
Baby Don' Cry

Hmmmm.... I've been thinking of making a sequel.

Actually I already have a plot, but my freaking brain cells is not working right now. (_ _)

Anyway as I've said I already have a plot and I'll try to finish it so I can post it here as soon as I can! 

So please please please comment and subscribe!

I'll take in any comments! Good or bad they'll help me improve my writing skills! 

So don't be shy to comment!! ^^V


Annyeong for now~






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EHMAGERD! The version of The Little Mermaid *u*
musicloving4 #2
Chapter 1: PLEASE HAVE A SEQUEL! I truly loved this story! PLEASE SEQUEL!!!::)))
YAY SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KawaiiLulu #4
Chapter 2: O.O yes sequel!!~ I just reread the chapter again because.. i can. lols if you already have a plot and every thing we would love to read it! ^^
Chapter 1: HunHaaaan..
happy ending ^^
Chapter 1: Hunhan!!!!T.T beautiful. This one shot and the song. Simply beautiful.