Ugh Mondays


look im being nice here becuase atleast i updated i mean yeah i know you're all tired from all my s but hey! how's last chapter as a plot twist?


So how is Kris supposed to react to that? He doesn't know. But he remembers sitting still that night when the performance ended. When Baekhyun, Luhan and Xiumin came back from performing everything went back to normal. I mean in that case, it was normal.

"Too bad the school won't get to know all of these friendships." Kris commented while looking at all the couple in the table.

"Yeah too bad." Kai agreed since he and Kyungsoo wasn't one of the couples. Which was a good thing for Kris. Since everything would turn downright worse if those two were a couple too. I mean he thinks they're not. 

Kai looks pretty straight, actually.




"Sehun-nie, baby." Luhan cooed at his boyfriend being possesive and touchy again. Especially because it was after the performance and the boy got a few shots of drinks too. Which is why it's actually not a good thing----having Tao as your best buds. He comes with a few free shots. 

"Yes baby." Sehun answered at Luhan's neck. Breathing abit too hot for anyone's liking. But damn it if they cared, like they could be a part of the HunHan world. Yeah. Too bad.

"Remember we have to take care of our KaiSoo couple." 

"Ugh. But they could take care of themselves. Look at Baekyeol, Sulay, Baekyeol and other guys.."

"Yes but remember hunney, it's because they're all in the same group. It's different for Soo-baby." Luhan cuddled back.

"Don't call anyone else baby." Sehun grunted but didn't answer Luhan anymore.

"Aw come on babe, I'm sorry." Luhan heard Kris cleared his thought. Apparently some people do care. "See Kris is having a hard time too."

"One at a time." Sehun leaving little pecks at Luhan's temples becuase of Kris.

"I know but KaiSoo's easier to work on than TaoRis."

"Now where the hell did that came from?" Sehun huffed angrily at the new couple name. Too much for having the Love fairy godmother as your boyfriend.



Kai grunted and shifted at his seat. Nights like these didn't feel too great. It's all about the couples being cuddly and . Mentioning SuLay? Now that's . Kai knows exactly what they're doing for the past couple of minutes and it's taking all his good will not to shout JUST GET A ING ROOM PLEASE.

But then again everyone in this place need's one. They should've made this a love shack instead of a bar or something.

Well to bad Jongin, Too bad for being straight.









Kris could only remember the boy with the big oogly eyes named---well it goes something like byo ryo dyo. He doesn't really remember everything from last night. But he could see how the way the Dyo guy looks like at Kai today. Since that's exactly the way he looks at him the other night.

Oh yeah. Having an extreme hangover that gave you headache extremes that lasted for a day was pretty bad when you're having PE as you're first subject on Monday.

"Ugh Mondays." Kris thought angrily. He wasn't in the shape for these things.

To mention he's  having the rest of the gang in this class.

Oh wait is that Tao?

Damn, even his name brings back all the hips-strutting memories flash back at Kris mind.

Ugh Mondays, it is.


"Well, I mean atleast he doesn't do the dancing evry night." Kris thought defensively. They did say it was only for special occassions when his uncle, Key, would like to do something different. To spice things up. And every other night was just plain Tao serving drinks and being perfect. But Kris likes to think he's the reason for that night ebing special. Not his uncle, Jonghyun.


He was too preoccupied when the coach signalled that they we're playing dodgeball today. And the first 12 of the students present would be grouped to six. And boy did Kris like the groupings.

The other group was lead by Suho, then Baekhyun and Chanyeolo, Sehun, Kai, and that dyo guy. Oh right, it's Kyungsoo. (Kris heard Luhan shout his name since...

Kris got to group with Luhan, Chen dude, Quiet Lay, Xiumin, and Tao. 

So his Monday just got served with a y .




And since it's dodgeball and all, Kris finally had the chance to speak to Tao. 

A bit awkwardly tho.


"Yo. Hi?" Kris started. Smiling goofily. Scratching the back of his head.

"Oh. G-gege." Tao tried smiling back.

It must've been pretty awkward with Tao too since Kris now knows his secret. And even his dancing.


Gege. Wow, I actually like that.


"Um, I- I-" Kris started. God would someone teach this guy how to speak properly please.

"Sorry you had to know about my stuffs and all and that my geges treathen you to keep it or else they would-"

"Kill me, beat me to death, crush me, stab me with Baekhyun's eyeliner or better yet through this dodge ball."

Tao laughed at this and Kris, I'm actually proud you could make our panda giggle like that.

And apparently Kris didn't think talking to him is quite easy too. I mean what with the 10 holy protectors and the dangerous aura of his. But knowing his secret, Kris starts to see his aegyo too. And that feeling to protect him comes with it.

Or is it just him.

Kris combed his hair nervously and joked about how they would lose this game since they have him at their group.

Tao was about to answer when 

"Not if I can't help it." Chen joined the conversation as when the coach told them to prepare for the game.














Chen could not help it.

The game went on with Tao doing most of the part with his amazingness and perfection. And Chen screaming now and then at the ball.

Kris doesn't remember the rest of the game but it was spent entirely staring, actually eating Tao with looks.He just can't believe this is the group's maknae. 

Apparently, even the if-looks-could-eat* look did not escape the eyes of our Love Fairy Godmother.



"Sehunnie. My TaoRis is getting friendly today!" Luhan squealed at Sehun right after the class.

"Apparently they've got more game than KaiSoo. Heh." 

"Just because my KaiSoo is on slow deliberate process!" Lu defended and Sehun just laughed it off.

"Oh just so you wait for the next y night at the bar." Luhan practically evil laughed for the whole gym to hear.

"What's with the bar?" Kyungsoo asked quite innocently.

"Oh, nothing Soo-baby." Luhan hushed the other boy. "But I do want you to do a favor for me." He started while guiding Kyungsoo outside the gym towards the shower room.

"I told you not to call anyone else 'baby'!!" Sehun shouted.


"Well someone's pretty possesive." Kris laughed behind him. "Whilst thinking you're the real maknae of this group."

"Shut up. Maknae's are cutesy and childish and dope. Which likely describes Tao. Which makes him the actual one."

"I AM NOT A DOPE!" Tao shouted from a far.

"Yes you are." Sehun shouted back. "And a bigger dope named Kris likes you too much to notice."

"I heard that." Kris grunted.

"Dopes are for dopes lalalalala~" Chen sang as he pushed his way, rudely, between the stoned faces duo---One looks like he's always pissed, the other owning a face. 

And Chen wonders why some  stupid people found that very attractive. 

Stupid people, indeed.


"Loud, annoying people." Baekhyun grunted. Being moody and all.

Ugh Monday it is for everyone.



sorry for super slow and short updates because School. and guys i aced one of my exams infact i got the highest on it. see thats why i love psychology and PEOPLE WHO COMMENT HAHAHHAHAHAHA come on bros you have to ignore the fact that i hate POINT-OF-VIEWS so i shift every now and then


oh and NOTE: see i brought the classic exo-m exo-k groupings

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MizzPeel0007 #1
Chapter 6: New reader here,the weather is getting hot and that chapter was even hotter. Wow ! glad that I bumped into this story, oh how I miss reading EXO for only a couple of days, you have just feed my hunger.
Pikapia #2
Chapter 9: Oooooooooh author-nim please keep updating I love this story :3

*hides under a table and fangirls*
Chapter 9: New reader here!!!!
I just found this and it's AWESOME!!!!!
You HAVE to update and continue this pleaseeeeeeeee~
please please please udate soon hmm? I'm dying to read more of this!
Chapter 9: just find this ff n just read n whoa wae you want to delete this no dont okay keep going i wanna read more bcs this is cute and whut i could catch some of the convos n i guess tao still have some secrets hidden then huh? kris dont push him too much okay n please continue i would like to know what happen n see i didnt even cut my sentences huahahahahaha omg but seriously tho please update we still have many things left n kaisoo is not happening yet either that needs more chapters as well fightiiinnnggggg
Chapter 9: New reader. I was shocked to read that you has the intention to delete this story. I mean its good. Please don't delete this. And please make the last chapter as a teaser because I can't understand a thing. Keke.. Anyway, waiting for your update soon, author-nim.
Chapter 9: teaser sounds good
Chapter 9: Omggg can't wait for the next chapter ;___; Taoris <3
BlackRabbit21 #8
Chapter 9: OMG! I can't wait! Hope Toaris don't fight for too long but I'm guessing it's Toa's fault from what u wrote update soon!