chapter oo3

The Fallen's Vengeance

chapter three; where I'd be your prince


»  The moon lit up brightly as they took their first steps on Earth. "Here we are." Jessica said.

"It's beautiful..." Krystal whispered as she closed her eyes.
"Beautiful... until it kills you." Seohyun retorted, darting her eyes towards her. "Don't do anything stupid. This place is deceiving. You should know that."
"I know." She replied hastily, "But I guess there's nothing wrong appreciating things around us."
"Appreciate what? There's nothing to appreciate." Seohyun rolled her eyes and entered their spaceship. 
The whole place was evergreen and the stars flickered endlessly on the pitch black night sky. 
Jessica uttered, "Tomorrow, we'll start moving."
Their spaceship camouflaged against the surroundings by turning into a house. It was pretty absurd, actually. But cynes unexplainable intelligence and technology is the great explanation for making everything around possible.
"Unnie, how will we even do that?" Yoona asked, her voice was filled with doubts.
"Oh! I've brought the tracker!" Yuri suddenly in at the verge of her sisters' conversation.
Jessica looked around and said, "You guys go to sleep. Everything's going to be fine. I prepared everything - money, transportation, clothes."
"Unnie! Did you... by any chance.... So you mean you brought the Gombuksan?!" Yuri shouted out of happiness.
"Yes, I did." Jessica said sternly.
"Ooyeah! Can I have the password please?" Yuri begged, pouting. 
Yoona, on the other hand, crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Unnie's not gonna tell you, dummy."
"512571," Jessica said.
"Thanks unnie!" Yuri said and kissed her sister's cheek as she started to run inside their temporary 'house'. But of course, before reaching the house, she stuck her tongue out and winked at Yoona then stepped into their so-called house completely.
"OMONA! Unnie, you didn't!" Yoona shouted, shocked.
"Well, I just did." Jessica chuckled and said, "Run!"
"What?" Yoona asked anxiously.
"I mean run. There's two more batteries. One battery for a wish, remember?" Jessica said, raising her eyebrow, smiling.
"Ooh, let's see! I want a teddy... oh no I want a skateboard, or maybe uhm, wait, where did we land unnie?"
"Ooh! Well then I want korea's money. A pair of boxing outfit and-"
"You gonna run or what?" Krystal interrupted.
"Oh right." Yoona started running as fast as she can. "Yah! Yuri-ah! You evil-evil-evil witch don't waste all the battery! Share one with me!" She shouted.
"Aaaaw! You wish!" Yuri answered back with her demonic laugh. Upon hearing her answer, Yoona knew that she was really gonna use all the batteries and so, this inspired her to run even faster to reach her sister.
"Unnie, what's that Gombuksan... Whatever?" Krystal asked.
"A sort of machine that gives you anything you want but it can only give you material things, you know."
"Ooooh... I see." Krystal nodded upon realizing that she already saw this machine. She yawned upon stretching her arms and said, "Unnie, I'm kinda sleepy. Wanna go inside?" 
"I guess I'll be staying outside for awhile." Jessica said and smiled. "Go ahead and sleep."
Krystal nodded and took her tracks upon entering their house.
Jessica spent the whole time wrapping her arms around her knees staring up at the sky, as her thoughts continuously drifted on her mind.
She decided to stand up then started to walk and walk and walk checking on how their nemesis' lair looks like. She looked at her wristwatch and check the time. 12:30 PM. If she was on Cygnome, everybody would've done the same thing - sleeping.
The city is different from ours, she concluded.
Everything on earth seems to be a bit delayed in terms of material things. Well, Cynes don't really use cars anymore. Theirs was Hugbok 3000, a vehicle floating in the air. 
She continued strolling around. The lights were dim and it seems like she's the only one around. She looked around her and spotted a bench a few steps from her. She sat down and once again, tears were flowing from her eyes.
Her sisters had been exhausted after fighting over the machine to get what they want but eventually, Seohyun got into the picture and nobody won. She asked her sisters to sleep and of couse, to shut up - she's sleeping.
Hours later, Krystal still had her eyes open, worried about what will happen to them if she ever sleep tonight.
What if they would attack them or take her sisters or burn down the whole place? These questions were stuck in her mind.
She got up from her bed and checked up the time. 12:50. She went to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, she  reach the bottle and opened it, drinking the water inside of it.
Wait. Is Jessica unnie sleeping already? She asked herself.
Just then, she went to her sister's door and silently opened the door to check on her sister. To her surprise, her sister wasn't around.
"Unnie?" She called out but silence was the only thing to answer her. "Unnie..."
She started hitting the roads, trying to find where her sister was. She looked from side to side. It was late at night. It was dark and she was all alone.
Jessica started to take her steps slowly, her cries was too loud that it can almost awaken everybody around her. Her hair was scrattered all over but her face stayed vibrant - stayed beautiful.
"Miss..." A guy approached her from behind.
She looked back and another tear was released from her eyes. "Yes?" She muttered, trying to stop herself from crying.
"Oh.... I... I..." He was too speechless upon seeing her, one thought he bared in mind she's utterly beautiful. "I just wanted to ask if I could help you. It's kinda late... and... you're still here so..."
"I'm fine so .... leave me alone... please." She murmured, staring into his dark brown eyes. Hers was filled with sadness and fears.
His eyes looked at her gently, "It's alright. I'm not  a bad guy. I can take you home. It's late.... and dangerous."
She nodded helplessly. On ther other hand, Donghae clasped her hand and took her to his car. Jessica was looking at their hands together. It was odd, actually. Having a different sensation upon holding someone's hand for the first time - well, a man's hand to be exact.
He started the engine and started driving. He smiled at her and his eyes were glimmering then he uttered, "My name's... Donghae."
"I'm Jessica." She looked at him and smiled, she darted her eyes on the window and watched the scenery as the city lights flickered brightly.
"Where did she go?" Krystal asked.
"Oh, hey..." Someone suddenly uttered.
"Check out what we have here!" Another voice shouted. 
"This is a one hot chic." A man stated, "Hey, wanna hang out for a little while?" He blocked her way and smirked at her. She kept her head down and bit her lip nervously. 
"Excuse me," the words that she managed to say.
"I'm sorry. No kiss, no touch - no exit."
"Excuse me?" She raised her eyebrow and held her head up high.
"You heard me." He arrogantly stated.
"I did." She replied punching the guys stomach trying to run away but five guys blocked her way. 
"Oh no babe. You're not going anywhere." He pulled her wrist and kissed her lips.
"Oh, let me taste this baby!" The other man pulled her and kissed her once again.
"Let me go!" She pleaded, shouting. "Someone! Please! Help me!" She kicked the man's knees, escaping from them. She ran as fast as she could. Her feet was already in pain but she continued pumping her feet.
"Help me! Please!"
The man were following her and finally, they caught her. Her hands were trembling as their hands touched her everywhere they could. 
"Let have some fun." The launt man stated. His eyes were hazelnut and his hair was black. He smirked and ripped her clothes near her thighs. "Oohh... They look luscious."
"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" All men were around her, screaming out of happiness, as if this was some game or a stripping party.
"You want more?!" The launt guy shouted. "Do you want more?! Answer me!" 
"Yes!" Everybody shouted and cheered in total blissfulness.
The launt guy then pulled her shirt revealing her chest. 
"Yeah!" All men around her shouted.
"Please stop." She begged. "Somebody please, help me!" She covered her body wrapping her arms around her.
"Let's start the party!" The man declared but suddenly a voice in, "Your not starting anything."
"Who the-"
Just before he could ask who it was, a fist suddenly struck his face. Krystal covered her ears and closed her eyes. She concluded in her mind what they were going to do to her, as the thoughts haunted her mind, her body trembled even more.
As she open her eyes, two men were in front of her, the other had his nose bleeding and the other had a bruise on his cheeks. They smiled at her gently offering their hands, assisting her to stand up. She shook her head and cried, "please don't! Don't touch me!"
A man comforted her and eased her shock, "No... It's fine. We're here to help you. These guys are already fast asleep." He smiled once again. She took their hands and stood up. The other guy had his stern face on.
She awkwardly stood up trying to cover her body. "My name is Kai," the man introduced himself. His hair was a bit curly and had dark brown in color. "I'm Taemin." The other man uttered, his hair was raised up. He raised his eyebrows at her as if nothing happened.
She covered her body awkwardly and  scratched her head. Both of them looked at each other and realized, "Oh, right..." Kai removed her jacket and wrapped around Krystal who's partly clothed. 
"Thank you." She whispered, wiping her tears.
"Oh, it's nothing." Kai replied scratching his temples, giving her his brightest smile. 
"Yeah..." Taemin added.
"I-I need to go home..." She stuttered.
Kai smiled and offered, "We'll take you home, besides-"
"No. It's fine. I'm fine. You don't have to-"
"It's not like we would like to. We're just obliged to do so." Taemin retorted.
Krystal raised her eyebrows and told herself, this guy is a jerk. "That's why I told you don't have to. I don't want to waste your precious time... SIR."
"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Let's go Kai." Taemin encouraged his friend but the other refused, "We need to take her home." 
"Okay, if you say so."
Krystal rolled her eyes and said, "Let's go." She started walking back to their place but suddenly, she heard her sister's voice. "Krystal?" She opened the car's door and ran towards her sister.
She was worried. Or perhaps you can say it by the tone of her voice. "What happened to you? Why are you here? It's late at night. Who are these guys?" 
"I just met them. Long story, can we go home? I'm tired..." 
"Kai? Taemin? What are you both doing here?"
"Nothing Donghae hyung." They both replied. "How about you?"
"I just brought Jessica home..."
Krystal started to walk lazily. Jessica's arms assisted her, they were wrapped around her. Jessica pinned Krystal's hair beneath her ears. "Krystal, let's talk about this later."
"Hey, wait up!" Jessica and Krystal looked back it was another guy. 
"Can we take you home?"
"No, definitely not." They both replied in a monotonous tone.
"It's late. You might be in trouble."
"I believe we can take care of ourselves but thanks for the offer." Krystal uttered and started taking her steps.
"Yeah, speak for yourself." Taemin uttered with his annoyed voice. He crossed his arms and said, "Come on, hyung. Why don't you take us home?"
Donghae was a bit confused of what to do and so, he tried to defend himself,  "But... them -"
"They're gonna be fine." Taemin retorted. Donghae entered the car and called Kai. He took the last glimpse of her and whispered "She looks like an angel."
"Kai, are you coming or what?!" Taemin shouted irritatingly. 
"Yeah! Wait!" He ran and entered the car.
He do wants to meet her. And hopefully, he'll be meeting her on his dreams tonight where he'll be her prince and she'll be his dazzling princess. 


» author's ramblings:   Okay so I made it all related =) So that it would be easier for their first meeting. I'm sorry for errors guys^^. I hope you don't mind. I hope everyone read the prologue. Thanks again guys <3 Stay awesome! =)
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i will update the prologue how the cygnome planet was created and how they got their powers and all...


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i like the premise of this story. i kinda miss your writing, author.
oOSHIneeGirlsGenOo #2
luyoooooooooon please ! Ajujuju !!!

LuYoon the deer couple should be paired up here pretty please >/////<
-wanderer #3
please update sooooon <3
sawa93821 #4
Chapter 5: yay for the yongseo moments^^ But I feel really bad for seohyun to be forgotten from her own family must be lonely. Looking forward to your next chapter ^^
Chapter 2: D: Really sad past :(
Your parents got killed in front of you.

Really glad that finally Seohyun agreed and joined her sisters.
myjojoz #6
Chapter 2: So sad! When are the guys going to come in to this story? OH and i <3 MinYul! :P
nerdviolence #7
Chapter 2: awwww so sad... seeing ur own dad died in front of you...
minstal_1 #8
Taestal and Haesica <3333333
Chapter 1: NO! It's actually interesting. Plus, I am in favor for the couples :) But seriously, Seohyun must cooperate now. I'm sure she just need to spare some time with her sisters and leave the library at least because of all five, she seemed to be the most hateful one
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #10
Chapter 1: ooooh. interesting