Better Left Unsaid

One Day, He Will Be Mine

Chapter 3: Better left Unsaid (Song In POV)


You tried to chase after Eunhwa inside the school building, but you just couldn’t keep up with her speed. It bothered you the fact that you couldn’t console your best friend just because you were most likely the slowest runner on earth (evidence that you hate physical education class). Zelo right now is no help. He could spoil the secret and a shiver ran down your spine just thinking about crazy girls jumping at you like monkeys. Plus, Zelo would have to owe an explanation to his friends for hiding the fact that he is related to Eunhwa.

After giving a short thought, an idea popped into your head. She could be at the garden room where we always hang out. The garden room was a safe place to skip during class because no one really walks in there until the end of the day to water the plants. It’s not too far from where you are standing now and it’s a good place to start out. Not wasting any more time, you run to the garden room.

Opening the door as wide as you could your eyes scan the room. No sign of Eunhwa anywhere. There are long rows of different kinds of plants and seed packages inside of a plastic bin. Fertilizers and soil bags piled up into the corner closest to the door. Making sure you checked the entire perimeter; you go up and down the rows. Realizing there really was no sign of Eunhwa, your eyebrows knit together and it just added to how worried you are.

“Aish! Where the hell is she?” you get out of the garden room and the bell rings right on queue. Students begin to take over the empty space of the hallway, chatting and making their way to first period. Suddenly you hear girls squealing and yelling out “oppa!”  L.Joe and Zelo walk in, smiling at the girls making them melt just with eye contact. Some girls even shoved pass by you just to get a better look at the boys. Zelo still held onto Eunhwa’s belongings. There was no way you could reach him when the girls surrounded him completely. Sungjong wasn’t around with the boys and it made you question where he was. Another idea popped into your head, texting Zelo is always the answer in moments of despair like this. Reaching your front pocket, you take out your smart phone that your parents had bought you last year for your birthday. 

Zelo have you seen Eunhwa? – Singing That Song

You see Zelo take out his phone as he tried to pass through girls. His eyebrows twitched as he read the message, but laughed it off to keep his appearance up as he responded. My phone vibrated.

I thought you found her already… I haven’t seen her. These books are really heavy so hurry up and find her. I’ll text you if she’s in first period. – Cherry Tomatoes = Life!

You hold back the urge to giggle at Zelo’s signature instead a smile curls up your lips. Somehow he makes you laugh at the most dire times. L.Joe tried to sneak a peek at what Zelo was typing, but Zelo puts away his phone before anything was read.

By the time the late bell rings, you had already searched the first floor and inside the bathrooms. You adjust your glasses as you walk up stairs to the second floor. Doing all of the running and searching made you tired and thirsty. Your high school isn’t small and just about every freshman gets lost in its maze of hallways. Luckily, the school has vending machines and water fountains just about every corner in the school.

Dear to who ever invented a vending machine, I love you.

Taking out your wallet, there were two dollars. Just enough for two soft drinks you put the dollars into the machine slot. Just your luck, the machine decided to spit out the two dollars. You stomp your foot childishly on the floor. “This is just full of bull bananas!” You can’t find your best friend anywhere, get tired easily as if you are out of shape and now this damn machine won’t take your dollars.

Dear to who ever invented a vending machine, I hate you.

Giving it a second try the vending machine finally agrees to take in the money and gives you what you want. That’s right, you freaking better! As you walk away you look back and stick your tongue out to the machine. “Mehrong!” I’m sure that Eunhwa will like this, it’ll cheer her up. Adding to the fun you shake her drink like crazy. Smiling satisfied, your phone vibrates.

Eunhwa isn’t in class. I’ll text her. Did you find her? – Cherry Tomatoes = Life!

You didn’t know what to do anymore. She couldn’t be in the third floor because that’s just the senior’s floor and the back door that leads to the schools roof. Wait a minute… the roof! Ha, now it all clicks! Why didn’t you think of this sooner? Hopefully she was there because honestly you wouldn’t know where she is after that.  There was a strange feeling that you were being followed, and you look over your shoulder. Shrugging it off, you think it’s your mind and kept walking. Another text:

She hasn’t responded… – Cherry Tomatoes = Life!

About to turn the corner of the hallway to the back door you hear a voice. As you get nearer, the voice becomes familiar. The voice belonged to Sungjong who was talking to Eunhwa. He says something and she laughs.

“You know,” he began. “I liked how you stood up to Tiffany.” Eunhwa nods. “Thanks. Song In and I know how to deal with most of her crap.” He crosses his arms. “I just don’t know how L.Joe doesn’t realize what Tiffany does to you guys.” Eunhwa scoffs, waving a hand in front of her face as if she was drunk. “I don’t know what he sees in her, period.”

Sungjong laughs, a laugh that was sincere and it made you get butterflies in your stomach. I want to make him laugh like that. Wae… why can’t it be me? When you peek again you see Sungjong embrace Eunhwa.

Your eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights, beads of tears form at the corner of your eyes. He is whispering something into Eunhwa’s ear and she pushes back, breaking the contact between them. She says something but you can’t hear it. You sniff a couple of times and wipe away your tears that were forming. Accidentally, you drop one of the can drinks on the ground. The sound echoed the entire hallway and you mentally cursed at yourself.

“Who’s there?” Sungjong said, his demanding voice echoed.

You moved away from the wall and made sure that the way you approached them was from the stairs and not the fact that you were standing behind a wall like an idiot. I learned my lesson, okay? Never eavesdrop again. It’s… it’s not good for the heart. You make yourself visible and raise your hands above your head.

“It’s me!” you laugh, trying not to show your awkwardness. Sungjong relaxes, placing his hands into his pockets. Eunhwa eyes caught the drinks. “No way! You’re the best Song In.” She takes it and checks it. “This isn’t the one that fell right?” she jokes around and pretends to open the can in my direction. “I guess not?” Sungjong did my job for me. There really isn’t any reason why I should be here anymore.

“Were you crying?” Eunhwa examines your face. “Your eyes are all red and puffy.” You step away from her, laughing. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

“Let me see, you might have something in your eyes.” Sungjong tilts your head backward with his thumb and index finger at your chin. His brown orbs stared into yours. There is something about his eyes… you notice. They’re not empty, but something is missing… Your face was only centimeters away from his; you could feel his breath slightly on your nose and lips. He moves away, leaving nothing but a cold presence where he was. “I didn’t see anything wrong.” A simple conclusion. Now you know he has never seen a girl with a broken heart. Its either that or I’m a good actor… or he’s just oblivious to those things.

“Well I was looking for you in the garden room, and I guess I must be allergic to some plant there. I was sneezed the entire second floor away.” Eunhwa scrunches up her nose. “Too much information there, Song In. Mian, you must have been going crazy looking for me.” You dead pan her. “I was worried like nuts and so was you-know-who.” Eunhwa raised an eyebrow in question. Then she realized who I was talking about. “Oh! Right, right. I’ll deal with him later.” The only person who was really confused was Sungjong.

“Whatever. It’s none of my business.” Sungjong waved goodbye and began walking away. “See you around, Song In and Eunhwa.” Eunhwa says bye back, but you didn’t have the guts to even see him leave. When Sungjong was out of ear shot I gave Eunhwa a hard look. “Yah, you could have texted me or responded to Zelo’s. We were worried.” Eunhwa raised her hands in defeat. “I’m really sorry! I was going to but I have no signal on my phone. I never get signal on the third floor. “You crossed your arms and tapped your foot impatiently, not believing a word. “Are you sure?”

Eunhwa took out her phone in evidence. “See? Now would I ever lie to you?” As she held her phone out to you, you could see her puppy dog face in the background. I can’t say you never have. You smile. “Arasseo, you win. Now let’s go to class. Your brother is complaining that your books are too heavy.” She begins to walk ahead of you and you follow. She lowered her voice and didn’t look back. “Are you sure that you are okay? I think you were really crying.” You stopped breathing for a split second. “I said I was fine, right?” you lied and she knew that, besides you never were the best liar. It hurt too much to even think about at the moment. The scene of Sungjong hugging Eunhwa like that… it just replayed over and over in the back of your mind. Biting your lip was the only way to hold it all in. the yelling, crying—everything. Some things are just better left unsaid.

As Eunhwa walked ahead of you, you felt that same feeling of being watched. You turn around. Nothing. Not even a sound. 

Zelo's cuteness XD

Who is watching Song In? What did Sungjong whisper to Eunhwa? When will the girls open the cans of soda of doom? How will the students react when their homework isnt done? Will Song In grow some bananas and speak her feelings already!!??

SaveMetonight here! yay! 3 Suscribers, 104 views and 1 comment. Im glad this chapter is out and the wait is over! This chapter was a bit longer for two reasons. 

1) For more awesomeness! Cuse ya readers love it!!

2) This is a bad one. We are going on Haitus for a while, most likely the whole summer. (Ahh! Dont kill me!) Good thing is that we are NEVER giving up on this story. 

We will be back, but for now its on haitus. Either way please suport us. I mean just 1 comment and 3 suscribers? I am more than positive we can do better! Lol, thanks for reading and continue to enjoy.

Please support MBLAQ on their new music video SOMKY GIRL!! They are so freaking awesome. Lots of views and support on the album, kay? EVERYONE FIGHTING!!! ;3


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saxogirl #1
Chapter 1: Uwaaaaaa.. pleaseee updateee... I like the first chapter...