Jinyoung (1) Birthday Dinner

B1A4 Scenarios/Oneshots

You yawn and rub your eyes as you walk out of your bedroom. You just woke up. It’s your free day - and your birthday! and you’re wondering why it’s so quiet. Normally your mom would be running around the house cleaning and such but today it’s awfully quiet.

You shrug and walk in to the kitchen. On the refrigerator sticks a note. Coming closer you see it’s two of them and read what’s on the top one.

Hey sweetie! Happy birthday! Me and your dad are out grocery shopping and we’re going to pick up grandma, she’s staying over! See you tonight xx

The second one has a different handwriting and you don’t recognize it easily.

Yeobo, you were sleeping so cutely, I made you breakfast (inside!) and I’ll be back later with my surprise. I love you~ happy birthday! Kisses~

You smile as you figure it’s from Jinyoung and open the fridge to see what he made you. Inside you see a plate with a pile of pancakes with on top a little message written in syrup. You chuckle and take the plate out, reading the message that’s saying happy birthday with in the middle your age. You smile to yourself and start eating the pancakes. Hmm, if you knew before Jinyoung can make such good pancakes you would’ve forced him to make it more often.

After eating the pancakes and cleaning up a bit you get yourself dressed.

In the afternoon your best friend stops by during her lunch break to say happy birthday and give you her little present. She knows how much you enjoy shopping so she bought you a gift card, usable in most stores. “Whoa, thank you so much!” you exclaim and throw your arms around her neck, hugging her in thankfulness.

“You’re welcome” she giggles. “I wish I could stay longer but I can’t help your birthday is on a workday” and chuckles at your pout.

“It’s not my fault either!” you laugh and walk her to the door. “Thank you for stopping by, really” you smile and hug her once more. You can’t believe she gave up her lunch break to wish you a happy birthday.

You decide it’s time for relaxation and put in a DVD. After a while you hear a lot of commotion coming from inside and when something bangs against your door your body stiffens. What the heck? Another bang, this time followed by a voice.

“Yeobo~ open up please!” You giggle as you recognize that voice anywhere and rush to the door.

“Give me one good reason?” you tease.

“Our hands are packed and we can’t hold it any longer. Open up now!” he whines.

“Alright alright” and when you open the door five boys almost run over you to rush to your dinner table. They place whatever they’re holding on top of it and dramatically pant. You chuckle at the sight.

“Happy birthday to my favorite noona~” Gongchan exclaims while pulling you into a hug. A giggle escapes your throat and the moment Gongchan releases you, Baro is already hugging you.

“Happy birthday little one!”

“Ya!” you laugh out loud now. Suddenly Sandeul decides he wants to join the hug and before you know it you’re the center of a group hug.

Jinyoung watches it and chuckles. “Please don’t kill my girlfriend~” He starts to work on the bags the five of them dragged in a few minutes ago, pulling out a lot of food.

You try to escape from the boys their grips and when you finally did you watch at the table. “Whoa, what are you up to?”

“We’re going to make dinner for you! Your favorite!” CNU smiles before bringing the food to the kitchen. As everybody except Jinyoung follow his lead you look up at him.

“A- are you sure we’ll survive?” you try to say as scared and innocent as possible.

Jinyoung chuckles and pokes your nose. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He turns around to help the others but when you let out a cry his eyes meet yours again.


“What’s wrong ___?” He watches you pout. You shyly look down to your feet and shift your foot. You hear him sigh but a giggle follows quickly. “Sorry~” and he walks up to you. He presses his lips to yours and hugs your back. When he pulls back a huge smile is spread on your face. “Happy now?” You nod. “Pabo.”

It’s been a while the boys arrived at your home and it’s certainly a while since they disappeared into the kitchen to prepare your birthday meal. You get a little anxious at the thought of it as you’ve never seen the boys cook before.

They spent way too many time in the kitchen for you not to worry so when they finally come out you swallow. What’s next?

Jinyoung walks up to you and takes your hand. “Dinner’s ready” he says while walking you to the table. You watch the table being decorated with food, sweets and on the head of the table is your chair decorated with balloons. You chuckle and smile thankfully.

“Whoa, it really looks good guys.” They smile proudly but you can’t help but feel anxious about it.

After everybody took their seat and poured their glasses Baro raises his glass. “To ____-ah’s birthday!” Everybody follows his lead and raise their glass. You smile in happiness and the honor is for you to taste the food first. Meeting Jinyoung’s comforting eyes he nods lightly and without thinking you stuff the food into your mouth.

What you taste isn’t anything you had expected. It is really good! A smile appears on your face and the boys finally release their breath they seem to have hold in. They cheer before taking some food to eat themselves.

~ x ~

“That was sooo good” you say once the food is all finished.

“Really?” Sandeul smiles proudly. You nod satisfied and get up to make a start to clean up the table. Jinyoung gets up before you can take more plates and ushers you to the living room.

“Naha, birthday girl stay here, we’ll take care of it” and smiles when he pecks your cheek.
You hear plates clinging to each other and after a good ten minutes it’s all quiet. You wonder what they’re doing because after two minutes of silence there’s still no movement or whatsoever.
“Yeobo?” you hear Jinyoung call, making you rush to the kitchen. The boys are all gathered in front of the table, standing like they’re hiding something behind their backs. Jinyoung smiles and walks up to you. “Happy birthday sweetheart, I hope you enjoyed dinner.” You nod to make him sure you loved it and kiss his lips. “I have something else for you. It’s not huge, but I hope you’ll like it.” He hands you an envelope and you look at him in confusion.

While opening it and displaying the content you gasp when you realize what it is. “A trip to Tokyo?! Are you kidding me?!” you exclaim, throwing yourself at Jinyoung, wrapping your arms tight around his neck ans kissing his cheek multiple times.

“Ya! Pabo” he chuckles. “There’s more, look” and laughs as he sees you struggle with the envelope. You take out another card.

“This is too much!” you gasp. “I can’t-“

“That’s from all of us” CNU explains. “We just want you to have a good time there” and smiles.

What just happened was that Jinyoung bought you a ticket to go to Tokyo and the other boys made sure you’d have shopping money to take with you. This is honestly the best gift you’ve ever had.

“I- I don’t know what to say, really.”

“How about a thank you and a hug?” Gongchan exclaims while pulling you in for a way too tight hug. Baro and Sandeul join him and soon CNU is hugging you too.

“YA! I can’t breath” you giggle. “Let me go!” Jinyoung chuckles.

“Guys.. The table?”

“Oh yes! Noona, look!” the youngest smiles and points at the table. On the table their are fifteen cupcakes neatly placed next to each other, showing happy birthday and your age in the middle - just like on the pancake this morning. “Jinyoung-hyung made them!”

“Really?” You smile. He proudly nods.

“Mom wasn’t too happy when she saw the kitchen.”

“Pabo, I’ll bet they’re great! But I’m too stuffed right now” you pout.

“I’ll put them in the fridge. What do you want to do tonight?” he smiles. “It’s up to you.”

“Shall I buy you all a drink?” you smile enthusiastically.

Gongchan is already running to the front door as Sandeul and Baro high five each other - they haven’t had a night out in so long, of course they want to go!

And though you really had fun this afternoon - there’s no way the evening could’ve topped that.

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CNU (2) uploaded!


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__b1a4__bana #1
Chapter 2: Omg soo cute ^^
Chapter 5: these are cute! ^^
BANAna2030 #3
Chapter 3: uwaahh! this is so good~ >< anyway, thanks for the 2nd chappie! hihiii :D
Chapter 2: so sweet~~ >< im melting right now kkkk~
BANAna2030 #5
Chapter 1: lol perfect for my bday.. but im sandeul biased xD