Chapter 1



The word 'love' brought a more complicated meaning to Daehyun. While people were able to love normally, Daehyun couldn't. Because his love was out of the norm. When you go against the norm, you were ought to get casted away by the society. That was why Daehyun kept his love as a secret. Yet, he felt lonely as time flew by. 


He kept the secret well. Nobody knows about his abnormality. But as he went on hiding this, he was slowly dying inside. He needed to let it out. However, he knew that once the secret is out, his life would be a mess. How so? It’s because Daehyun’s biggest secret was he loved men.


It’s his hyung to be exact. He tried to deny many times but when he saw his hyung’s gummy smile, he knew he fell even harder instead of stopping. He felt jealous when his hyung was so close with other girls. He remembered his hyung told him once that his ideal wife was a moralistic woman.


These two words threw Daehyun off the edge. He was the exact opposite of those words. Moralistic? He was sure he wasn’t one. Considered that liking, no, scratch that, loving the same gender was unacceptable in the community. It was immoral to do so as these types of people would only bring shame to the society and influence the young ones. Woman? The last time he checked, he had male’s reproductive organs.


His hyung was his housemate. He was older than him by three years old. Even though they were of different age, they were very close. They went to school together, they spent their nights together burning midnight oil to complete their homework and assignments and to study, they joined the same clubs for their extracurricular activities and they were in the same class. It was as if their hips were glued together. Inseparable, that’s how they were.


But of course, this only worried Daehyun more. He tried to stop himself. But he realized that was impossible. He fell too deep and hard. There was no way for him to turn back. Unless he went disappear to hide from his hyung forever. But he couldn’t even bear to separate from his hyung for a day. That was how deep he was attached to his hyung.


His hyung is Bang Yongguk, a young lad with blinding gummy smile, deep cave-like voice and a heart that was so kind that he couldn’t even kill an insect. Though he wasn’t that handsome, it didn’t matter to Daehyun. Love’s not about looks and statuses. Love should be pure feelings from your heart. That was where Daehyun did a mistake. His pure feelings from his heart only brought him difficulties.


Recently, Yongguk was getting further away from him. They didn’t hang out together anymore. They didn’t even walk to school anymore. Yongguk didn’t even greet Daehyun in the school and class. Daehyun was devastated. Being a day without his hyung was torturous enough. Now his hyung was acting as if he didn’t exist. This was pure agony to him.


It started around a week ago. That day Daehyun was sick. He was soaked wet from head to toes as he ran back in the rain from his workplace. Daehyun worked as a part-time librarian in the town library. He liked the peace and quiet surrounding in the library. Besides, the job was easy and the pay was reasonable. There were only two workers in the library. Another worker was an old lady. She was so sweet to Daehyun. Since she’s a full-time librarian, she worked alone when Daehyun couldn’t make it to work or when Daehyun had a day off.


She even joked about the numbers of visitors to the library increased when Daehyun started working. Couldn’t blame the old lady though. Daehyun had the look and the charm. Every girls that came to the library were always looking for a reason to talk to him. Too bad he wasn’t interested in them.


That day after his work ended, like always, he walked home. However, luck was not on his side. The sky started to darken. Knowing that it was going to rain, he picked up his pace. He would always bring an umbrella with him but that day his umbrella was broken. Leaving him with no choice, he hastened his speed trying to get home before the rain poured.


Not even halfway through, the rain started falling on the ground with a light pitter-patter sound. Seconds later, it was pouring down like a waterfall. Daehyun quickly sprinted to get home. But he kept on falling as the road was slippery from the downpour. Not to mention, the rain was so heavy, it was hard for him to open his eyes, much less seeing what was in within ten feet away from him.


When he reached home, his jeans were torn and his white buttoned-up shirt was almost like a see-through piece. He was shivering, causing his jaws to clatter. He didn’t even have the strength to open the door. He was losing consciousness as he was never the strong and healthy type. He easily got sick and infected with mild diseases. The downpour left quite an impact on him as he was getting weaker by seconds. Though before he could faint, a strong arm caught him in the waist to prevent him from falling. That was the last thing he knew before everything turned pitch black for him.


Since that day, Yongguk was avoiding him. He came to know that Yongguk was the one who caught him before he fell onto the cold hard ground when he woke up to a sleeping Yongguk beside him. During those few days when he was sick, Yongguk took care of him. Cooking him healthy meals, feeding him medicines and calling the library for his absences. Those kind actions of his hyung only made him fell harder for him.


However, once he was healthy enough, Yongguk avoided him as if he was a pest. He was beginning to think that his hyung thought of him as a burden. Maybe those few days of taking care of him made Yongguk realized that Daehyun was just a pain in the . Nothing but trouble. Yongguk even tried avoiding making any eye contact with him.


This was taking a toll on Daehyun. Daehyun couldn’t think of why Yongguk was avoiding him. Heck, did Yongguk realized he liked him? Did he say what he wasn’t supposed to when he was unconscious? Did he do inappropriate things to Yongguk? Omo! He didn’t kiss Yongguk or anything right?


Now that all those thoughts invaded his mind, he couldn’t keep still. He was afraid. Afraid that he would lose Yongguk. Yongguk was slipping out of his hold now. Getting further and further away. He felt fear for the first time. Yongguk was important to him. He couldn’t lose the reason that kept him continuing his messed up life.


He tried whatever ways he could to get Yongguk to notice him again. He pretended to be sick. He pretended to got into detention. He even provoked the school bullies so that they would beat him up to pulp. But it didn’t really work. Sure, Yongguk did look concerned when he was ‘sick’. Yongguk was shocked when he heard that the goody two shoes got into ‘detention’. And he surely was angered when he knew the bullies had beaten Daehyun up. But those only lasted for a day. Right after the day, Yongguk ignored his existence again.


Daehyun was sure he was going to go crazy. He needed to know the reason Yongguk was avoiding him. He needed to know what he did wrong. But how when Yongguk didn’t even want to stay in the house when he’s in. Daehyun was lost without Yongguk. He needed his source of life back. Whenever he was down, Yongguk cheered him up. Whenever he was hurt, Yongguk was there for him. Yongguk was his shoulder to lean on, his knight in shining armor, he was his life.


He knew he needed to do something fast. Before Yongguk totally slipped out of his grip. But how?



Hello everyone <3

I'm sorry that the first chapter was so short but I'm terribly sick now. I can't even breathe properly. Stupid nose block. But I didnt want to keep you guys waiting so i updated :) Anyway, I don't know how long this story will go. But I can say that it will be a short chaptered fic. Or maybe only two shots. Enjoy :D


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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 4: Omfg adorable as i want more

Thank you for writing xx
Chapter 4: Too beautiful, omg.
rararakun #3
XaraKAI #4
Chapter 4: Teheee.....i was grinning the whole time while reading this. this is so cute. They are so cute
givivi123 #5
Chapter 4: Awwwww! So adorable, with Jae being such a great friend!
Chapter 4: Aww, happy ending~ :"D
But what happened to the food? XD
KehKeh #7
Chapter 3: U go youngjae and yongguk plz go to daehyun he needs u
This is a great story!'
Plz update xD
Chapter 2: OMG yes! I was expecting something like tht had happened! Bang totally likes Dae!!! Admit it Bang!!! >w<
Update Soon~^^
and i just cried sobs emotions
heeyoung_kwon #10
Chapter 2: I'm rolling on the floor, clutching my heart so tight so it won't burst from SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY feels that I'm getting now ;__;
I almost f***king cry :'(((((((((((
Oh God, please update soon, I don't think I can handle my feeling any longer, I'm gonna die soon :'(((((((((