Apple 2

You are the Apple of my Eyes


I need to be strong. I looked at the mirror in front of me. I still have the lovely maknae. DARA, STAY STRONG. I cannot let omma to worry about me anymore.*knock knock knock* the knocks dragged me back into reality.
'Dara onni? Are you okay? You have been in the toilet for so long already.'
I abruptly opened the door. 'Minzy ah mianhae~(sorry in korean) I am done, you can use it now.'
'Oh~no. I was just worrying about you keke.'
My eyes went teary suddenly. 'Minzy ah...I am really lucky to have you here..' *sob* 'kekee it's alright....just share your sorrows with me if you have any, okay? I will always be right behind you.' she put her hands on my shoulder.
I smiled sweetly at her. 'Oh by the way, onni, tomorrow is your first day of training. But I have to be at school at 6 to help my teacher with something, so I can't go to the training center with you tomorrow....mianhae onni.....but if anything happens, phone me okay?'
'okay...let's go sleep~' 
I set my alarm clock to ring at 7, as my first lesson was at 8. Gah~~I relaxed my whole body and dived into my bedy. Goodnight~
It was 2 o'clock late at night. 2 black shadows sneaked under the moonlight beside Dara's bed and giggled. Who knew it wasn't the sound of the rats'? 
I stretched my body in comfy and enjoyed the morning sunshine that shined through the window. I went into the toilet to clean myself. OMGAWD....I suddenly realised something really strange while brushing my teeth. I rushed to my bed and grabbed the alarm clock violently with my hands shaking. I KNEW IT! I would never ever wake up by myself!!! I could never! I tell you, never! Just then, my phone rang.
'Onni! Where are you? It's 8 30. Already!' I heard a girl's anxious voice asking as I picked up my phone.
'MINZY! Otokae! I am still at the dorm! I...I just woke up! Save me! Ahhhhh'
'Just quickly come here! Run! Bye, I can't go out for that long...see you~'
I ran into the toilet again and just washed my face roughly. I put on my clothes with my lightning speed that I did'nt even know what I was wearing. And I ran like there was somebody who tried to kill me chasing after me. But in fact, I was running to my own grave. 
After I arrived the training center, I couldn't talk, I thought I was going to die of hypoxia. I ran around on the ground floor like a lost child. Indeed...I was lost kyahhh! WHERE WAS THE CLASSROOM!!!!! DARN IT!!! Ouch! I bumped into someone.
I immediatedly appologized 'Sorry… sorry mianhae.' I bowed. I thought I caught the words 'deaf squirrel?', then I suddenly remebered something.
'Ohhh right! Do you know how to go to classroom A0456???' After the person taught me how to go there, I thanked him and abruptly ran to the classroom. 
Wha....what? That deaf dare she forgot about me! Tch! I followed her to the classroom after she ran away. She must be late..was'nt she? Kekeke looked 
Dara rushed into the classroom. She even forgot to knock the door. BANG! The door slanged open. Dara looked like she was going to die from a heart attack.
'So..o...rrr...r...y...yy..I....' everyone's eyes was on her.
'hm! I suppose you are that Sandara Park?'
' This is your first day of class..and you are already late...' she checked the name list. 'Firstly, We start at 8, NOT 9! Just to clearify. And we don't have morning calls, this is a training place, not a hotel! Leave if you are not ready!' Dara was frozen on the spot..her legs couldn't move.
'why are you still standing here? Move! Go to the seat at the back! Immediatedly!'
Minzy abruptly ran to Dara and helped her got up and lead her to a seat beside herself. Dara was in total panic just then she heard a few giggling sound from the seats in front  of her. She knew it was Pink and Sabra without looking at them.
'Okay, people, here is the task for you all. Prepare a singing piece, any genre you like, and everyone of you are going to sing it infront of the class.'The teacher announced. A few gasp was let out 'Let's make the day next monday. Okay? There should be enough time.' 
OH MY GAWDDDD WAHHHH IM SO GONNA DIE. What am I going to sing? Gah! They all sang so well! And much more better than me...Ah! Someone bumped into my back and two people blocked my way.
'omona! Dara onni, sorry! Did you get hurt?' the girl with pink hair said'you can't get hurt onni! I still have to hear you sing next week, right?'
The girl beside her said' What are you expecting from her? I've heard her singing. Well, this is a chance for her to realize the truth. Let's go'
I just stood there, I can't cry, I mustsn't. I heard that they gave out a gasp when they turned around. 'G-dragon oppa!' I was shocked. Their pitch of their voices were an octave higher. I took a glance at the person stood in front of them. He looked so angry, his eyes turned into slits. I just walked past them. But a hand grabed my wrist. The hand was so warm. So warm...that was the time I realized I was really cold. It was weird, I wanted this hand to stay. Then I turned my head around and I saw the 'G-dragon' boy. His eyes could talk! I really meant it. It was really strange that he looked like that he wanted to talk to me a lot. His eyes told me so. And gah! Could he stop that stare? He was going to burn me. Then I heard people around me started whispering. I saw Pink and Sabra's eyes turned into slits, staring at me. Okay, that was weird. Uhhh...oh! Was it the hand? I tried to escape from the hand, but it just won't let go.
'Let's talk'the boy said and he pulled me away.
Then I heard gasps and the whispers became louder. I saw Pink and Sabra's dropped their jaws to the ground. WHAT WAS HAPPENING! WHO THE HELL IS THE BOY!!! But he seemed familiar though...
THAT SQUIRREL! GAH! She didn't know how to protect herself! Didn't she know how to fight back the girls? I cannot tolerate this I grabbed the squirrel to the practice room upstairs. I closed the door angrily.
'Don't you know how to protect yourself?huh? Fight back! You stupid deaf squirrel!'
Wow...the room was quiet...we could hear each other's breathe. She looked at me with her big teary eyes. And suddenly my heart pounded faster and heavier than usual. Hhm....that's weird...
'Yah! Say some.....thing...' as I was speaking, she started to sob and broke into tears. She sat herself on the floor.
'Wahhhhhhh......'she cried...sigh...she's a girl afterall...girls love to cry...don't they.
My lip curved a little and I kneeled down beside her. I put my arms around her without thinking. The moment I touched her, I knew something was different...I couldn't tell what that was...I knew I felt something different....
After a few moments, Dara finally stopped crying. But Jiyong was still riging her with his arms, tightly.
'Uh....B....B-dragon?' she quietly said.
Then she felt the person started to tremble.
'Yah...are you okay? B-daragon?' 'MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA' Jiyong finally bursted and rolled on the floor due to too much laughter.
'What?! B-dragon xi, are you....'
'yah! You are the one who need to stop....' suddenly Dara felt something on stop her from speaking. It was Jiyong's finger. She was shocked...her eyes met his and that was all she noticed...
He used his serious face and warned' Stop saying anything, squirrel....if you don't want the news headline be 'the talented young man from yg died of laughter'......MUHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHA' he started again.
'YAH! What's so funny!' Dara was a bit angry.
Jiyong finally stopped laughing, he took a deep breathe. 'Firstly, I am G-dragon. ABCDEFG., G-DRAGON. AND, you are really funny! Muhahahhaha.'
'oh....ohhh! Sorry....G-dragon xi. Firstly, I still can't get it.....why you can laugh so long for this...AND, WHY AM I CALLED A DEAF SQUIRREL BY THE WAY!'
'hm....did you really forget me already? Or are you pretending....?'
'Gah....why do I have to pretend?'
'Kyah! I'm not deaf!' Jiyong suddenly used a very girly high pitch. 'recalling something back?'
Dara bursted out 'Kyah! You are the.....the...chic dancer!'
'what? Oh whatever...I am indeed very chic' he winked at Dara.
'Well, not anymore after the way...I am Sandara Park, call me Dara or santtokki, but not deaf squirrel anymore please.' Dara leaned on the wall mirror and sat down, Jiyong sat beside her.
'Okay, squi...ohh....hahha SANDARA. interesting name.'
'Thank you.....' Dara was like whispering to herself.
'I said thank you' this time louder.
'No thanks~'
'No, I meant the ....uh know..'
' was know....uh...I like doing this kind of stuff...uh...I' the atmosphere was filled with awkwardness.
'You like hugging people? '
'yah! You know what I mean!'
'lalala what did you mean?huh?? You are a ert who like to hug people...blehhh~' Dara let her tongue out like a child.
'well...I guess I am way better than someone who's wearing a hoodie with a deaf squirrel on it.'
'This makes no sense. And Sandy is not DEAF!'
'Sandy? Wow...look...the squirrel actually has a name'
'Wahh...I bet you've never watched the SpongeBob Squarepants before, huh?'
'who cares...Sandy Sandy....Sandara.. SANDY! YOU JUST GOT A NEW NICKNAME SANDY!'
' did I become Sandy? You are such a jerk.'
'Sandy Sandy Sandy Sandy~ and after all you are still a deaf squirrel~'
'Yah! Jerk!' Dara stamped her foot in annoyance.
They talked and talked, nothing like two people who just knew each other. None of the two ever noticed how the time flew...and there were just the two of them...just the two of them...nothing more.
Ring ring ring ring~ My phone rang when I was on my way back to the dorm. Oh it was my lovely Minzy. I picked it up.
'Minzy ahh '
'onni! Where are you? Where were you?'
'hahaha Minzy ah I was with a friend and we talked so much that we forgot the time, I am coming back now'
'Ohh...was the friend G-dragon oppa?'
I stopped walking 'kyah! How do you know?'
'Heol~ Onni...rumours are all around...everyone knows it.'
'OMG the girls are so gonna kill me!!! Ottokae???'  I grabbed my hair and I thought I was going to tear all my hair down. My memories of the crazily screaming girls popped up suddenly. I have killed by the girls for over 100 times already in my imaginations, OVER 100 DIFFERENT WAYS!!! OMYGAH! I better keep away from this G-dragon. I don't want to die yet, I still have a long way to go. But he was such a good friend and....a nice guy.
'Dara onni? Are you still there?' I almost forgot Minzy was still on the line.
'Oh Sorry Minzy, I AH!'
Someone pushed me from behind. I kneed on the floor with my hands supporting. When I was about to pick up my phone beside me, a foot stepped on it....Did I just hear a 'crack' sound? GAHHH!!!! MY PHONE!!!
'YAH!' I shouted and threw my glance up to leg's owner. 'Pink?'
And I didn't need another glance to know who was standing next to her. Sabra. I grabbed the broken piece on the ground. I tried to turn it on, but it just won't work! Darn it!
'Why did you do that! Talk to me directly! The phone is innocent! mother brought it for dare you....' I was at the edge of my tears.
*Fight Back!* a voice in my mind ordered me.
*Fight back! You stupid deaf squirrel!* I smirked.
Indeed, I cannot be called a stupid deaf squirrel again. I stood up and rubbed off the dirt on my hands to my pants. You can do it, Sandara. Pink was crossing her hands and chewing her gum. She really looked like a gangster with her fierce stare. By the time my eyes met her, Pink pushed me on my right shoulder.
'What are you looking at? huh? Feeling complacent? huh?' I nearly bursted out my laughters.
' May I know why should I feel uh....complacent?'
'HA! Look who's talking! Don't be too proud! G-dragon oppa was only feeling curious about you. Please don't get it wrong.' MUHAHAAHAHHA May I laugh? NO DARA! MOMENTUM!
'First, I have no idea why you are saying this. Are you G-dragon? Who are you to talk about how he felt? Second, YOU, smashed my phone. I think I should at least hear your apologize.'
I can see Pink's face all red, totally red. MUHAHAHAHHHA I wanted to laugh so badly man! I feel sooooo good. Who's the stupid deaf squirrel now! HA!
 'YOU!....YOU! ERAHHHH! Watch out, Sandara Park! ONNI!'
Sabra beside Pink yawned and finally talked. 'Yah. Let's go. It's getting boring here.'
'But!...' Sabra already started walking. I was watching her back.
*CLAP* ’Sandara Park?' I turned my face, I was shocked.

lalala kkk I forgot to type something after the previous chapter...Anyways...hey guys! how do you feel about my fanfic so far? please leave comments below and questions, I will be happy to answer =]]]]. HENGSHO!!!

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Chapter 4: Update? Please :3
Oshiiio #2
Chapter 3: Necesito una actualización.... quiero ver que pasa con Donghae!!!
Chapter 3: Up to date now yay :D
daramaegon #4
Chapter 2: its soo good! thanks for the story! it's quite interesting~~ pls update us soon:)
anna0315 #5
Chapter 2: lots muhaha and blah blah i think..improve more