Jinyoung (2) Rainy Kiss

B1A4 Scenarios/Oneshots

Softly swinging your interlocks hands back and forth you and Jinyoung stroll down the city, watching how the streets slowly but surely returns to its mysterious and calm state it’s always in whenever the sun sets and the moon with its little stars dominate the sky.

This evening is slightly different though. Yes, people hurry and go home to eat dinner with their families and yes, the sun sets. But tonight there’s no moon and no stars as the sky is clouded with dark colors, indicating it’s going to rain any time soon.

Let’s change that any time soon into now.

“I felt a raindrop” Jinyoung says while looking up to the sky, still holding onto your hand.

“I don- ah! Right on my nose” you giggle, wiping the drop of your nose with your free hand. Jinyoung chuckles and watches how you cutely wipe away the drop, making him blush.

“Let’s hurry” he says while he fastens his pace. He comes to an halt as his arm is yanked back and when he looks behind him he sees you still in the same spot, looking up to the sky with a smile.

“Can’t we stay out for a bit?” you ask, softly pulling Jinyoung back to you.

“But it’s going to rain soon?” he asks confused. You reach out your other hand for him to take and as he takes it, you interlock those fingers as well, squeezing his hand slightly afterwards.

“I know. That’s why I want to stay out” you sweetly smile as you spin yourself in his arms. Jinyoung chuckles and looks down at you to see your pleading eyes. He’s never been good in saying no to those eyes and when he lightly nods his head you stretch your arms, taking his along.


“Idiot” he laughs, earning a smack from you. “- whom I really like! Ya, let me finish first.”

You blush and look at your intertwined fingers hanging between the two of you. “I really like you too” you softly whisper, a warm feeling spreading through your body. “Come!” you exclaim all of a sudden, dragging him along.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know. Wherever my feet bring us” you smile as you see Jinyoung’s face frown for a moment. “We’ll see where we end up.”


After a good half hour walk it’s still only dribbling and you and Jinyoung are sitting on a bench, a little sheltered under the autumn trees because Jinyoung pleaded for a break. No matter how cute he finds it to watch you jump into little pools of water with both your feet and squeaking every time the water would splash up, he just wanted a little dryness.

Besides the spattering rain onto the ground it’s silent and for a moment you treasure this – the rain drops onto the tree leafs above you, leaving a rhythmical pattern to listen to. “Thank you~” you suddenly say, breaking the comfortable silence between you and Jinyoung.

Snapping out of his own thoughts, he confusingly turns his head and tilting it slightly to look at you. “Why are you thanking me?”

“For sticking up with my dorkiness” you laugh as you jump off from the bench and skip forward, splashing in a puddle.

Jinyoung laughs at this and gets up himself, walking up to you as you hold out your hands for him to take. He carefully walks into the puddle, bringing his body closer to yours.

“Your dorkiness is one of the reasons I like you so much” Jinyoung confesses, making his cheeks paint pink and he awkwardly holds your hands between your bodies.

“Really now?” you smile mischievously, making Jinyoung raise an eyebrow. What are you up to?

You slightly bend your knees and even before Jinyoung figures what you’re going to do, it’s too late to step aside and a splash of water hits his legs as you jump into the puddle.

“Ya! Come back here” he yells as you run away laughing.

Jinyoung chuckles and rolls his eyes. You’re so cute. It’s not long before he starts his chase.


“____-ah! I give up! You’re too fast” Jinyoung yells and pouts.

You place your hand on your knees to take a breath and chuckle. “Slowpoke~” you , making him pout.

“Why are you being so mean to me?”

You laugh as you watch his expression; his lips are pouting, his eyes are the biggest they can get and his eyebrows are furrowed a little.

“I’m sorry Jinnie” you giggle as he suddenly pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you close. You feel him nuzzle his nose into your wet hair and he smiles while doing so.

As his grip around you loosens a serious expression pushes your smile away, making you worried. “What’s wrong?” you carefully ask as you pull away and look up to Jinyoung, feeling the rain dropping on your forehead and trickling down your cheeks.

“I don’t know” he suddenly becomes insecure and shy and he quickly avert his eyes from you to his feet. “I- I can’t explain.”

He’s mentally scolding himself for ruining this peaceful moment. All night he has been thinking about telling you he really likes you, but whenever he had the chance, he let it slip and let it go to waste.

“You can tell me anything, you know that” you encouragingly smile to him, taking his hand and interlocking your fingers. At that Jinyoung blushes and shifts his foot.

“I know, but.. I don’t know how” he sighs, rocking your intertwined hands back and forth. When he sees your pout he softly smiles to himself, closing his eyes and hoping what he’s about to do next doesn’t ruin anything. “I can show you though..”

He frees his hand from yours, bringing it – together with the other one – up to cup your cheeks, and when he leans in the world around you seems to stop turning. Everything that happens next feels like it’s in slow-motion.

At first you widen your eyes, a little confused and taken aback on what’s happening but soon you find yourself lost in his touch. When your lips feel his ones a warm feeling radiates through your body despite the coldness of the rain.

Molded together your surroundings disappear and as it starts to pour harder with every second, your heartbeat increases too. Seconds feel like minutes and minutes feel like hours.

Jinyoung pours all his feeling he has towards you into this kiss and it doesn’t elude you. In fact, you too pour all your feelings into it, making it passionate and lustful, yet very sweet.

When he pulls back he looks deeply into your eyes, panting a little. “Wow, that uh..” you stutter, laughing shyly, “a great explanation.”

Jinyoung sheepishly smiles and quickly pecks your lips again, missing the warmth both pair of lips had just a few seconds ago. “Shall I take you home now?”


“So uhm-” Jinyoung starts while standing in front of your door, rubbing the back of his neck in awkwardness. All the while walking back to your home it didn’t stop raining and even now the raindrops keep pouring down, drowning the flowers – and you.

“I really had fun~” you smile, poking his side.

“Y-yeah, me too” he stutters. Why he is so insecure and shy all of a sudden, he doesn’t know. “C- can we do this again sometime?” he sweetly smiles, looking at you with hopeful eyes.

A big smile appears on your face, making your eyes shape into crescents. “Of course!” you beam, taking his hand in yours. “D-do you want to come in for some hot chocolate? I don’t want you to get a cold or something – it’d feel guilty” you softly say while motioning to the front door.

“I’d love to” is the last thing Jinyoung says before he enters your house, warming up with a nice cup of hot chocolate while curling up next to you on the couch under a blanket while one of his favorite movies is playing on the screen.

Maybe he’ll start a liking for rain after today because to be quite honest, the rainy kiss isn’t something he’ll forget any time soon.

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__b1a4__bana #1
Chapter 2: Omg soo cute ^^
Chapter 5: these are cute! ^^
BANAna2030 #3
Chapter 3: uwaahh! this is so good~ >< anyway, thanks for the 2nd chappie! hihiii :D
Chapter 2: so sweet~~ >< im melting right now kkkk~
BANAna2030 #5
Chapter 1: lol perfect for my bday.. but im sandeul biased xD