Chapter 2

To The Beautiful you 2

To The Beautiful You 2

Chapter 2

Hallway of the school.
My brother and I were still in the hallway, and finally gave the breath to Jae, so he went back into the cafeteria. While I went to get the keys to my room in the office.
In the meantime, I take the keys, my brother spoke with "The Brothers Musical", to tell you the matter for tomorrow morning, that is, to go tomorrow morning in my classroom to make my companions happy, and so I riabbiano new girlfriends. I was now arrived in the office, I looked around and I saw a lady at a desk. * Maybe it's the secretary. Better to ask. * So I asked. "Excuse me, she is the secretary?" "Yes, I am, it is here for the room keys?" The secretary asked me with kindness. "Ummmm ... you could have them?" "Of course." So the woman got up from his chair and walked over to a cabinet and opened it. Inside the cabinet picked up a box with a lot of keys, where there was attached a label with the name of each student. "Your name is?" He asked his secretary to find my key. "Kim JinAe." "Ah! Here, found it. "So the woman asked all things and came towards me with the key in hand. "Here." So I took the key. * Hmm ... I could get the keys for Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Hmm ... maybe it's better not, then do the other stories. * But while I was thinking whether to take them or not, I received a message to Jae.
              | Mission accomplished! :D They     |
              | Accepted! Ah! And I have                  |
______| Asked if you could take                     |
______    Also their keys. Can you? :/           |
              |                                                               |


|  THANK YOU! : D I do not know how to |         
|  Thank you. I am indebt                           |
|  With you;)                                                  |
|  Anyway ... Ok I take                                  |
|   Keys, no problem                                   |
| _____________________________ |
            | Thank You (Baekhyun & Chanyeol)   |
_____|                                                                   |
After this message I told the secretary if he could give me the keys. After he gave me the keys, I went back to the table. Arrived at the door, I felt the exaggerated laughter of my brother. So I opened the door. But just just were leaving my brother and the others, and I and Chanyeol we run. I did more harm me and him, I was slammed against his chest. (Do not laid him in the head because it was too high). I fell to the ground. * I guess I'm too frail. * Chanyeol to help me up, I reached out. I grabbed it and stood up. I gave myself a sprinkle here and there. Just turned his gaze to them I remembered the keys. So I took my bag from his pocket, and gave to them.
"Well ... I'm going after I leave." Jae said. "And when you get things right? 'I asked. "I have all night." He said. "Well ... now I'm going to fix my things. And you? "Said Chanyeol. "Yes, I am now." We said, and I Baekhyun. So all three went in our room. As soon as we arrived in the room we decided to immediately places to sleep. There were three beds, two were in a bunk bed, while the other was a single. And now ...
"I'll take the bed!" Said Baekhyun. "Hey, we have to decide together." Said Chanyeol. "I think the bed should be JinAe." He said always Chnayeol. "What! But I wanted it, "said protesting Baekhyun. "Sounds good to me." I said. "OK, it's the two of us decided to take the bunk bed, while JinAe the single bed." Said Chanyeol. "We have to decide together." He said in a low voice Baekhyun also raising his eyes. "See I heard you." Said Chanyeol.
After this decision, we began to arrange our things into the cabinets.
They spent 15 minutes and Chanyeol and I had finished unpacking our suitcases while Baekhyun not yet. Chanyeol you looked at his watch and said, "Oh my God, are the delay. Guys have to go out, see you later. "So ran out, leaving us, is Baekhyun me alone in the room. I saw that Baekhyun found it hard to settle the case, so I decided to help him. "Want me to help?" "Ah?! Really! Would you do me a great pleasure. "Said Baekhyun enthusiastic. So I helped him to put things right.
It seemed that lasted much, but instead it took only 15 minutes. "See?! There we took so long. "I told Baekhyun. "True, anyway thanks for your help." Baekhyun said with a smile. "Well ... I'm going to get something to eat, you want something?" I asked. "Ah. Yes, thank you, I take only a chocolate bar. "He told me Baekhyun. "Okay, then I go. See you later "to the point that I left the room, and left Baekhyun alone. A little 'I'm sorry, but I would forgive her with chocolate :) So I thought what to get in front of the distributor. * Well... I take two chocolate bars and two bottles of water. * Took everything and went back.

Baekhyun's POV

JinAe was gone, I was left alone in the room. And I gave a look to the room, I saw the photo on the bedside of her. I got up and went to see. They were pictures of her when she was little, and with his family. I put the photo in the bedside table, and I saw the other pictures. Suddenly, when I was seeing a picture of her (made ​​recently), I had a strange feeling, I did not know what it was, but by that time I could think of when I helped arrange my things and when he tried to talk to me, his smile and her scent. * I think I'm in love O.O *

JinAe's POV

I took the food and I was back in my room. While I was in the hallway he heard a voice shouting my name. I turned to see who it was ... it was Jae! "Hey, JinAe already finished arranging the suitcase?" Asked my brother. "And now, in fact, now I'm tired and hungry, and also Baekhyun is hungry so I'm bringing them something for him." And I said to my brother. "Well ... I can come to your room? I want to see a little 'is. "Jae Churches. "Hmm ... okay ..." so he and I went together in my room.
Arrived at the front door, went in, and took a look to see where he had hunted Baekhyun (because it was not where I had last seen). It was in front of my bedside, holding a picture of me taken recently. * What are you doing with a picture of me in your hand? * But everything to break the silence that was Jae was shouting and giving it a little tap on the shoulder, "Hey, what are you doing? Look at the photos of my sister? "" Ah ... no I'm just giving you a look at the room and then I saw these pictures. "Said Baekhyun to justify. I went to them and I gave him the finger and the water in Baekhyun. Later he sat down and began to talk together.
They spent hours and Jae was time to go. Since Jae Baekhyun and only spoke to each other I fell asleep, and I did not even realized that Jae was gone.

Baekhyun's POV

While talking I realized that Chanyeol JinAe fell asleep, but I let it go and continued to talk to him. Then after a few hours accompanied Chanyeol front of the door and walked away. I closed the door and the room we stayed just me and JinAe. I turned, and saw JinAe to the ground, leaning into her bed. I was approaching slowly towards her, I bent down and my face and I smiled ... JinAe * Ah ... now I can not stop thinking only of you ... * I finally decided to make her lie down on the bed. So I put all my strength, and lifted her, stood her in the bed and put them on top of the blanket. So I walked away from her and went to get ready to go to sleep. Hello, I went under the covers and fell asleep. But just as I was about to fall asleep he heard a movement. JinAe she woke up. So I got up, too.

JinAe's POV

I was sleeping until I woke up. I had ended up in my bed. I glanced to the beds of the two, and I saw only Baekhyun sleep, Chanyeol had not yet returned. * That they will be successful? Why delay? * Concerned, I got up from the bed. Baekhyun without my knowing it, he heard my steps so she opened her eyes but did not get up. In the meantime I went to my bag to take my cell phone to call Chanyeol. I typed his number ... "Hello?" Said Chanyeol "Chanyeol are JinAe, where are you?" I asked worriedly. "I'm coming back do not worry." Said Chanyeol. "Okay, but you see to do soon ..." I said. "Yes, yes, I told you not to worry, even now at the door of our room." Said Chanyeol. "Ah ... ok expects you open it." Said hung up, and I went to open the door. Then I went back to bed, while Chanyeol getting ready to go to bed. "Good night." He said in a low voice Chanyeol coming up to me and  my head. So I immediately went under the covers embarrassed. * Oh God, I rubbed his head. * I touched my chest, and felt the beat of my heart, he was faster than usual.

* I think I'm in love! *


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