The wedding part 2

Forever In My Heart





Zelo stood at the end of the aisle waiting patiently to see you and to finally kiss you after waiting 2 weeks,"So,how does she look?" Himchan asked,"You'll see" Jieun said smiling,the quartette began playing their instruments and everyone stood up,Yongguk and you linked arms,"Ready?" he asked,"Nae oppa" you answered,Yongguk nodded smiling then began walking along with you,everyone gasped at how beautiful you looked,Zelo had his back to you so he turned to look at what everyone was gasping at to see you looking like an angel,'Woah,omo,I definetly know I love her' he thought smiling slightly wide eyed,you stood next to Zelo and Yongguk let go of your hand and unlinked his arm from yours,"The groom,please give your wedding vow" the man who was marrying you both said,Zelo cleared his throat and began.


"______,I knew since day one I loved you,I thought about you all the time,I find it hard to be away from you,you always make me happy,saranghae ______,I promise to always be by your side,forever and always"


He then looked up from the paper and smiled at you,you smiled back happily, "Aww,I think I'm going to cry" Himchan said grabbing a tissue from Hyosung who was nearly crying,you both then giggled a lttle seeing them both with tissue in their hands then you began reading your vow.


"Ever since I first saw you I also thought about you all the time,whenever you were around my heart skipped a beat and I blushed alot,saranghae oppa,I promise to always love you though good times and bad,forever and always"


Hyosung,Dara,Bom,Himchan,Joon,Daesung,Seungri and Sunhwa were all crying happily,"That was just soo sweet" Bom said dabbing her face along with Dara sat next to her dabbing her face,"Nae,it was wasn't it" she said,"Just...awww,soo cute and just...soo romantic,I need a hug" Himchan said going to hug Jongup who backed away,instead Daehyun swapped seats with Jongup and hugged him,"You are now both officially married" the man who was marrying you both said,"Now kiss" Mir shouted childishly,you and Zelo looked at each other happily then both leaned in to kiss,you quickly pecked each other as you were both shy of doing it infront of everyone,everyone cheered happily as Secret all stood up with their baskets and threw rose petals all around,after that was a party so all the girls went to change into white dresses and redo their make-up and the boys all went to redo their hair and straighten themselves up.

Party 5:34PM




You re-applied some make-up and was just about to walk out of the room for Bom and Dara to walk in,"Yah,how are you feeling?" Bom said,"Oh annyoung,fine thank you" you replied,"I bet you'd never guess what happened" Dara said,"Bwoh?" you asked,"This" Dara and Bom said in unison raising their hands up to their faces so you could see their engagement rings,"Omo,they're soo nice,how did it happen?" you asked,Bom and Dara told you how they were proposed too in the shortest and quickest version they couls think of them all three of you went to the party, everyone cheered as you entered the room,Zelo smiled and held out his hand to you and then you took his hand and he guided you to the table,he pulled a chair out for you,you then sat down and smiled then he sat down along with everyone else to eat,after an hour of chatting and eating 2 courses of food the cake was wheeled through,"Woah" everyone said smiling at how delicious it looked,"Kamsahabnida, please enjoy my cake" the cake maker said then closing his eyes sensing someone had been proposed too,"Yah,you two,here is my card if you want a cake,I'll be expecting you both" he said smiling cheekily,they both took the card off of his wondering how he knew,"Umm..._____,how did he know we'll be getting married soon?" Bom asked wide eyed as Dara also has wide eyed,"Ahh,he's psychic" you said smirking then standing up with Zelo and walking to the cake to cut it, "Ooh,it's a shame to cut it" you pouted cutely,"Nae,it will but think how delicious it was" Zelo said smiling at you slightly brushing at how cute you were.

After eating a slice of cake each G.O and Thunder began talking on the microphones asking for a speech from Yongguk,Yongguk stood up and walked onto the stage taking the microphone off of G.O then began his speech.

"I remember when I met _____...again,I didn't know she was my long lost baby Bunny Wabbit but I knew I liked her from the start,I remember overhearing the rest of B.A.P teasing Zelo because one of them interupted him in the middle of trying to kiss ____,I knew from the beginning that they both liked each other alot...that was why I threatened them to hold hands all day and they did,I'm really happy it's a very close friend _____ is marrying if you get what I mean,but Zelo,treat her well,arraso,I know you will but still...treat my baby Bunny Wabbit well...or else"

Yongguk smirked as everyone laughed at some parts then clapped as you and Zelo blushed,"Right...dancing time!" Mir shouted into the microphone which he took from Yongguk,everyone immediately got up,picked a partner and began dancing,you and Zelo were in the middle of everyone who was dancing,you had your arms around his neck with your head on his shoulder and his arms were around your waist with his head near your ear,"You look like an angel" he whispered, "Nae,alot of people have said that today" you said back blushing,"But it means alot more when you say it",he pulled his head back a little so your noses only had an inch between them,"Saranghae _____,I will always love you" he said then kissing you passionately.

After that the party the end and everyone went home.

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Daelo13 #1
Chapter 52: Omg! The ending made me cry lol that was so sweet and cute great job author
Chapter 52: awwwww im sad this is finished i really loved this story but i like how it ended ^_^ good work author-nim :D
Chapter 52: Aww. :'> It's already finished. :'< You should mark this as complete then. ^^ Really nice story. :>
xxamytjeexx #5
Chapter 51: Omg am i a wife right now xD YEAY !!!!
Chapter 51: OHMY! *________* We're now married!XD
Chapter 51: Asdhdffhskshfjsjfkahgld I died sooooooooo perfect!!!!!!!!! I freaking live this story!!!!! Thank you author-nim!!!!!!!!
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 51: Ahhh so cute and romantic!!! lol <3
Chikitten1698 #10
Chapter 50: Doing the wedding part today so be patient and it shall be done very soon.