Chapter 3


A week was still understandable but a whole month was intolerable. Daehyun was yearning for Yongguk. That one month without him was driving him mad. Every single day he asked himself what did he do wrong that Yongguk was doing this to him.


He went through that one month without a glance from Yongguk. Yongguk practically ignored his existence. And what’s worse was that Yongguk was getting a little too friendly with Jieun. He saw them hanging out every breaks in the cafeteria, alone in their own world.


Daehyun was slowly losing himself. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He tried every way to get Yongguk’s attention but nothing worked. Losing his only hope to continue his living, he slowly retreated to his own shell. He was blocking himself from the world.


His friends did take notice of Daehyun’s changes, especially Youngjae. Youngjae, being the most brilliant among the group of friends, could easily see through what had happened. Daehyun used to come to school together with Yongguk, hanging out with him every chance he could. But nowadays, Daehyun was always alone. He knew there was a problem between them. But he couldn’t figure out what was the big deal that made the two inseparable best friends like this. Youngjae knew that asking Daehyun would result in nothing so he took the initiative to approach Yongguk.



That day, Youngjae saw Yongguk with Jieun in the library. It was quite an odd sight to Youngjae as Yongguk was never the type to study, moreover in the library, neither was Jieun. But who was he to judge anyone? So shaking those thoughts aside, he went straight to them.


“Yongguk hyung, right? I’m Youngjae, Daehyun’s friend. Can I have a moment with you? I have some important matters to discuss,” asked Youngjae politely.


“Erm…I don’t think this is the right time. I’m currently busy as you can see,” replied Yongguk.


Youngjae narrowed his eyes. Busy? He couldn’t see how he was busy. Was flirting with a girl in the library considered busy? Was flirting with a girl in the library more important than his friend? Youngjae couldn’t help but to get mad at Yongguk.


“Listen, hyung. I’m only asking this politely and calling you hyung because you are Daehyun’s best friend. I wouldn’t want to disrupt your date with this girl if it’s not important. Daehyun is your best friend. Can’t you see he’s….losing himself? The current Daehyun is not the Daehyun I know anymore. He’s shutting himself off from the world,” Youngjae raised his voice a little.


Yongguk flinched. Was what this Youngjae kid said true? Was he going overboard? Was he affecting Daehyun?


“Jieun, it’s getting late anyway. I think it’s best for you to get home now before the sky gets dark. We’ve been here for more than two hours. Your parents must be worried. Let me send you off, okay?” asked Yongguk.


“It’s okay, Yonggukie oppa. I can leave myself. Besides, this guy seems like he would punch you in the face if he waits any longer to talk to you,” smiled Jieun.


Youngjae glared at her. This girl got on his nerves with just one sentence. He didn’t miss the endearment the girl gave Yongguk either.


“Alright. Please be careful. Call me when you have reached, okay?” With a nod, Jieun left them.


“Alright, hyung. I won’t beat around the bush. What happened between you and Daehyun? Do you know you are hurting him with the way you are ignoring him?” Youngjae harshly whispered.


“I..I…,” Yongguk couldn’t get any word out of his mouth.


Youngjae ruffled his own hair in desperation. “Look, hyung. Let’s find a place where we can talk without the need to whisper first, alright?”


With a nod, Yongguk got up and followed Youngjae. They went to the back of their school. There was this tennis court that was long abandoned by the school since the new tennis court was built somewhere in the front of the school. The students were saying that it was a hassle that they needed to walk that far to get to the court, therefore, the new tennis court was built and this old court was abandoned.


This was the perfect place for them to discuss. No one would bother them and it was quiet.


“So, hyung. Spill the beans. I know there’s something big that you have been keeping to yourself. I saw the way you and Daehyun interacted before. The both of you were stuck together all the time. There must be something that changed that and Daehyun is clueless about it.”


“…You are right, Youngjae.” With a sigh, Yongguk admitted.


“So what is it? What’ the big deal that caused this? Don’t tell me bull, hyung, because I can see right through lies.”


“I….I….,” Yongguk didn’t know whether to tell this kid or not. He didn’t want to freak anyone out,


“AISH HYUNG! Just spill it out!” Youngjae was getting impatient.


“Why are you raising your voice at me? I’m older than you. Have some respect. And what happened between Daehyun and I wasn’t something I can just spill it out! Give me some time. I will settle it.”


Youngjae looked at him in disbelief. He tried so hard to help Daehyun but apparently this idiot wasn’t allowing him to. But maybe he wasn’t in the position to handle this. This was between Daehyun and Yongguk. Even though Daehyun was a dear friend to him, this was their personal matter.


“Alright, hyung. I trust you to settle this. Do it fast. I can’t bear to see Daehyun like this anymore. And please, take a look at him. He’s crumbling down in the inside.”


Youngjae could see that Yongguk was beating himself internally. He knew that this idiot still cared for his friend.


Before he walked away, Youngjae turned to Yongguk and said, “Hyung, I know you still care for him. I don’t know what happened but I know you will fix this back. You need to fix this back. Daehyun is my friend too. But I know no one could replace you because you are special to him in some way. He would always mention about you to our group of friends. He told us all your glories and not a single bad thing about you. He made you as his and our role model as well. We all look up to you.”


Yongguk could feel his heart sinking. Daehyun…..


“And hyung, I look up to you as well. Even though you are not the best out there, I saw something in you that inspired me. Your determination, hyung. I saw how you would never give up no matter what is ahead of you. I believe you will put those in this matter as well. Show your determination in how you are going to fix this back. Show your determination in how you are going to bring the old Daehyun back. I trust you, hyung. Don’t make me change my mind about you.”


With that said, Youngjae walked away. Yongguk knew what he had to do now. 

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 4: Omfg adorable as i want more

Thank you for writing xx
Chapter 4: Too beautiful, omg.
rararakun #3
XaraKAI #4
Chapter 4: Teheee.....i was grinning the whole time while reading this. this is so cute. They are so cute
givivi123 #5
Chapter 4: Awwwww! So adorable, with Jae being such a great friend!
Chapter 4: Aww, happy ending~ :"D
But what happened to the food? XD
KehKeh #7
Chapter 3: U go youngjae and yongguk plz go to daehyun he needs u
This is a great story!'
Plz update xD
Chapter 2: OMG yes! I was expecting something like tht had happened! Bang totally likes Dae!!! Admit it Bang!!! >w<
Update Soon~^^
and i just cried sobs emotions
heeyoung_kwon #10
Chapter 2: I'm rolling on the floor, clutching my heart so tight so it won't burst from SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY feels that I'm getting now ;__;
I almost f***king cry :'(((((((((((
Oh God, please update soon, I don't think I can handle my feeling any longer, I'm gonna die soon :'(((((((((