Chapter 2



- Chapter 2 -
Bora's POV
I sighed. Finally my last class was over. 
This day was really exhausting. 
Poor Nana, still had some classes so  we couldn't go together as we usually do. 
Relived that this horrible day was over I made my way to the parking slot. 
Yes, me Yoon Bora has a motorcycle. 
My father was actually strictly against it ,  me driving a motorcycle but at the end and with the help of my mom, I could convince him. It's actually one of the few times he listened and agreed to something I said.
I was about to put my helmet on when suddenly someone shouted my name.
"See you tomorrow Bora", said a blackhaired girl.
Krystal was actually a really nice girl and one of the few classmates that I actually like talking to but for some reasons she really despises Nana.
So we didn't  really hang out.
"Yeah goodbye, see you tomorrow", I said in return and put my helmet on.
I quickly started the motor and drove as fast as possibly. 
Suddenly a black motorcycle came round the corner and we almost collided into each other.
 Luckily I was able to use the brakes fast, so I could avoid a bigger accident.
This really wasn't my day! 
"For gods sake can't you pay a little more attention!"
"Were you in such a hurry Bora", said the unknown person.
The person took the helmet off and I saw with who I almost colllided with.
Bae Suzy, the most popular girl at school and the pupils' representative.
"S-Sorry Suzy but my parents are waiting for me",I said.
What a stupid answer to give. If I could I would slap myself infront of her.
"Well then have a good and safety drive", she said while putting her helmet on.
Without an apology she drove away. Well what was I waiting for? She was the most popular girl at school, everyone loved her but sometimes she can be very arrogant at least I get the feeling.
I looked back and saw Suzy's friends waiting for her.
I took my helmet and finally drove away.
"Bora your late", my mom said while I entered the kitchen.
"Yeah sorry, something came up so I couldn't come earlier."
"Your father is waiting for you in the living room. He wants to discuss something with you", my mom said.
Of course my father is the first priority. And what about my empty stomach. I feel like I'm starving.
I put my bag on the floor and went straight to the living room.
Technically I didn't have any reasons to complain.
We had a big house, which you can also consider as a villa that was completely luxury. 
Everybody would loved to live in it. 
But for me it felt like a big cage, I couldn't escape.
"Hello father."
"Bora there you are. Look I have to show you something. This will be your upcoming university hopefully. Doesn't it look great?", my father asked in excitement.
To be honest my father pretty much annoyed me with this. He constantly showed me brochures of various universities.
"Isn't it too early to search for a university? I mean I am not even out of school yet!"
My stomach snarled but my father ignored it.
"I know darling. But I am very concerned of your future. I want you to be a successful woman in the future", he went 
Woah amazing, so my father decides everything again.
"I don't even know if I can even graduate this year," I said which I regret immediately.
His face changed.
"What did you say? Did you get a bad mark? I always say that you need to learn more", said he.
Always the same converstations. When will he understand that it's not always based on learning.
"No father, it's not that I got a bad mark, in fact I didn't even write test".
His face changed back to being happy.
"Then what's your problem?,he asked.
I took a long breath. Get over it Bora.
" My marks in physics and maths aren't that good, so my teacher offered me some private lessons-..."
"Excuse me, why doesn't I know about your bad marks in physics and maths", shouted my father at me.
" You will take the private lessons and from now on you will learn even harder. I don't want that to happen again!", shouted he once again at me.
God if he would listen to me for once.
"If you would listen to me for once, I would have explained it to you, but that never doesn't work!", shouted I back. 
Why did I even told him about that. We always fight!
Angrily I took my things and went to my room.
I would definetely skip dinner today.
A/N: Luhan will finally appear in the next chapter:)
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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 5: Good job!!!!~~~~
Update soon~~~~
Chapter 5: please please please update soon
i know youre busy( maybe )
but pleas update soon
Good job!!!