The Day Never Ends

One Day, He Will Be Mine

Chapter 2: The Day Never Ends… (Eunhwa POV)


                “I guess you won’t be able to see L.Joe this morning. Zelo and I will see you later” Song In woke you up with the threat of not being able to see L.Joe. Zelo was already in the bathroom brushing his teeth.  “Song In! Who told you to leave without me? I can’t miss that wonderful opportunity, y’know.” You said, while quickly shooting out of bed. Song In laughed. You quickly run around trying to find all your clothes. (A/N Since she already put in all the other stuff I’m not going to get into it soo.. Yeah)

            Zelo finally made his way out the door. You ignored what he said too busy trying to find your socks. Song In pointed them out to you, and you laughed.


*fast forward to the school*

 You slightly stared at L.Joe when you saw him, when Song In nudged you. “Don’t stare holes into him.” You roll your eyes. “It’s called admiring and you do the same with Sungjong.” Quickly glancing around as Song In walked she made sure no one heard your comment. “What? I don’t stare at him like that in broad daylight.” Your facial expression changes to a blank, serious stare. “Then what do you call staring at Sungjong all lunch period?” You watched as she blushed different shades of red. She had not realized she stared at Sungjong for that long. “Is it really that bad Eunhwa?” she asked quietly her eyes darted around. You giggle at her flustered expression. “It’s not that bad.”

            She grinned in relief, but quickly changed when someone bumped into you, you knew who it was and you knew it wasn’t accidental. All your books were knocked out of your arms and Song In helped you pick them up. You looked up to see Tiffany and her two friends. You start to scowl. “Excuse you.” Song In looked up surprised; no one ever stands up to Tiffany. Tiffany looked at you from head to toes, holding her Louis and Vuitton at the fold of her arm. You knew exactly what that look meant. She had given it to you many times before “Sorry would have fit better.” You grab your Physics book before Song In has a chance to. “No one talks to Tiffany like that. Who the hell do you think you are?”

Min Hee raised her eyebrows and Soo Yun, gives Song In a nasty look and scrunches her nose in disgust. You ignored Min Hee and pointed at your book on the ground. “Pick it up and I’ll count it as an apology.” Song In tried to calm you as other students started to stare. Pulling at your sleeve she whispered for you to stop. You shrugged her off and gave her a determined expression. Tiffany stared at you menacingly.

Tiffany then gives Song In an amused expression. “You should listen to your friend more often. She knows when to keep shut.” You watched as her head lowers, and she bites her lip. If I listened to her all the time then what fun would that be? You thought to yourself. “Well, glad you noticed that Song In is smart. Maybe you should learn from her so you don’t open your mouth as much.” You heard yourself say. It surprised you that something like that actually came out of your mouth.

Tiffany laughed. “At least with this mouth I can make L.Joe moan my name.” You grit her teeth and in your cheeks. Tiffany leans forward, “Aww, what is this? Hit a nerve?” Tiffany motions Min Hee and Soo Yun towards Song. They pushed her and she fell to the ground. They snatched your notebooks out of her hands and ripped them in front of her, throwing all the homework that you had stayed up all night to finish. Now you are going to have to hear the students complain that they can’t copy your work. They stepped on the papers, twisting their heels back and forth, tearing the paper even more.

You balled your fist, while Tiffany stared at her French nails while she spoke. “That’s right hold it in. I better not even see you looking at L.Joe anymore or I will tell him you like him. Arasseo?”  You don’t really know what happened inside yourself but you remember your hand hit something and it stung. You just slapped Tiffany.

You looked over to see L.Joe, Sungjong and Zelo, who had seen the slap, run to the scene. “Yah!! What is going on here!” L.Joe yelled. He was angry that you slapped his girlfriend. He caressed her face and looked at the hand print on her face. “Are you ok babe?” he asked and you felt your heart drop.

“Yeah I’m fine. This just decided to attack me for no reason!” Tiffany whined. You watched as L.Joe pop kissed her. Your heart fell even more. Sungjong looked at you in sympathy. You saw a small smile on his lips. You knew he was amused by the slap. Song In stood up, and walked over to you. She had just finished picking up your notebooks again. L.Joe stared at you hard until he caught your attention. He marched right up to you, and stared angrily at you. “Touch her again, and you will be having some problems” you saw his anger, and you ran away without taking your notebooks, or textbooks, tears stinging your eyes.

You ran to the only safe place you knew of: The roof.

Zelo shouted after you when you started to run. “Eunhwa wait!” but L.Joe held him back. “Let the go Zelo. She doesn’t deserve your attention.” Zelo swallowed his anger. Song In handed your books to Zelo, since you had the same class, and ran after you, not knowing where you were going.

“Zelo oppa, why did she just hand you all those textbooks and stuff?” Zelo looked at Min Hee, whose voice had cut into the silence. He mentally groaned, because she had been trying to get into his pants for months and she was older than him.

“First of all, you’re older than me, so stop calling me that. Second of all, they are actually my friends and I have first period with Eunhwa.” He stomped off towards the school.

You ran through the school, and ran up the stairs, pushing open the big metal door. You let it crash closed, when you cleared the door way, and slid down a nearby wall, tears streaming down your face. Omo... What did I do…? L.Joe oppa just yelled at me... Otteoke... I’m never going to live this down... Ahh Zelo oppa where are you when I need your comfort... You thought. You wanted to crawl in a hole and hide for the rest of your life.

Part of you wanted to take off the makeup, and fake glasses. Just to show off that you were a beautiful person. Not just some loser. But the other part, the stronger part knew what would happen if you did. Guys would whistle at you, and slap your . You would get unwanted attention and they would try hard to get in your pants. Whether or not it was in school or out of school, some would probably even try to you.

Someone burst through the door, and you were really surprised at who it was.



*Dies because of cliffhanger* Hey there, it's SaveMeTonight! I gotta say my awesome author did a great job with this chapter, I literally loved this one when I read/edited it :3. Thanks for the views and support so far. We ask for comments~. Love the story's poster-- it's so cute!

You readers are always loved and trust me, we both feel so awesome when we read comments (motivates us to write more!) So get on typing!! :)

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saxogirl #1
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaa.. pleaseee updateee... I like the first chapter...