Would you?

Forever In My Heart

You both remained in silence for a minute or 2,"So your not innocent,have you already...well done...that?" he asked slightly wide eyed,"What!" you were shocked,"No,of course not,I said I know of it,I never said I'm not still innocent like that" you silently laughed at what he thought you meant,"Ah ok,that's good then" he said relieved as he rolled onto his side leaning his head on his hand while looking at you,"What?" you asked smiling,"Just thinking if I should show you something which no-one else knows of except me" he said staring deep into your eyes.

"I will" He said jumping up then taking your hand pulling you up and running with you,after running far from where you were you both walked the rest of the journey,"You certainly know this garden well don't you" you said admiring everything in sight, "That's because I found this place when me and the others moved here" he said smiling at you,before you could say anything he went behind you and covered your eyes then carefully led you.

Zelo slowly removed his hands from your eyes to reviel a tree house, "Woah" you said slightly wide eyed while smiling excitedly,"Come on" he said taking your hand again and walking up the steps and inside,the room had furniture and had lighting as well,"Do you like it?" he asked smiling and letting go of your hand so you could wonder around,while you sat down on the couch Zelo went to a cupboard and pulled out a bag and two boxes and sat next to you on the couch,"Whats that?" you asked pointing to the two boxes and bag,"Oh these,well in this bag is food and drinks and in the boxes...well that's surprise" he said nodding his head to the last part,"Ok" you also nodded.

After eating some sandwiches Zelo put one box on the table in front of you,"Close your eyes" he said,you then closed your eyes as he said while he then took something out of the box,"Now open" he said excitedly,you opened your eyes to see a multi-coloured cake,"Happy Birthday cutie" he said hugging you,"Gomawo oppa" you said happily hugging him back,"Let's have a slice...or two" you giggled at the last part you said and cut the cake,"Yah cutie~" Zelo said in a sing-songy voice,"Nae" you looked at his to have bit of icing popped into your mouth with Zelo's finger,"Nice?" you nodded smiling excitedly then did the same to Zelo.

After that you and Zelo stood on the balcony,"So _____,I have something to ask you and to be honest I'm a little nervous,I've never asked a girl this before" he said with a small box in his hand,"Please don't feel nervous,there's no need to be nervous" you said with puppy eyes,"______,graduation is very soon so would you like to go to prom with me?" he asked,"Hmmm...I don't know,the thing is I've already said yes to this really cute,handsome boy"you said describing him but he didn't realise,"Oh,who is he?" he asked sadly,"It's you!" you smiled,"Of course I'll go to prom with you!" you hugged him,he hugged you back and smiled as big as he could then pulled away,"So you was just describing me?" he said pointing to himself,"Nae" you said smiling,"I'm really handsome and cute?" he said leaning closer to your face smirking as you blushed,"Nae!" you shouted happily then turned around holding your cheeks, suddenly Zelo wrapped his arms around you with the small box in his hands,"Now you can see the last gift" he said slowly opening it to reviel...

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Daelo13 #1
Chapter 52: Omg! The ending made me cry lol that was so sweet and cute great job author
Chapter 52: awwwww im sad this is finished i really loved this story but i like how it ended ^_^ good work author-nim :D
Chapter 52: Aww. :'> It's already finished. :'< You should mark this as complete then. ^^ Really nice story. :>
xxamytjeexx #5
Chapter 51: Omg am i a wife right now xD YEAY !!!!
Chapter 51: OHMY! *________* We're now married!XD
Chapter 51: Asdhdffhskshfjsjfkahgld I died sooooooooo perfect!!!!!!!!! I freaking live this story!!!!! Thank you author-nim!!!!!!!!
yesigalindo #8
Chapter 51: Ahhh so cute and romantic!!! lol <3
Chikitten1698 #10
Chapter 50: Doing the wedding part today so be patient and it shall be done very soon.