Apple 3

You are the Apple of my Eyes


 *CLAP* ’Sandara Park?' I turned my face, I was shocked. I saw a hooded man holding Pink's wrist. Her hand was so close to my face. I saw Pink's face distorted with embarrassment. She flung the man's hand and ran to Sabra's way. I. Cannot. Resist. Any. More. 3. 2. 1.
'MUHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH'  I was almost out of breathe. I was hugging my tummy. THAT WAS SO COOL!!! SO COOL!!!
'Yo buddy, are you okay?' Right, the hooded man. I haven't released all my laughter out yet.
 'MUHAHAHA......Hem! HAHAHAHA....umm...hii..uh...but do I know you?'
'No...uh..But I can't tell you who I am.' This is so funny. MUHAHAHA What was he totally didn't make any sense!
'Don't make me laugh so hard again. Who are you?'
' Aishh...I told you I can't tell you who I am.' 'MUHAHAHAHAHA....Hem!, Mr. Hooded Man~And thank you for saving me from the slap...MUHAHAHA. Bye~'
A voice behind Mr. Hooded Man blurted out 'YAH! LEE DONGHAE!'
Lee Donghae? I took a peep behind his back.
Mr. Hooded Man shouted 'SHUSH! HYUNG! DO YOU WANT TO DIE?'
'Hey, calm down....Lee Donghae xi?'
'Of course I heard it. I am not a stupid deaf squirrel any more!' I declared proudly and confidently.
'Stupid deaf squirrel? hahahaha'
'Oh right, you don't know about this. oh nevermind. It's getting late, see you next time Lee Donghae xi~' I waved at him and walked to the dorm. 
'Are you a trainee of YG?' As I was walking with my back facing him, I showed him a victory hand signal and joyfully jogged back to the dorm. 
What a beautiful night~
'Sandara Park.'
'Yah...Can you stop murmmuring to yourself? It's creeping me out!'
'HYUNG!' I shouted at the driver a.k.a our stupid manager as I remembered what he did before.
'Aishhh...Yah! Don't shout! I am driving. So tell me, what are you doing on the street at this late huh? Do you want me to be fired? poor Jongsuk ahhh, your dad is really useless....' Again...Jongsuk was his little 4-year-old son. But everytime I was convinced.
'Arraso Arraso. I promise you I won't do that again. But Hyung, you were wrong too! You shouldn't shout out my name! I am going to debut this year. If rumours spread around, are you going to take responsibility?' 
'Yah..don't be too sensitive Donghae was just a name. And do you think anyone would remember a person's name without his face being shown? Take it easy huh?'
'Will she remember?' It was strange that I wanted her to remember my name. Just somebody.
'Don't think about this any more okay? What you should focus on now is practicing, practicing and practicing. Your members are waiting for you to practice the new choreography already.'
'I'm back!' my voice echoed in the dorm.
Then I saw Minzy carefully got out of our bedroom and said 'Shhhhh....onni, Pink onni is in a bad mood now. Let's go out and eat.'
'Alright..' Then we crept out the dorm.
Minzy took me to a nearby cafe. We took the seats beside the window wall. 'Onni, I hope you don't mind having cakes and coffee as dinner. I really wanted to bring you here. The cakes here are the best!' She thumbed up and smiled at me.
'Not at all. I love cakes.' I smiled back.
Just then I heard a few knocks on the window wall beside us. G-dragon!!! What was he doing here? After a few seconds, he already seated himself on the chair beside Minzy.
'Hii ladies!' He smiled playfully. 
'Hi Jiyong oppa.' Minzy greeted him.
'Jiyong?' I asked.
'Yea...I forgot to tell you, my name is Kwon Jiyong. But not B-dragon. Nice to meet you again.' He stretched out his hand to me and smirked. 
I knew it. Wouldn't he stop teasing me? I slapped his hand.
'Ouch!...Rude Sandy!' He rubbed his hand. I swear, the hit was light. What a drama King!
'Sandy?' Minzy asked in confusion.
'Oh yea, this is Sandara Park's new nickname. Thanks to me, and the deaf squirrel.' He beamed at me. I almost killed him with my murderous stare. I turned to Minzy, ignoring the morron.
'Minzy ah, why don't we ignore the ert and go get some food? I am starving already.' I was almost like pleading. Then Kwon Jiyong cut in.
'I'll go. What do you guys want to eat? Sadly, there is no echinacea here. I'll try ask anyways.' 
GRAHHHH! KILL THAT GUY!!! If I was not at a peacful location like here, I would have shouted at him. After Kwon Jiyong went out to get some food for us, I asked Minzy. 'How long have you guys known each other? You guys seem close.'
Minzy answered 'oh...We knew each other since last year. I was alone because I was new in YG as a trainee. Jiyong oppa helped me a lot and I got good friends thanks to him. He is really a nice oppa.' She smiled at me or may be expecting some response from me?
'Really? He might be a good oppa. But apparently not a good donsang.' I rolled my eyes. As Minzy chuckled, a voice cut in.
'I heard that I am a nice dongsang. Thank you noona.' He looked at me and smiled while putting down a tray of food and drinks on the table. I swear I would kill this 'nice dongsang' if there were no food in front of me. My eyes were beaming. Wahhhh...Chocolate cake, tiramisu, cheesecake, cupcakes!!! ALL WERE MY FAVOURITES!!!
'Let's eat! My treat.' Kwon Jiyong said. 
'Thanks oppa' Minzy thanked him.
'Thank you, Mr. Kwon Jiyong.' I thanked him too. Look, how polite I was. Unlike someone, nonstop teasing people 24/7.
We actually finished the whole tray of cakes!!! Listen people, the whole tray!!! 3 people!!!
‘Wow, Sandy, I never thought you are a fast eater.' Kwon Jiyong said.
'Well, thanks.' Wait, that was not a compliment right? Omo, did I just thank him? 'Yah! What did you mean! You ate a lot too okay?'
'Well, thanks. But not as much as you.' 
Grahhhhh. THAT IDIOT!!! I was about to hit that guy on his face with my fist, just then Minzy said 'Dara onni, let's go. We have early classes tomorrow.' That guy should have thanked Minzy for saving his life. We then walked back to our own dorms in separate ways.
On our way to the dorm, Minzy asked ' Onni, I can't belive you and Jiyong oppa just knew each other today! You guys seem close.' 
Ewww. Just ewwww. Close? May be yes...but definately not in a good way. 'Really? HAHAHA' I tried to make myself seemed happy, but apparently, I failed. 
'Anyways, have you figured out what song are you going to sing next week?' She asked again. KYAHHHH!!!! Omo! I totally forgot that! Omo Omo! 
'Oh right! oh no..I have no idea. How about you?' 
'I think I am going to sing 'I Believe I Can Fly'. You can ask Jiyong oppa for help. He helped me with this also last year.'
Seriously? Ask that, that ert? He would probably just laugh at my singing. Leave it. I can do it. I think, I can do it myself. 'May be not. He will just tease me.' 
'He will be willing to help you and he is a great teacher.' 
'Well, let's see......' 
Which song should I choose? ARHHH! I was stirring my lunch with my spoon. 
'Onni, are you okay?' Minzy who was sitting beside me asked me worriedly. 
'Minzy ah, I really don't know what to sing....' I answered hopelessly
'Ask Jiyong oppa, onni. You really need help.'
'Ask Jiyong about what?' A voice blurted out. Then a person with a cap sat  on the opposite side, facing us. 
'Taeyang oppa!' Minzy said excitedly.
The young boy answered ' Minzy ah, long time no see.' He smiled. His smile was the most beautiful smiled I have ever seen. It was bright like the sun. It made me smiled ,too. Then he asked Minzy, looking at me. 'Who is this?' 
'Oh, this is Sandara Park onni. Just now I told her to go to Jiyong oppa for some help, because she doesn't know what to sing next week for our lesson.' Minzy introduced me and explained.
'Nice to meet you, Sandara Park, I am Dong Yangbae. Call me Taeyang.' He killed me with his smile again. When he smiles, his eyes smiles too. 
'Nice to meet you, Taeyang xi.' I greeted him shyly. 
' you don't mind, I can help you with it too.' He said shyly, patting his head.
'But...' I looked at Minzy hesitantly. 
'It's alright onni. Taeyang oppa is a nice guy.' She winked at me. 
'Yah! Minzy ah.' Taeyang's face turned red.
He then turned to me 'So...shall we meet today, after your lessons end?' 
'Good.' I answered with a smile.
This was my first acting lesson. I'm so excited!!! Well, to a certain extent. We had our lesson in one of the so-called biggest studios, and indeed it was. I was sitting alone leaning on the mirror wall  while others were busily chatting with their friends. I was all alone, again. I hate this. I hate my personality, like so much. I can be crazy like a krungkrung, I can be funny, I can be outgoing...but not before you know me. What I meant by knowing me was when I feel completely comfortable with you, and that's going to take a long long time...a year? 2 years? or more. But what happened to me and Kwon Jiyong? Seriously. We became friends in just one day. And according to Minzy, we were quite 'close'. Yea...with all those bashing stuffs. Am I completely comfortable with Kwon Jiyong? I guess I could act comfortably in front of people who were younger than me. must be that. Just then a loud high-heels-hitting-the-floor-noise caught my attention to the front. A woman wearing a pair of glasses with a sporty outfit and black-brown wavy long hair stood in front of us. People around me started to stand up so I followed. 
The woman said with an imposing manner, 'Boys and girls. Did you have a nice rest?'
All the trainees answered loudly, 'Neh! Ms. Kim!'
'With energy! Again!' Ms. Kim shouted.
We all answered with power, 'Neh! Ms. Kim!'
'Very good. Are you feeling good today? Sandara Park?' Surprisingly, I heard my name and I caught her eyes with mine. 
'Neh...neh! Ms. Kim!' I answered back with strength. But all the classmates just laughed.
Ms. Kim also chuckled, 'Very energetic huh? Good start! Zha!' She clapped her hands, which caught everyone's attention. 'People, today, we are very honoured to have our YG senior actress here to have a workshop today with you guys. Let's welcome, Ku, Hye, Sun!!!'
Seriously!! Ku Hye Sun! I have seen her on television lately watching her drama. As Ms. Kim applauded, a beautiful lady stepped in. KYAHHHHHH!!! KU HYE SUN!!! 
'Hi everybody! I am Ku Hye Sun! It's nice to meet you all!' she said. Then she saw me! Kyah! 'Omo, you must be Sandara Park! We should talk after class.' Kyahhh!!! I'm so lucky! She wanted to talk to me! She continued, 'So, today, as your teacher and my teacher before,' She stopped and smiled at Ms. Kim and she did the same to her. 'said that I will be doing an acting workshop with you guys, I want you guys to show your all to me and shine. Okay?'
'Neh!' We all answered.
'Good! Firstly, I want you guys to pair up. Every group must have a boy and a girl. I now give you 2 minutes to do so. Starting, now!
After her announcement, people immediately spreaded around and look for partners. Ottokae? I think I have no partner. What should I do! Ottokae! I saw the last two pairing up and the room turned quiet. Everyone was looking at me. It was so embarrassing. Please kill me now! 
'Sandara Park xi, don't worry, I know this class has 11 people and there must be someone who don't have a partner. So, I have invited a special guest to pair up with you. Come in!' Ku Hye Sun turned to the door and use her hand to signal someone outside to come in. All people were staring at the door with curiosity. Once the person stepped in, I heard many surprising gasps from my classmates, and me. OMO! You got to be kidding me! KWON JI YONG? Seriously? Don't tell me I am going to pair up with him! That jerk! ARH! 
'Jiyong ah, go pair up with Sandara Park.' Ku Hye Sun said. I knew it. Then I saw him smirking at me. I tried to curve my lips upward, but   it turned out making my lips shivered. 
'Okay! Problem solved!' Ku hye Sun said while Kwon Jiyong was walking towards me. I heard people around whispering. Not a good sign. Totally not. 
'Hi Sandy!' he said cheerfully, 'Noona,' he then stucked his tongue out. I didn't say anything, instead, I just rolled my eyes.
Ku Hye Sun said, 'Good! I want you every pair of you to act as a pair of lovers.' Excuse me? Me and Kwon Jiyong, as a pair of *cough* lovers? 'I am going to lead you through your acting, so don't worry, just act out what you think it should be.'
My jaw dropped to the ground, looking at Kwon Jiyong. A 16-year-old boy as my lover? Okay, I am a proffessional. I can perform my best in any circumstances, right? 
Ku Hye Sun started, 'So, the first scenario, this is the first date after you two have became lovers. However, the girl was late for an hour.' 
I saw people around started to react. 'Yah!' Kwon Jiyong blurted out, my heart nearly jumped out. 'Why are you so late? Do you want to die?' 
ARHHHH! The nerve! Was this suppose to be the reaction of a boyfriend to a girlfriend? This guy was playing here eh? Fine! I replied , 'I'm so sorry, Jiyong ah.' I saw his jaw tightened a bit, 'It was the traffic jam, please forgive me neh? I will go wherever you want to go later neh?' I smiled at him and rang his arm with both of my arms. He was totally stiffen. kkkkk I never knew he was that shy. He is a little boy after all. Revenge mission accomplished! I was waiting for his response, but it never came. I was about to pinch him, but Ku Hye Sun's voice cut in. 
'Second scenario, the girl is in a bad mood, because her pet died. The boy is trying to cheer her up.'
'Omo! Did Sandy die already? Don't be sad...' Kwon Jiyong said. Was he cheering me up? ARHHH! I sniffed and pretended that I was crying. 
'Don't cry, I hate girls crying,' He said in a serious tone. I tell you, he was totally failed, FAILED! 
'Yah! Are you pouring oil on the fire? Can't you see that I am really sad here?' I bursted out. 
Kwon Jiyong seemed to be shocked, then he smirked. 'Noona, you look like a mad squirrel now.' 
ARHHHHH! The idea of HE being my 'lover' was obviously bad. Way worse than bad. 
'Third scenario, the guy cheated on the girl and the girl just discovered.' 
Neh? The guy cheated on the girl...'YAH!' I shouted at Kwon Jiyong. 'Why did you cheat on me? Do you think all women are weak huh?  Bad guy! I can still...' My voice started to become husky and my sight went blurred. 'I tell you! I can still survive without you! I am big enough now! I can earn money now! We don't need you...' I covered my face an realized my tears were dropping uncontrollably. Then I heard some people around started to applaud. And the whole room was filled with clapping sound.
'Sandara Park xi, are you okay?' I heard Ku Hye Sun asked me. Then I slowly raised my head.
'Neh...' I answered.
'Good, so, people, how do you feel after the exercise? Do you feel comfortable? Probably not. Because, most of you are lacking experiences on having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Remember, acting requires sincerity, you need to really feel it and when you act, you become the character, but not acting it out at all. I'm not telling you to get a lover immediatedly after this lesson though.' We chuckled a bit. 'I just want to tell you, everything  you've been through today is a very important and valuable experience for you. Feel the pain when you are hurt. Feel the love when you are in love.' 
'Okay, everyone, I was having a good time with you all today, hope you've learnt something today.' Ku Hye Sun said,' not just learnt how to be in a relationship.' She added. We all laughed. 'Hope to see you all soon.'
'Thank you so much, Hye Sun unnie!' people thanked her as they were walking out. 
'Yah. Are you okay?' Kwon Jiyong who was beside me elbowed me.
'eh? Oh...yea...I guess I am really a good actor neh?' I smiled smugly at him.
'Aigoo, look at this noona.' He replied. Just then, his phone rang. 'Hello? Jinah ah....okay....arrasso...oppa is coming now. See you later.' he smiled sweetly
I mocked him, 'Aigoo, look at this dongsang. Good luck with your date anyways!' I knew this smile kkkkk. Someone's in love~ 
After Kwon Jiyong had left, Ku Hye Sun approached me. 'Let's go, Sandara Park xi.' She smiled.
'hahaha, you can actually call me Dara.' I replied.
'haha, Dara, you can call me Hye Sun, too.' She said.
We went down to the YG cafeteria. 
'I hope you like drinking Americano?' She asked me as she was walking towards me, holding a tray with two cups of hot beverage on.
'I will drink anything, since it's your treat.' I said.
'I love Americano.' She said as she settled herself in the seat opposite me. 'Do you know why?'
'Why?' I asked.
'Because it is bitter.' She took a sip from the cup and continued. 'Mostly, I only drink Americano when I feel sad. The bitterness of it reminds me of all the sweet things around me. As simple as the Ahjumah smiled to me this morning. And I will think to myself, ahhhh, there are still many good things happening around. This always makes me feel a lot better.' She smiled to me.
'Oh...' I said. I really didn't know how to respond and my eyes just roamed on the table.
'Dara ah, just now, I can tell you are not acting. Well, you were, but I saw you putting too much of your personal emotions in that.' She paused, may be she was expecting an answer form me, but I just remained silent. 'I am really concerned and worried about you. I've seen some of my friends keeping their sad emotions too much inside and you's not good to your health... I don't know what had happened to you, but I hope you can find a way to abreact your emotions. You can even talk to me about that. Do you understand?' She looked at me worriedly. 
'Aigoo...Hye Sun ah...I am fine...' I said, 'Really. But thank you for your advice haha.'
I rarely talked about my mind with others. It was since last year, I discovered my father cheated on my mother. He even had another family! How dare he betrayed all of us! I totally went heart broken. And one night, he came home drunken. I knew it was a bad sign. The violent gambler returned. He beated my mother and took all the savings of my mother. I wanted to call the police, but my mother just wouldn't let me. I didn't tell my mother about my father cheated on her. I mustn't tell her, she was already too tired. I needed to protect her. If neccessary, I would settle my job here and bring my whole family back to Korea. 
I chatted with Hye Sun almost the whole afternoon. We had a lot of fun. I was surprised when she said she watched some of my movies and dramas. We discussed about this and that. She told me a lot of fun times happened when she was a trainee and how she missed them. .We exchanged ideas on acting. She also told me about her crushes before and how she screwed all things up. We ended unwillingly until her manager called her for her next schedule. We exchanged our phone numbers before she left. 
I was still sitting on the chair after Hye Sun left. I stretched my body comfortably. 'Ahhhh.' What's the time now? OH. M. G. KYAHHHHH!!!! I forgot about the meeting with Taeyang!!!!! I was already an hour late!!! Ottakae?? Wait, where was it? 
I quickly ran upstairs to the singing studio where we were suppose to meet. I was about to step in the studio. Just then, I heard a warm, charming, mild singing voice.
​​'don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more you keep insisting when you know our love is out the door  don't wanna try don't wanna try cuz all we do is fight and say the things  that hurt so bad to where we both begin to cry' 
This was just pure amazing. This was the most beautiful singing I had ever heard. I closed my eyes, enjoying it.
'don't wanna try don't wanna try i 'bout just had enough its been a rough road  baby just let it go  don't wanna try don't wanna try don't wanna try no more  tell me whats the use of holdin' on when all we do is hurt our love. You and i had many conversations on....'
Suddenly, I realized that the music stopped. I slowly opened my eyes. Kyahh! 
Any questions so far? Im trying to make each chapter a bit longer because I think the fanfic still has a long way to go. Hope you guys enjoy~ And please feel free to comment on anything. Thanks for reading my fanfic again <3 HENGSHO!!!


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Chapter 4: Update? Please :3
Oshiiio #2
Chapter 3: Necesito una actualización.... quiero ver que pasa con Donghae!!!
Chapter 3: Up to date now yay :D
daramaegon #4
Chapter 2: its soo good! thanks for the story! it's quite interesting~~ pls update us soon:)
anna0315 #5
Chapter 2: lots muhaha and blah blah i think..improve more