part 2

Comeback When You Can
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It has been  two weeks since Nana didn’t appear, and it’s getting hard for Kris to pretend that he isn't bothered. Her absence obviously affects his mood. He looks gloomy these days like there is a black cloud upper his head.

He heaves a sigh when he glances for the third times  at the seat near the window. It’s still empty like yesterday.

When he looks back to that seat after serve another customer, he sees there is someone who sits there. Unfortunately it’s not the blond girl whom he likes, but a high school girl who busy type something in her twitter through her smart phone.

Kris gulps, staring at the little girl in unease for seconds, before he goes to the pantry which located behind the counter. He thinks that he needs some rest.

 He turns on the faucet and takes some cold water to wash his face, brushing  his anxiety away along with it.

“You are getting weird  bro!” Chanyeol complaints while frowning.

“I am fine, ” Kris denies and he can hear Chanyeol mutters ‘liar’ under his breath.

“Totally fine my ! For a God sake Kris, you never even have a deep conversation with her. “ Kyungsoo scoffs.

“Who knows maybe she is an alien.”  Jongin  is the youngest among them, yet his tongue is the sharpest. Alien or not, she already carries away his heart, and he doesn’t sure that she will get a new one in a short period.

Junmyeon approaches them, his hand waving a pamphlet. “Kris, look what I find!”

His scream attracts attention of others. They surround him while Kris takes the pamphlet from his hand. His brows wrinkle when he reads it. “ A fan signing? “

 Junmyeon elbows him.“Yeah!  What the hell are you waiting for? Go get your  girl before it’s too late!”




His feet almost surrender to sustain his body after standing for two hours. He feels that the queue moves too slow. He never guess that she’s very popular, though he can assume that she is a writer based his observation.

Kris wonders that maybe she feels tired as well to sign those books. Too many people queue in this line. He regrets that he doesn’t come earlier. His tardiness makes him becomes the last one in line.

When the last person in the line approaches her,  She’s already too tired to pay attention. So she takes the book from his hand without seeing his face.

“So what’s your name?”

“Kris. Anyway, does the Caramel Machiato in my café become sour so you never come anymore?”

A familiar husky voice diverts her attention. She lifts his head and see his handsome face through her glasses. The glasses slides down a bit from the bridge of her pointy nose, revealing watery  orbs behind the thick frame.

 He can see the stain of agony ruins the painting of her beautiful eyes. He wishes that he knows how to paint with brighter color.





Sometimes it doesn’t matter how far she walks away, when her heart already guide her to a certain path, she will definitely come back. Perhaps, that’s why Nana finds herself walking to his café in this morning.

She stares blankly at the door of his café for a few seconds. It won’t be too late to step back and avoid the horrible consequence later. But she’s already in the seaside, so it may useless if she doesn’t  fight to swim across the ocean.

There is a silence drip into the air when her booth clanks against the polished floor. Chanyeol stops mopping the floor and Jongin quit wiping the round tables. Nana chuckles in amusement at these two. She  skips along into the counter.

“Welcomes. I though you will never come back,” Kris yells, doesn’t bother to conceal his excitement. Happiness flickers across his vibrant eyes when she strides over the counter.

“This is my treat to answer your last night question.  I bet you already know what I want to order right?”   She raises her brows cheekily before going to her favorite seat.



He maneuvers his pace into her seat a few minutes later, with a tray in his hands. Nana inhales deeply when  when a strong flavor  from coffee that he brings tickles her nose. She misses the coffee which he makes, the relaxing situation in his café that inspire her writing, and of course him.

“Here you go, your order,” Kris says while putting two plates of honey croissant and two cups of coffee. Nana blinks when she realizes the amount of plate and glasses which he brings.  But she doesn’t mutter anything, waiting him to explain.


“Could I sit in here?”  He offers her his company with his stern voice.

She trails her gaze and finds that she’s practically the only customer who comes yet. She gives him a nod as a reply as she wonders that Kris want to talk something.

“So what’s your opinion about my new book?” She asks him as he takes a seat across her table.

“It’s unique and dark so far, This is actually my second time reading a fantasy novel after Harry Potter.”  He closes his short explanation with a light chuckle.

“Really?”  She furrows her brows as she tugs a strain of her hair  to the back of her ear.

“Yeah. I am not illiterate actually, I like reading comics better.” He reveals shamelessly, but telling a white lie to please anyone else isn’t his style.

“Oh Man! I knew it already,” Nana declares as she kicks him quite  harshly under the table. She grins in satisfaction when he let out a painful moan.

“I never know you can be  so mean, ” he winces in pain as he rubs his knee.

“That’s your punishment, ” she pretends to bully him as she sticks out her tongue.

” I actually went in there because I wanted to meet you,” Kris finally confesses as he looks straightforwardly at Nana.

Nana stops drinking her coffee, her gaze   flickers over his almond shaped eyes, trying to find an honesty in there. Her moist lips spread into a full smile, when she convinces that she finds what she’s looking for.

“Thank you for missing me?” She laughs cheerily and he’s mimicking her action.

He asks her again when they stop laughing. “Nana, I notice  your fondness. I wonder why do you really love walking in the rain? “  The golden haired man asks him carefully, while his hand ruins the foam on his coffee with a metal spoon.

Her heart flutters in discomfort inside as she struggles to hide her real and raw emotion behind

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KimRae #1
omg T^T
please make KriNa or maybe LuNana more, this is amazing ><
i love this one ^^9
warunyan #2
oh idk why i love lunana more in here!
Holy crap. "I always like walking in (the) rain, so no one can see me crying." -Charlie Chaplin
That's really deep. o.o
Chapter 2: I love krisna but I also love hanana. Drowning with tears T.T *cough* SEQUEL *cough*
Chapter 2: awwwwwwwwwww /sheds ugly tears
Chapter 2: ohhh can i request for another ending? perhaps a happy one?
or a SEQUEL?? i love this story so much!!!!
Chapter 2: so in the end nana gave her live to luhan
Chapter 1: oh gosh i love it, so nana already dead?
dude luhan like those who in 49 days