this before. Is he crazy?" Chanyeol whispered to leader, Joonmyun. 

"I know." He whispered back, "Everyone get in the car." One by one the boys started for the limo door and entered.

"You too." Joonmyun pointed to Minseok

Minseok turned to look at Lu Han, "I have to go now." He pouted, Lu Han nodded, understandingly. Minseok started towards the limo.

"Wait. You never told me your name." Lu Han spoke out, sounding a bit sober.

Minseok turned to look at Lu Han's beautiful face once more, "Minseok. My name is Kim Minseok."



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I.. Noo. Too much feels x(
Chapter 3: At the same age of 8 everything start to change huh? Such a fate~ /chuckles/ cool! I would like to know Minseok's thoughts..
dibsfortwo #3
Chapter 2: this is getting good. pls update soon i really like stories when they start out as good friends first!! <33
Chapter 2: wow, just wow. i thought they would meet again by accident or something else, didnt expect this, but cool! im looking forward for next chapter!
I really like this^^ it sounds so interesting, and I can't wait to read more (:
And I'm guessing you're a fan of Tablo too hehe(─‿‿─)
Chapter 1: I like your writing style and the storyline, please update soon!
Chapter 1: what what what they didnt even do some kind of call-me-maybe thingy..
will they meet again?