The First Question Sparks

One Day, He Will Be Mine

Chapter                4: The First Question Sparks (Eunhwa POV)

You stared at the person in surprise. “Sungjong?” you sigh, and look away. “Did you come to continue L.Joe’s work?” He walked towards you and you scooted back away from him. “I’m not going to hurt you.” You sit there staring at him, almost afraid of him touching you. “I’m harmless I promise.” Sungjong smiled and stayed at a distance.

                You sighed again, and looked down. “Sorry I’m not used to one of the most popular students in school talking to me. Why did you follow me here?” You looked into his eyes, they were full of flames. He was happy from what you could tell. “I come in peace,” he laughed, “but seriously…  I don’t like the way Tiffany, her stupid little crew and L.Joe are treating you and your friend. You deserve to be treated better than that.” You nod. “Just know that I’ll protect you.” you raise an eyebrow at him.

                “Protect me?! Are you stupid? I don’t need protection. It’d ruin your popularity. I won’t let you do it.” He rolled his eyes at you and squatted in front of you. “You know, I liked how you stood up to Tiffany.” You nod. “Thanks. Song In and I know how to deal with most of her crap.” He crosses his arms. “I just don’t know how L.Joe doesn’t realize what Tiffany does to you guys.” You snicker, waving your hand around a little. “I don’t know what he sees in her, period.”

                He laughed sincerely. You bite your lip realizing it should be Song In here not you. Sungjong stood up and hugged you warmly. You stiffened, and your arms stood out to the side, your eyes as wide as a cantaloupe. He starts to whisper, “Eunhwa. I like you. I really like you. I wish I could see when you were happy every day.” You push him back. “No, not me. It can’t be me” you hiss at him.

                There was a crashing sound. “Who’s there?” Sungjong called out. Soon out came Song In. “It’s me!” she laughed. I saw the drinks in her hands. “No way! You’re the best Song In.” you take one of the cans. “This isn’t the one that fell right?” I laugh trying to joke, and make it less awkward.

She couldn’t have seen that right? There’s no way. She couldn’t have seen it. She’d die. But then she looks like she was crying…

“Were you crying?” you ask, and stare at her. “Your eyes all red and puffy.” She stepped back. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.” Your eyes narrow, knowing better.

“Let me see, you might have something in your eyes.” Sungjong’s voice came. He tilted her head back, and touched her face. He looked in her eyes, searching. You saw the hurt in her eyes and you know that you need to avoid Sungjong. The rest of the conversation was a blur to you, and soon you were walking to class with Song In. You had asked her again if she was alright but she insisted on lying. You felt really bad.

Maybe she really did see…

There was a sudden sound down the hall behind you. You whipped around and looked at Song In. “Was that you?” she shook her head and looked behind her as well. Someone had knocked over something down the hall. “… Do you think someone heard the conversation?” you asked quietly. Song In shook her head. “I’m not sure, I don’t think so…”

You sighed. “Come let’s go to the garden. I don’t want to go to class. I’ll text Zelo and tell him we are going home, and to just bring my stuff with him.” Song In nodded and we headed to the garden together. You take out your phone and quickly send Zelo a text.

Oppa Song In and I are going to go home, do you think you could bring my stuff to the garden, or bring it home?”


You pull Song In into the garden, and you look around the hall for a moment, before closing the door behind you. “Song In…” you bite your lip as you turn to her. “You saw what happened didn’t you. Between Sungjong and I. The hug?”

She looked away, and then huffed. “I didn’t see anything that happened.” You raise an eyebrow at her. “Song In I’m not stupid. You saw it, don’t lie to me.” You sigh. “Nothing is going on between Sungjong and I. I don’t like him. You know that. I like L.Joe and you know it. Look, at home I’ll tell Zelo to make sure Sungjong stays away from me alright?” Song In bit her lip, a little in shame.

“No... Don’t. Its fine, I guess I just over reacted. I saw the hug and it killed me a lot, so I started assuming things. I’m sorry.” Song In hugged you and you hugged back. Your phone started buzzing. “Looks like Zelo texted back.” You pull out your phone and read the text.

I’ll bring your stuff to you when the bell rings; there is no way in HELL that I’m carrying your all day. Oh and L.Joe keeps trying to read my texts. It’s IRRITATING!!! I wish he would stop…”

Cherry Tomatoes = Life!!

You send back a quick ok and you walk to the back of the garden where you normally sit when you don’t want to be found.

“Zelo’s going to bring my stuff here then when everyone’s in class we’ll go home. Okay?” She nodded and together the two of you sat down.  You played with your thumbs for a while, not sure what to do at that moment. It wasn’t too long after the first bell rang, but still the two of you waited in silence.

I wonder what could be taking him so long… This is so awkward… Even if I’m with my best friend… Is she mad because Sungjong hugged me? I wonder if she heard him tell me he liked me. That would be terrible… But if she had heard him she would have heard me tell him it can’t be me…. Uh, all these problems that he’s caused…. Stupid kingka..

After a couple minutes, you heard the door open. “Eunhwa? Song In? I brought your stuff Eunhwa.” Zelo’s voice rang out. “Zelo we’re in the back here.” He moved his way to the back. “Would have been here sooner but Min Hee and the others noticed I was taking a different direction to class and started to follow me. I had to lose them somehow…” He shrugged your bag off his shoulder, and passed it down to you. “Thanks Zelo oppa. I don’t know what I would do without you.” He smirked a bit “You wouldn’t be able to do anything without me.”

“Yah!” you yell at him. He laughed, “Go home I’ll see you when I get there. You nod, and he leaves. The late bell rings seconds later. “Let’s wait a few minutes before we leave.” Song In whispered, and you nodded in agreement.

You sigh after five minutes. “Let’s go.” You stand and head towards the door. Song In follows, you open the door and is the first one to walk out. BAM! You run into somebody and fall to the floor. Looking up you see a beautiful boy smiling down at you. Long blonde hair flowing past his shoulders. “Well I didn’t expect to run into you this way Eunhwa.” Song In rushed out after you. “And Song In it’s so good to see you too!” He helped you up, and you stare at him for a while.

“Ren! Oh my god I can’t believe you’re here! What are you doing here?” You blurt out quickly, as you hug him. Ren laughed, “I’m here because my boyfriend is here duh. Or did you forget I’m dating your brother?” You grin, and Song In grins as well. “How could I forget that my brother is dating the most precious, and beautiful guy I’ve ever seen?”

Ren smiles brightly, and blushes a little. “Really? Thanks Eunhwa.” He bowed a little. “So I’ll be transferring here so I can be with Joon Hong. I miss him and I don’t get to see him all that much.” Song In and Eunhwa look at each other. “Oppa come to my house with me will you? We have to fill you in on some things before you get started here alright?” Ren nodded, and held his arms out to each of you. Both of you took an arm and escorted him out of the building and back to your house. 

A/N: Finally we are back and running! School is back to kick our butts but thats okay. XD The wait was long, but here ya go! Thanks for those who waited paitently. :) Much love!! Comments etc. always welcome. there were so many comebacks too my feels went overload


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saxogirl #1
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaa.. pleaseee updateee... I like the first chapter...