Sandeul (2) Blunder

B1A4 Scenarios/Oneshots

“How do I look?” you say while twirling around on your feet.

After you spent two hours of taking a shower, picking the outfit you think will suit best for tonight and you feel most comfortable in and doing your hair and make-up you’re finally done. You just hopped out of your bedroom and blocked the television to show your results to your brother, who is now annoyed sitting slouched down on the couch.

“Ya! Step aside ____” your brother whines while his head is tilting to the left and right continuously trying to look past you.

“Oppa, look at me~” you say while twirling around again. He sighs and averts his eyes from the screen to you.

“You look nice ____-ah” and smiles. He gets up and walks up to you, poking your side once he’s next to you. He throws his arm around your shoulder and leads you to the kitchen. Motioning you so sit down on one of the chairs he pours himself and you a drink. “Are you nervous?”

Seeing your grades being not that great your parents and the school decided to assign you a tutor – and that tutor was none other than one of your seniors, Sandeul.
With his goofiness he always manages to make you laugh and from the beginning you had an instant click. From keeping you out of trouble he waited for asking you out after tutoring would end – and that’s what you’re doing todat: getting ready for your first date.

“What time does he pick you up?” your brother asks while taking a seat opposite of yours.

“Hmm.. in ten minutes” you smile while fidgeting with your fingers.

“You’ll be fine” he chuckles, observing your anxious expression. “And you know what he’s like, right? I mean, you’ve known him for a while now..” he tries to comfort you.

“Yeah..” you absently sigh.

“Besides, if he acts too weird you can call me and I’ll save you” he laughs as soon as he sees a smile tugging on your lips.

“Pabo” you chuckle.

Your brother can sometimes be like your father (or even worse): he so damn protective that it smothers you, but in a way it’s cute. You like having your big brother besides you, having your back no matter when or why. He never questions you and he’s always there for you.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and your eyes widen at the sound. Your brother chuckles and waves his hand when he notices you don’t make a move to head for the door. You shake your head to get rid of the anxiety and slowly walk up to the door. Your brother follows you, wondering what the guy that takes his sister out is like.

You open the door to face a smiling Sandeul, batting his eyes in shyness. “Hello,” and bows politely. You return the greeting, bowing slightly.

Behind you is your brother, his posture broad and a grin on his face. Before he can even think of something clever to say Sandeul surprises him, catching him off guard. “Hello, I’m Sandeul and I’ll make sure to return your sister safely and on time” and bows again, this time deeper and directed to your brother.

You watch your brother’s face and starts to giggle when you see his flustered expression. After he helps you with his coat and he waves you goodbye. You hear his voice calling out for you from behind. “Remember what I’ve said!” You chuckle once more as you and Sandeul make your way to the restaurant he’s taking you to.

~ x ~

“Are you sure we’re in the right restaurant?” you say while staring in awe around you. This is too fancy, this can’t possibly be it.

He chuckles and nod, leading you to your table. As he pulls back the chair he takes the coat from you, taking a seat opposite from you after he puts the coats away. He smiles nervously as you still gawk around. It looks so pretty and cozy~

You turn your gaze at Sandeul who’s fidgeting nervously with his fingers. You giggle and find it cute how he shows a different side. When tutoring you he would be confident, joking around all the time and here he is today, a shy boy not knowing where to look.

~ x ~

Scanning the menu once again you can’t decide what to eat. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and sigh. Sandeul looks up from his menu, raising an eyebrow as he does. “What’s wrong?”

“It looks so good~ I don’t know what to order” you giggle shyly.

“Shall I pick something for you?” he smiles, bringing his eyes back down to the menu again.

“Sandeul, you should know that I-”

“Are you ready to order?” the waiter interrupts you.

“Yes, I’d like to number 42, and for her..”

“I don’t thi-”

“Number 51 please” and gives the menu cards back to the waiter.

You sigh defeated. How in the world are you going to solve this?

~ x ~

“Enjoy your meals” the waiter smiles as he serves your plates. You look down and gulp at the sight. The plate is nicely decorated with salad, but in the middle is what worries you the most: meat.

Every since you went to high school you stopped eating meat and became a vegetarian. Not only out of protection for the animals and environments but also because you really don’t enjoy the taste of it. And now you’re sitting here, a big juicy braising steak in front of you. You guiltily pick at your salad, trying to find a way out.

“This is so good” Sandeul says with big eyes and surprise in his voice. Since you don’t respond Sandeul looks up from his plate and watches you, noticing your hesitances and the fact you barely eat. “You don’t like yours?” he asks worried, but from excitement he interrupts you when you open your mouth to speak. “Ah! You should try this!” and holds out his fork with a little piece of meat for you to try.

“Sandeul, I-”

“Ahw, just try it ____-ah~” he pouts. His fork is so close to your mouth you can almost taste the meat, sending you shivers down your spine. “Come on, for me?” he tries with a cute smile and blinking his eyes a few times.

“I- I can’t” you sigh.

“Of course you can!” he exclaims with a smile and pokes his fork to you again.

“No, I’ve been trying to tell you this but..”

“But what?” he drops his forks and his expression changes, slightly worried now.

“I’m a vegetarian Sandeul, I can’t eat meat” and you absently pick your fork into your salad, afraid of meeting his eyes.

You hear him gasp and that makes you look up. “I’m so sorry!” his face turns red and he’s looking everywhere but at you. You feel guilty seeing his face so sad eventhough there’s not much you can do.

“It’s okay, don’t wo-”

“No! I should’ve let you finish and I’d have know you don’t eat meat..” he pouts, looking at you in embarrassment. You giggle and a blush shows on your face at his cuteness. “Ya! It’s not funny..”

“Aish, don’t worry, it’s okay. I can always give you my steak and you can give me your salad?” you bite your lip as you wait for Sandeul to respond. As you see his face lighten up you giggle. “Pabo.”

~ x ~

In front of your door you hold tight onto your coat, shivering as it’s cooling down. “Hurry go inside, I don’t want your brother mad at me” Sandeul chuckles.

“I had fun, thank you” you smile and look up to him.

“Again, I’m really so-”

“YA! You already said sorry thirty-three times, I don’t want to hear it again” you giggle.

“You actually keep track?” Sandeul blinks in confusing but it’s soon replaced by a broad smile.

“Just make sure you don’t forget it for our next date” and you bite your lip in shyness.

“I won’t forge-, wait what?” His eyes grow big again as you open the door, taking in what you just said.

You quickly lift your heels off the ground, standing on your toes and pecking his cheek. “See you next time Sandeul” and with that you disappear into your hallway, leaving a flustered Sandeul standing in front of your door. He rubs the back of his head and starts making his way back home, mumbling to himself as he can’t understand what just happened.

From behind the window you watch him leave, chuckling as you can see his confused expression. Suddenly two arms wraps around you from behind and the person the arms belong to rests his chin on your shoulder. “So, did my little sister had fun?”

You turn your head and watch at your brother with a blush spread on your cheeks. You nod and a giggle escapes your mouth. He raises his eyebrow and just when he’s going to ask you what had happened, you escape his grip and quickly make your way out of the living room.

“Ya! Come back here~” your brother exclaims. “You can’t hide it from me, I’ll find out” and runs after you, desperate to find out what made his little sister all giggly.

Thank you for reading :D!

Make sure to check out my other scenarios too:, as well from B1A4 as from
B.A.P., SHINee and MYNAME ^___^

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__b1a4__bana #1
Chapter 2: Omg soo cute ^^
Chapter 5: these are cute! ^^
BANAna2030 #3
Chapter 3: uwaahh! this is so good~ >< anyway, thanks for the 2nd chappie! hihiii :D
Chapter 2: so sweet~~ >< im melting right now kkkk~
BANAna2030 #5
Chapter 1: lol perfect for my bday.. but im sandeul biased xD