Chapter 4



Bora's POV:
Time flies pretty fast so are my german lessons. I think that has something to do with the fact, that I am really good in german just like my mom.
Luhan took out a pen and a pap of paper and literally noted everything down what Mr. Choi said during the lesson.
After that we had french by Mr. Yang.
Luhan stayed with us. 
The girls in class seriously all went crazy when Luhan just made a short glance at them.
They all went red just like a tomato.
Well, that was all like last time. Last year we had also an intern teacher. Although he didn't look  as good as Luhan, the girls still went crazy. So annoying. Luckily the whole "crazy state" was only for a week, so I guess it will be the same this time but we will...
"Mr. Luhan." I looked up. Seohyun a girl from my class looked at Luhan pretty nervous.
Luhan gave her the attention she wanted to achieve.
"By any chance do you have a girlfriend?"
I assumed that such a question will come up soon. Everybody looked at Luhan. He still looked serious.
"This question shouldn't be asked to a teacher, even if he is a teacher-in-training."
All the girls started screaming and freaking out. I can't understand what's going on. I mean Mr. Luhan doesn't have to give her an answer of such a private question. Besides didn't he just reject her. I prayed that Mr. Yang will come soon and the screaming would stop. I gazed at Suzy. She looked calmed and didn't say anything. At least someone who wasn't acting like a obsessed fangirl.
But maybe her pride couldn't let her do such embarrassing things. Some seconds later Mr. Yang finally arrived.
And after an hour my  french lessons were also finally over. I was about to pack my things when Mr. Yang seeked for our attention once more.
"As your class teacher I wanted to inform you that tomorrow will be our field day. Classes from the same year will join us.
Please wear comfortable clothes."
He specifically looked at Taeyeon our  "class model".
"I don't want to see High Heels or something like that tomorrow", Mr. Yang said to make his point clear. 
Krystal next to me put her hand up.  Confused I looked at her but she just winked at me.
"Yes-", Mr. Yang asked.
"Do the intern-teachers come with you us?", Krystal asked.
Argh seriously does she have to ask this?
"Mr. Luhan, I guess this question is for you", Mr. Yang said.
Luhan stood up.
"Of course we come with you. It's a great possibility to learn the students better", he said.
 Afterwards Luhan took his bag and it knocked for the break.
I took my water bottle and drank abit, since I don't like eating something in the first break.
I made my way to the school yard.
Nana already waited for me. Finally someone who doesn't get me on the nerves with constantly screaming and fangirling over those intern teachers.
"And how is your intern teacher?", Nana asked.
Of course that's the first question.
"His name is Luhan. He seems to be pretty nice. Most of the girls almost fainted because of him and the boys were extremely jealous because of such an opponent for the girls attention. How about yourself?"
"His name is Oh Sehun and god he looks so damn cute. Unfortunetely he is our teacher", Nana said.
She looked a depressed and I already knew what that means. Lovesickness.
"Nana, other mothers have sons as hot as them or even hotter.
And honestly I don't have the nerves to deal with a "i-know-it-all guy", I said. 
She nodded but didn't look convinced.
Suddenly something important came to my mind.
"Oh wait, your class also come with us to the field day right?"
She nodded once again.
"Okay the field day would be pretty boring but the intern teachers also come."
Nana beamed with joy again.
"That's right. Maybe I have a possibility to talk with Sehun", she said.
"Oh Nana. There you won't get a chance. All the girls will follow them like lost puppies."
She nodded in frustration. 
Awesome, now I even made it worse. I was about to say some nice words to encourage her but it already knocked for the next lesson.
Unfortunetely I had maths and my teacher didn't like people who come late.
"Nana, I call to you later. I have maths now and you know what that means. See you later"-
I winked at her and ran towards the 2nd floor. Miss Kahi hates students who come late and I hate extra exercise.
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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 5: Good job!!!!~~~~
Update soon~~~~
Chapter 5: please please please update soon
i know youre busy( maybe )
but pleas update soon
Good job!!!