'Small' Revenges

Forced Marriage with EXO-K Maknae??!! [On HIATUS]

>>Sehun's P.O.V<<

Well, as you want to know, I point to this sofa in this living room in front of us. *smirk*

"You can sleep here. Don't worry, you're not too tall like me, so I guarantee that you can sleep here 'comfortablely'. Or you want to break one of our rules, you sleep with me in that room on one bed together?" I say with my most evillish smirks..Hahahaha~~ :D

"What? On this sofa? Can't you be a bit gentleman towards a woman??!! A JERK ALWAYS A JERK!!!!" She gets angry and the last sentences, REALLY MAKE ME GONNA TO BURST OUT!!!!

"WHAT YOU SAID!!?? REPEAT THE LAST SENTENCES AGAIN or I will bring you into the room!! And you will never ever can know what I will do towards you in that room~~" Well, I smirk again before I feel this HURT MOTHERER PAIN at my MANHOOD!!!

"OUCH!!! YAH!!!!!! WHAT"S WRONG WITH YOU?? HUH!!! OH MINKYUNG!!!!?????" I scream loudly enough to make all the maids in that house wake up and rush to the living room.

>>Minkyung's P.O.V<<

I really shock with his status right now!!! ERT!! BYUNTAE!!! JERK!! I really wanna to scream all this words, but I just said the 'jerk' part.. Well, I still doesn't satissfied. But, after that, he make me angry till the God level!! So, I 'just' using my hapkido skills towards his 'manhood'. Well, he screams like a hell till all the maids come out to this living room. Well, serve you right, MR JERK!!! *laugh evilly*

"Hello, sir.. You make all the maids here wake up and you just scream like a crazy man, yo know~~?" I said with my most annoying tone towards him and my most 'sincere' smile..

"You... you will get my revenge!! Wait for tomorrow, you girl!!!" He said then he goes to the nearest bathroom right here.

"I am sorry from my husband behalf for making all of you wake up. You can back to the dreamland, okay.." I said and bow to them since I see that almost all of them are much older than me.

"It's okay, young lady. I know why you did it towards him. Poor him, miss. May we go in?" The older woman says to me and bow back to me before she and the others walk back to their room. 

While the jerk still in the bathroom 'crying baby~~', I take the opportunity to take some shower and change to the comfortable clothes. I shower doesn't take too much time. Just 10 minutes. Then, I take 2 pillows and one thick blanket for me. Along with my teddy bear that Junhong oppa gave me when our first anniversary, I walk to the sofa and lay while trying to find any interesting show. Then, my phone rings.

My Soon Hubby~~ >_< is calling...

Oppa!! Yes!! He call!!

"Annyeong, oppa!!!" I says while smile widely like there is no tomorrow.

"Hye, my princess!!! So happy.. Mind to tell oppa what happen during your wedding?" First i heard he happy sound, then when the 'wedding' word appear, I hear that his tone is sound like dissapointed.

"Urm.. Nothing happen oppa. I just happy that oppa call me now. Hihihi~~" I giggle happily to try change the atmosphere.

"Well, oppa will come back to Korea next week and we can go out together since my manager gives us 1 month holiday due the world concerts.."

"Woah!! Of course I will wait oppa at airport next week. When is it, oppa?"

"Our flight is on Wednesday at  7 am. So, maybe oppa will arrive at Incheon Airport at 9 pm."

"Urm.. okay. Since I doesn't have anything to do for this whole one month. Okay, I'll pick oppa."

"And one more, oppa already planned to have some vacation to Jeju-do for 2 days one night. Would you?"

"Of course, oppa!! I can't wait oppa to come here back. I really miss oppa. Hihhihi.." Here I am.. Giddling toards my oppa.. Yo know, I really reallyyyy miss him. Miss him cologne, hands, hug and kiss.

"Oppa too... Oppa feels like wanna to hug you tightly and kiss your y lips, yo know~~ Mwehehe~~"

"Aigoo~~ Oppa.. Since when oppa become too greasy.. This is not oppa that I know.."

"Well, blame my hyungs..."

"Wae?? I thought your hyungs are good persons."

"Hello.. Jung Minkyung,  my hyungs are not like you expect. They really corny you know. Fortunately oppa doesn't want to watch that 'videos' with them. That's why oppa calling you right now. "

"What type of videos, oppa??"

"Erkk.. Yo know right.. "

"I don't know.. What is it oppa.??"

"Aish~~ Minkyungie.. Don't make oppa feel guilty.. "

"Okay okay.. Actually, I know what videos that oppa tried to tell me.."

"You also had watched it!!??"

"Aniyo.. I just know like that... Oppa, I still have innocent mind okay..Don't tell me.. oppa already~~"

"ANIYO!! Oppa never ever watch that video 'anymore'~~"

"ANYMORE???!!! That's mean oppa already watched it??"

"You know, babe. Sometimes, oppa can be so curious, okay.. Oppa had watched it just once.. ONCE okay.. Then, oppa swear oppa really regret watched it at that time.."

"Really, oppa??"

"Really.. Trust me, okay.. Actually, at here, New York, so many 'y' ladies.. My hyungs can't stop praises them in dorm.."

"OPPA!!!!! I already told oppa to not look other girls.. Hmmphh!!!" I really get jealous easily when oppa tells me that there are sooo many Y ladies there. 

"Hahahaha~~~ Babe, you really need to hear me the whole sentences okay.. Actually, there is a lady that more ier than all these girls. It is you.. JUNG MINKYUNG~~" Awww!! Here greasy oppa come again.. He always know how to make me happy again.

"Ayyy~~ Don't lie me, oppa.. "

"Hey, seriously.. You looked so beautiful when you skated with that shining clothes during last competition. And my babe got the first place.. "

"Alright, oppa.. I remember.. But, oppa--" When I wanna to talk this sentences, the jerk shouted from the second floor like a mad man..

"YAH!! OH MINKYUNG!! Here the tickets that umma said in the video. Check it out and I wanna to sleep. GOOD NIGHT!!!" He says then slams the door. What's wrong with that crazy man?? And the tickets.. Ahh~~ tickets.. Honeymoon tickets..

"Babe?? Hello.. are you still there??"

"Eh.. oppa. Sorry for just now. That Sehun jerk just shrieked like a crazy man just now. I don't know what's wrong with him, oppa. After I used my hapkido skills towards his manhood.." When I say the last word, I hear that oppa laughs like a crazy man too... What's wrong with men today...

"What?? You used the hapkido skills towards his manhood!!?? Minkyungie~~ Oppa can feel the pain right now even though you doesn't kick it to oppa right now."

"Is it too pain?? I think I just use the weakest kick that I ever had."

"Are you serious, Jung Minkyung?? It really pain you know.. Even if you doesn't use that skills, if you use your knee, it already pain a lot~~"

"Ohhh~~" Just that word I can say right now.

"Well, oppa.. Blame him for being such a jerk, byuntae and ert just now.. And you know oppa, he lets me to sleep at this sofa in the living room since the other rooms were locked."

"What?? What had he done till my babe call him ert???!!!"

"Ani.. He always smirks like ar and said so much 'crazy' sentences.. Yo know that oppa.."

"Aigoo.. Minkyungie.. Poor him.""

"Why must I sympatise to him??"

"You know, I think he maybe have 60-40 chances to have kids with that kick that you had to him.."

"Well.. I don't want any kid with him oppa.."

"Of course you cannot have it with him.. You are mine.. Always mine.. Okay??"

"Okay, oppa.. Oppa, I'm sleepy now. I know you are in day now. But, in Korea, we are in night.. So, goodnight oppa.."

"Goodnight, babe~~ Dream about me, okay.."

So, the end of my conversation with my beloved boyfriend. Urm, I think I heard the tickets word just now. Well, better check when it is.

"What the!!!!!"


Hello there~~ How this chapter?? Okay.. Well, I really trying to update 2 chapters in one day. What happen to Minkyung after she read the tickets..?? Comment please~~ PPyong~~ ^^



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Soniaa #1
Chapter 18: Plssssss update !!!!!!plsssssss plsssssssssssssss
Soniaa #2
Chapter 1: Awesome !!
Chapter 18: Author-nim, update please... I'm so curious about the story. The story is way too cute. Well, I started getting impatient!
Chapter 16: why does it have to be greasy
Chapter 16: KYYYAAA lol congrats on your first relationship !!!!
Kristabel-KPOP #6
Chapter 16: Author-nim, hope you have a great time with your boyfriend! Chukahae!
Chapter 13: Maybe Junhong now is jealous of Sehun when tehy had lunch together.
Chapter 7: Maybe sehun pionts to the couch
Chapter 1: aww zelo soo sweet to minkyung