

Right after Youngjae left him, Yongguk began brainstorming on what to do. He knew he had to confront Daehyun. But should he tell him the truth? Should he tell him the reason why he avoided him? But wouldn’t that destroy their friendship? Yongguk was in dilemma.


Deciding that he should first apologise to Daehyun, he set other thoughts aside. Getting Daehyun back and making Daehyun forgiving him were the two priorities now.


The next day, Yongguk decided to stay at their shared home. He knew Daehyun always isolated himself there ever since he started avoiding him. He first started off with preparing breakfast for Daehyun.


The aroma of the food was what woke Daehyun up. Daehyun was confused as to why there’s smell of food. But his brain wasn’t functioning early in the morning. Besides, today was a holiday. Maybe he should sleep in until noon.


He was about to drift to sleep again when the sound of pots clanking woke him up. A little startled, he scrambled out of the room to see what’s happening. What he saw in the kitchen was what he didn’t expect at all.


Yongguk, in the kitchen, was cooking in a pink apron. With a spatula in one hand and pan in the other. Daehyun was a little stunned to see Yongguk in the house. Usually, he would be gone by the time he woke up.


Yongguk was not ready to meet Daehyun yet when he saw him out of the corner of his eyes. He grew panic and nearly dropped the pan he’s holding.


“G-good m-mo-morning,” Yongguk stumbled over his word.


Daehyun’s eyes were already wide open when he saw Yongguk in the kitchen cooking. And now his eyes were even wider, if it’s possible, when Yongguk greeted him. Was he dreaming? He must miss Yongguk that much to be this delusional.


Daehyun pinched himself on the arm to wake himself up from this oh-so-good-delusion. He felt the pain but Yongguk was still standing in front of him. He tried again by slapping himself on the cheek but Yongguk was still standing there staring at him.


Seeing Daehyun in that dazed state made Yongguk chuckled. How can someone be that cute? Only the one and only Jung Daehyun can be. Yongguk then slowly advanced towards Daehyun. Daehyun was still confused but when he saw Yongguk inching towards him with a smile, he couldn’t help but to question out loud “Is this real? This is not one of my delusions right?”


That made Yongguk burst out laughing. “No, Dae. This is real. See, you can feel my hand right?” said Yongguk while caressing Daehyun’s cheek that was red with his own fingers pattern on it. With Yongguk this close to him, his voice betrayed him by shutting off his voicebox, though he could manage a little nod. But that was enough for Yongguk. He pulled Daehyun into a hug and said “I’m so sorry, Daehyun. I didn’t mean to ignore or avoid you on purpose. It’s just that there’s something I need to sort out but everything is settled now. I really hope you will forgive me, though I know I don’t deserve it because you suffered because of me.”


“S-sort out? Wh-what is it t-that you have to s-sort out?” Daehyun managed to put his thoughts into words, though he failed miserably by stuttering so badly. But the message was delivered as Yongguk could understand him. Yongguk knew he would ask this sooner or later but he didn’t expect it to be so soon. How should he answer him? He didn’t think this is the right time to tell Daehyun.


“I’m sorry, Dae, but I don’t I can tell you about it. This is not the right time.”


“What are you trying to hide from me? I think I deserve to know it after all the tortures I’ve been through. Do you have any idea how broken I was? Do you have any idea how lonely I was? Do you have any idea how jealous I was?” Daehyun couldn’t keep it in anymore. He yelled at Yongguk, pouring everything out.


“Jealous?” Yongguk was stunned. Did he hear him right? Jealous? Why is Daehyun jealous? Of who?


Oops. Daehyun realized too late that he accidentally slipped while getting all worked up. “I-I didn’t say a-anything about j-jealous.”


Furrowing his eyebrows, he said “I don’t think I have hearing problem. I clearly heard you said you were jealous. Of who, Dae? And why?”


Knowing he was busted and he couldn’t deny anymore, he looked down on his lap. He was fidgeting and his mind was running in full gear, trying to think whether he should just confess right there and then. If he did, he knew that was the end of their friendship. If he didn’t, he knew that he would regret it someday when Yongguk was getting married or something and he couldn’t even tell his best friend how he felt about him. So, deciding to go to hell with it, Daehyun mustered all his courage and looked at Yongguk dead in the eyes.


“Hyung, do you know why I’m broken? Because you are important to me. When you avoided me, I felt like a part of me was taken away. Do you know why I’m lonely? Even though I have Youngjae and others, they can’t even replace you.”


Yongguk had heard that somewhere. Ahhh right. Youngjae told him that before. But I know no one could replace you because you are special to him in some way.


“And you know who I’m jealous of and why? I’m jealous of JiEun. She was so damn close to you recently. It was as if she had replaced me in your heart. As if I was no longer important to you. And you know why I’m feeling this way? It’s because I love you, hyung. I love you romantically. Not that hyung-dongsaeng love nor friend-friend love. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been feeling this way? And knowing that you won’t return my feelings when I’m head over heels for you hurts me so much. Everytime I look at you knowing that I won’t have you and that you won’t ever be mine, shattered my heart. I know I’m risking our friendship here but I need to get this out. I don’t want to regret this on your wedding day when I know I wouldn’t be able to tell you my feeling towards you if I didn’t get this out now. I’m sorry, hyung. I’m very thankful that I met you. Thank you for making my life so colourful after meeting you. But I know that we have to part ways now….I love you, hyung.”


Halfway through his speech, he was already crying. By the time he finished his speech, his sight was blurred by his tears. He couldn’t see Yongguk’s face nor his reaction. He knew he couldn’t face Yongguk anymore after this. So he quickly dashed into his room, wanting to pack and leave. But before he even managed to take a step, Yongguk caught his wrist.


Not wanting Yongguk to look at his pathetic state now, he struggled. “LET ME GO, HYUNG!” But Yongguk didn’t let go. Instead, he turned Daehyun around and hugged him. Daehyun was still struggling but Yongguk’s hug was tight, he couldn’t escape.


“Dae, listen to me please. Stop struggling and shouting.”


But Daehyun wasn’t listening. The only thing on his mind was to get away and hide forever from his hyung to save himself from any further embarrassment.




But that didn’t work either. Daehyun was still struggling. Desperately wanting Daehyun to calm down, Yongguk did the only thing that he though could stop Daehyun from struggling. Yongguk kissed him. Daehyun’s eyes were wide as he stood frozen. Yongguk pulled away after he felt that Daehyun had stopped struggling in his embrace. Sighing, Yongguk placed his forehead on Daehyun’s.


“Dae…I love you too. That was what I was hiding from you. I didn’t know you feel the same way. I’m sorry I had hurt you so much. I’m so sorry. When I realized that I love you, I was scared. So I avoided you. I’m sorry. I love you, so much. Please don’t run away from me.”




Smiling, Yongguk closed the gap between their lips. Daehyun was more than happy to kiss him back.


“I love you, hyung.”


“I love you more”

On both of their faces were craved the most beautiful and sincere smiles. Finally, all the drama had ended. And they were back to each other. But it’s different now because now they belonged to each other. And they were happier than they used to be. 



This is crappy. I know. I'm sorry I updated this late. I've been having writer's block. But I didnt want to leave this hanging so I tried finishing it. But the ending is so disappointing. I'm sorry. 

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 4: Omfg adorable as i want more

Thank you for writing xx
Chapter 4: Too beautiful, omg.
rararakun #3
XaraKAI #4
Chapter 4: Teheee.....i was grinning the whole time while reading this. this is so cute. They are so cute
givivi123 #5
Chapter 4: Awwwww! So adorable, with Jae being such a great friend!
Chapter 4: Aww, happy ending~ :"D
But what happened to the food? XD
KehKeh #7
Chapter 3: U go youngjae and yongguk plz go to daehyun he needs u
This is a great story!'
Plz update xD
Chapter 2: OMG yes! I was expecting something like tht had happened! Bang totally likes Dae!!! Admit it Bang!!! >w<
Update Soon~^^
and i just cried sobs emotions
heeyoung_kwon #10
Chapter 2: I'm rolling on the floor, clutching my heart so tight so it won't burst from SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY feels that I'm getting now ;__;
I almost f***king cry :'(((((((((((
Oh God, please update soon, I don't think I can handle my feeling any longer, I'm gonna die soon :'(((((((((