Pieces of Time

"We either forget or regret."



     A young Himchan huffs a long breath as he was trying (and failing) to do his best in order to get into school on time. How could he? He’s just another guy who newly moved into town and have a knowledge as small as a dust about it. All his Dad told him that there is only one high school that was in town and that he’ll be able to find in no time.




     Time was ticking away and his wristwatch flashed an inconvenient 7:45. His first class is about to start at eight o’clock. He was nowhere near (Well, he had no idea where to go in the beginning.) He walked aimlessly straight down the street, clammy hands tightly gripping on the straps of his backpack. His eyes caught a sight of an officer just across the street, and as if a light bulb appeared on top of his head, he thought that it was best to inquire the officer for direction. Pressure pushes him to act on impulse and just as the stoplight for people just turned red, and that was when Himchan was in the middle of crossing the road. He was about to run but was halted when a motorcycle almost just hit the brains out of him if the driver wasn’t paying any close attention to the passerby.


     Himchan’s heart drummed against his chest out of panic. He just wanted to go to school, and now there he is slumped in the middle of the street, eyes as wide as saucers with a heart that was beating a thousand times per minute. He just wanted to go back to his old town.


     “E-excuse me!” The motorcycle driver, who has an impressively deep voice exclaimed and Himchan heard it, though it did not register because Himchan is till in a state of shock. The man shakes him lightly and after a few minutes, that was only when Himchan was quick to respond.


     “Are you alright? I’m sorry..I mean, I didn’t really mean to scare you.” The other man said, eyes full of worry, and Himchan just responded blankly with a nod. “Can I make it up to you? H-hey! Going to school? I can give you a lift!” The man offered as he pointed to the patch on his left pocket, the exact same one on Himchan’s uniform. After propping himself up, he was handed with a spare motorcycle helmet and he reluctantly wore it, eyes stalking the man before him. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you there safely.” The young driver said with a wink, and gummy smile that could barely be seen through the helmet. The said immediately hopped on the vehicle and Himchan did the same. “I’m Yongguk, by the way!” The man situated just in front of him said as the engine ignited and boosted forward, causing Himchan to have a firm grip on the other’s shoulders. “I-I’m Himchan. Thank you for the ride..and not running me over.” Himchan said loudly enough for Yongguk, apparently his new friend, to hear him. He heard a crunchy laugh out of the male whom he assumed was older, and the ride to school fell silent.


     As Yongguk parked his motorcycle, Himchan glanced at his watch and saw a terrifying 7:59. He felt the surge of adrenalin get the best of him, and he immediately dashed through the front gate, and straight to the building, forgetting that Yongguk had just brought him to school or that he still had the motorcycle helmet on until he heard the ring of laughs to his ears as he entered the classroom he was supposed to be in.  He quickly removed the helmet and kept his eyes glued securely on the ground. The young teacher motioned for him to stand in the middle of the class and introduce himself.


     “Uhh, Kim Himchan. Nice to meet you.” He murmured quickly, hearing the teacher saying that being late is punishable by ‘school laws’ and that she’ll let it slip because he was just new. Himchan heard a few giggles from some girls as he walked slowly to the aisle, and hushed conversations of guys that were directly looking at him. In the right corner he was delighted that his eyes caught empty seat. Not hesitating, he made his way without making eye contact with anybody. He took a deep breath as he sat himself down, and buried his face onto his hands, which was propped by his elbows.


     First day in this new school and he was already losing it.


     “Yo~” A deep voice that had left an impression on Himchan’s mind slowly invaded his thoughts. Behold, it was Yongguk sitting right next to him with a salute and a gummy smile darting at him.


     “H-how did you get here?!” Himchan tried to whisper, perplexed because he was so sure he ran his wits just so he could get to class barely on time and that he left Yonggguk as he sprinted to the building.


     “Short-cut. I was going to tell you about it but Zoom~Himchannie was gone!”


     Himchan’s thoughts tingled at the nickname. He never really liked them, but the way Yongguk said it was just too endearing to ignore. Himchan mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ and bowed curtly to the man next to him. He faced to the front and was slightly taken aback as a note flew to his desk. He turned his head and saw Yongguk chuckling, he mouthed ‘Open it!’ And he did so.






YES! ^_^

NO!  o ~ o


     Himchan rolled his eyes playfully an encircled the yes before throwing it back to Yongguk’s desk. As much as he wanted to spend the rest of the day exploring the school by himself, he took into consideration the fact that he was new and clearly had no knowledge around the area whatsoever and that since he’s new, then friends don’t really have a place in the picture of his life here yet. He thought that whoever ‘the gang’ was, he just hoped he’d fit in well.




     “You’re a revolting bastard! Bang Yongguk!” A girl, whose hair was dyed in a blue-green shade shouted across the table, her chopsticks dramatically pointed at Yongguk. Himchan’s eyes grew wide and gulped nervously. If this was ‘the gang’ then he’s scared he might be killed before he went back to the city.


     “Don’t scare the new guy, Jieunie.” Yongguk cooed as he snatched a dumpling from her lunch ware, earning him a few weak punches. Himchan thought that Yongguk probably calls everyone with nicknames and that ‘Himchannie’ wasn’t as special as he thought it would. Not that he minded it though. He just sat there awkwardly next to Yongguk as the lady, who’s mouth really knew how to throw curses continue to shoot at Yongguk.


     “You forgot to pick me up, Guk! You know how difficult it is to walk in these heels to school?!” Jieun complained, her brows narrowing by the second.


     “It’s not my duty to pick you up, princess. Besides, I got to help our Himchannie over here! If you have anyone to blame then..blame it on him!” Yongguk playfully threw his arms around Himchan, who sunk himself to the chair, and Yongguk’s touch. Jieun’s expression switched in an instant as she faced Himchan’s direction. It was as if the devil that possessed her completely ascended to heaven. She looked like an angel as she batted her eyelashes at Himchan.


     “Oh~ Hello! I’m Song Jieun, Yongguk’s Master.” She said as she extended her arms out in a friendly manner, in which Himchan gladly took with a small smile painted on his lips. “Kim Himchan.” He said simply as he let go of her hand.


     “Whersh thu ders?” Yongguk tried to speak, although the food in his mouth muffles what he’s trying to convey. Jieun gives Yongguk’s head a light hit with her spoon. “Don’t talk with your mouth full!” She said in a slightly loud shrill..Himchan was amused at how close these two seem, exchanging playful banters, and meaningless insults, but laughing right after. He found a warm feeling inside his heart slowly brewing as he just sat silently, watching them converse.


     After a good five minutes two boys approached the table. Himchan’s eyes grew a little big because both of their hair was dyed in a flashy blonde color. Himchan unconsciously touches his hair, feeling under-styled with all of these people.


     “Hey! Who’s the new guy?” One chimed in, placing his lunch on the table as he sat across Himchan. “The name’s Daehyun.” He said with a two-finger salute before started gobbling down his food as if he hasn’t been fed in three days.


     “K-Kim Himchan.” He introduced again, astonished at how much this boy in front of him could eat.


     “Dae! Tsk, stop eating like an animal! We have someone new.” The guy beside Daehyun said, as he was attempting to wipe some rice off the man. “But I’m hungry, Jae.” He replied with a pout in his voice.


     “Himchan, meet DaeJae.” Jieun said with sparkling eyes, hands clasped together.


     “Dae..Jae?” Himchan tilted his head to the side, amused and intrigued at the unusual name.


      “Well, You see, I helped them become a couple~ If it weren’t for my god-given match making skills, these two would—“


     “YAH!” The subjects of the conversation interrupted in unison.


     Himchan couldn’t help but laugh at the thought that these people are crazy in a totally good way. There is Jieun, a very shy-looking girl with a fiery personality that opposes her visual appearance. Bang Yongguk, a cheeky yet playful guy who you’re immediately drawn to. DaeJae, a couple who are helplessly in love with each other, though they have their differences, those help them complement each other in a way that you’d stare at them with awe.


     A warm feeling sparked inside of Himchan the moment he spent his first lunch hour with his newfound friends. He enjoyed their company and he felt like he fit in. It’s not like he had any trouble with fitting in, but these people whom he met already had an impact on his life. He felt as if that they would give him something that’ll never part from him, something he will always remember and treasure when all of them grow up, go their separate ways, and have their own future. That was the gift of memories and the assurance of friendship.


     Just like that, sitting in that table whilst observing and listening, he was able to unravel some mysteries and quirks about each member of the group. He started to mentally list that JIeun absolutely loved the color blue-green which explains why she decided to dye her hair that way, Youngjae always packs two lunches, one for him and one for his boyfriend despite the fact that Daehyun already brings food for himself, Daehyun can sure eat a whole lot of food and manage to stay fit [Himchan was envious because he can’t even bare the thought of eating more than 1,200 calories in a day]. His thoughts and vision trails of to Yongguk, and start to rummage his mind for some of the things about Yongguk that he might’ve caught and he was surprised that there was..none.


     It wasn’t a question that each of them had a different story and have their own mystery, but for some odd reason Himchan’s mind gravitates to the thoughts of Yongguk and wanting to unravel the mysteries and story of the man.


     He turns to the man and opted to ask him a random question, but was interrupted by the lunch bell ringing.


     Himchan just reserved all of his questions for future opportunities.



     The man pulls his scarf until it covers half of his face as he across the street and gives the memorable street light one final glance. It was as if an old book from his past opened and started to flip through the dog-eared and brittle pages because it was left untouched for the past years he’s been chasing things he thought he wanted, before realizing that all he’s ever wanted was right in this town all along.


     In a far corner, he sees a small building and on the second floor was an abandoned dance studio. The black and white pages of his memory book starts to spill colors of wonders, painting how he remembers that one significant place that caught his sight.


     The dwindling feeling of nostalgia tickles his system and a faint smile finds it’s way on his lips.


     Who knew attraction could start in an odd place as such?


      Bang Yongguk. The name that was already flooded with thoughts of regrets resurfaced with a feeling of secret longing.



Author's Thoughts:

Sorry for not posting it sooner! I hope you guys are still looking forward to this mini-serires!

Comments & Subs are loved!

lol & i hope i am not confusing you with mature channie & his reminiscing of his past scenes.

& unbeta-ed i know it forgive meh~

 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

[lol yes for the creeper emoticon?]

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zarawrshi #1
Chapter 4: I want to cry for Himchan. ;______;
Chapter 4: >.< I'm eager to know more now. Why did you stop there? Weayo~?!
Chapter 3: Yay~, they meet again. So happy~~!!!
Chapter 2: So sad~, Hammie come here so I can hug you~! *hug*
Chapter 4: I Love this chapter !
I mean, it's like a classic story but minus the boring part !
Great job ! Can't wait to know the whole past ^^
chattenoire #6
Chapter 4: I love it very much~ ^^
And more curious 'bout the past, too..
You really did good job with words of their feelings~
Oh, just a friendly reminder, you used "you're" instead of "your".. :)
Chapter 4: Yeahhh I'M IN LOVE with your story don't worry >3< !!!
Fighting!!! keep the amazing work you're doing!!!!
Chapter 3: aaahhhhhhh i'm glad i found this story ;o;
this somehow looks like a simple story yet you can make it interesting, i love it <3
PotatoLife #9
Chapter 3: Well I can't wait for the 3 next chapters ahhh I love this story
Chapter 3: This chapter is really really great and amazing !! Really love it !!
That 'secret love' of himchan, really make me want to know the whole story..
And that present part makes my heart stop just like himchan's..
Can't wait for the next update ! ^^