


Secret - Prologue
-Bora's POV-
"Miss Yoon how about you solve the task on the blackboard instead of dreaming the whole day."
Not very amused I made my way to the blackboard.
Is that even possibly? It's particularly the third time Mr. Yang ordered me to solve a task on the blackboard, like if he intentionally wants to embarrass me infront of the whole class.
Me, Yoon Bora a peaceful student and a er in subjects like maths and physics. My teacher obviously didn't like me.
Okay  honestly I have to admit I really didn't do anything for physics but I already knew that even learning wouldn't help me, so why wasting time on something that's hopeless anyway.
Now there is no turning back. Carefully I took the chalk and tried to think how to solve the task.
Mr. Yang groaned. God, that man makes me so ing nervous. 
"Ehh... well I think we have to use the volume?", I said.
 That was more a question than an answer.
Suddenly the whole class began laughing. Guess I was wrong.
"Miss Yoon go back to your seat", said Mr. Yang angrily. I quickly went to my place. 
"We will talk after class is over", said Mr. Yang afterwards and quickly started to solve the task I couldn't.
He explained it twice and even louder, probably because of me.
I already knew that this year will be the worst school year in my whole career.
Why do I have to deal with subjects like physics which I will NEVER ever need in real life.
Depressed I copied the next task from the blackboard.
A/N: Well that was just the prologue. Hope you guys enjoyed it. And Luhan will appear soon!:)
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Kittycatploy #1
Chapter 5: Good job!!!!~~~~
Update soon~~~~
Chapter 5: please please please update soon
i know youre busy( maybe )
but pleas update soon
Good job!!!