Chapter 2




Daehyun was a very good friend of mine. We're always together no matter what we're doing. There were even rumors saying that we're gay. But I just laughed it off. I am certainly not gay. I like women all along. Especially moralistic women. I found those women charming when they picked up rubbishes on the floor.


I once told Daehyun about this. But Daehyun just frowned at me and walked out of the room in…rage? I didn’t know why and what happened. But the next day we’re best friends again. So I didn’t question him.


Daehyun was like the total opposite of me. I always wondered why we’re the best of friends. Daehyun was handsome, charming, intelligent, soft and well, weak. While I was not that handsome as he was but I considered myself good looking. Instead of charming, I thought of myself as hot. I was not that thick-skinned but everywhere I went, girls would shout at me “Yongguk oppa is so hot!”. Even Daehyun told me I was hot. I had to accept those compliments right?


While Daehyun was the ace in school, scoring his tests with flying colours, I was the average student in school. I didn’t ace my tests but at least I didn’t fail them. I was a tough looking guy while Daehyun was the softer one. Daehyun once told me that the aura I had around me was scaring people off. And it didn’t help that I always had a scowl on my face. Daehyun was always the weaker ones. In a year, he could fall sick for twelve times, once every month. As for me, I was as strong as a bull. I rarely got sick. And I was very muscular as I worked out


So our friendship was as absurd as it seemed to us and to everyone else.



That day, I was worried when it started raining. I knew his umbrella broke because I was the cause of it. I didn’t mean to use the umbrella as the weapon to squash the cockroach. It was the only thing that was within my range. And it didn’t help that Daehyun was screaming his head off when the little guy decided to flap its wing. I needed to get rid of the little guy fast and the umbrella came in handy.


I hadn’t reached home yet when the rain started pouring down. But I had borrowed an umbrella from my co-worker so I was fine. But I knew Daehyun was the shy type that wouldn’t want to trouble the old librarian and decided to speed back home despite the weather.


I had this feeling that urged me to get home fast. Like I knew something would happen if I didn’t. So I raced back home. It was a miracle how I didn’t lose my footing on this slippery road. When I entered the gate to our house, I saw a figure at the porch. It must be Daehyun. But he didn’t look good. I could see him shivering and he was all wet. When I walked up to him, suddenly he was falling. Luckily I managed to catch him before he hit the ground.


Quickly opening the door, I got him inside. I tried waking him up but to no avail as he had lost his consciousness. Even though he had fainted, his body was still shaking from the cold. Leaving me with no choice, I had to change his clothes for him.


Bringing him to his room, I put him on the bed. I stripped him off his clothes and put them in the laundry basket. I brought a towel to wipe him dry. But when I entered the room, looking at his bare body, my heart started thumping against my chest. Why didn’t I realize this before? Daehyun had an amazing body. Not built or muscular but his body was…curvy and petite. Almost like a girl’s body. Argh. I should stop thinking. He’s a guy and my dongsaeng for Pete’s sake. Why was I thinking about his body?


I quickly composed myself and proceeded to wipe him to prevent him from catching a cold, though I knew it wouldn’t help anything as he was soaked all over and he was weak. When I finished drying his hair, face, torso and back, I was stunned for a moment. Should I change his undergarment too? I shouldn’t leave him in that wet piece of clothing right? But then would I be invading his personal space for doing that for him? I wouldn’t want anything awkward between us. Sure, we’re close but not to that extend where we look at each other’s crotches right?


After debating to myself for 10 minutes, I decided to just change for him. Might as well helped him until the end right? Slowing pulling that piece of clothing down, I looked away. But I totally didn’t expect Daehyun to moan when I did that.


“Hyung….,” Daehyun moaned.


I turned beet red. I quickly grabbed a clean undergarment and helped him wore it. Of course, with my head turning away. However, Daehyun’s next action took me off guard. Daehyun pulled my left wrist and I lost my balance, landing on top of him. I quickly adjusted my weight so I wasn’t squashing him.


“Hyung….Yongguk hyung,” I heard Daehyun calling me in whispers.


When I turned my focus on him, my breath was taken away. His lips, oh his delicious-looking full lips kept murmuring my name. That luscious pair of lips was luring me in. I didn’t know what had taken control of me but I found myself leaning in.


Spark. Electric spark. That’s what I felt when our lips touched. Seconds later, I felt Daehyun’s lips moving against mine. He’s kissing me back. He murmured my name again. I snapped back and pulled myself away. WHAT HAD I DONE? I freaking kissed a guy and not to mention, he’s my close friend. What did I do? Oh God. Why did I enjoy that brief kiss? Why hadn’t I got up the moment I fell on him?


Tuning everything away from my mind, I quickly dressed him up to avoid any accident again. After that, I quickly scrambled out of the room and ran to my own room. My god. Why was my heart beating this fast? It’s accelerating by seconds when I thought of the kiss and Daehyun’s glorious body. What was this that I was feeling?


“You are not gay, Bang Yongguk. You are not. You love women. Especially moralistic women. Like Jieun. Daehyun is a guy and he is your best friend,” Yongguk repeated those like a chant.


After that incident, Daehyun still hadn’t woken up. So Yongguk had to take care of him. But it wasn’t that awkward since Daehyun kept going in and out of conscious. When he was fully awake, he didn’t remember anything. But he did notice Yongguk’s unusual behavior.


“Hyung…why are you acting so weird recently?” questioned Daehyun.


Oh god. Once that ‘hyung’ word was out of his mouth, Yongguk’s mind replayed that scene where Daehyun moaned his name and they kissed.


“Hyung? Hyung! HYUNG!”


“Huh? Oh…it’s nothing. I’m just tired,” lied Yongguk.


“Oh. Im sorry. I must be a burden to you right?” Daehyun said with such an innocent yet sad and alluring face at the same time.


That did it. Yongguk’s heart was accelerating again. His stomach had this unfamiliar feeling churning inside. He felt hot all of the sudden.


“I-I have to go,” Yongguk quickly shuffled out of the room, leaving Daehyun with a confused look.



Still sick :/ But Bangdae is keeping me alive. Bangdae <3333

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 4: Omfg adorable as i want more

Thank you for writing xx
Chapter 4: Too beautiful, omg.
rararakun #3
XaraKAI #4
Chapter 4: Teheee.....i was grinning the whole time while reading this. this is so cute. They are so cute
givivi123 #5
Chapter 4: Awwwww! So adorable, with Jae being such a great friend!
Chapter 4: Aww, happy ending~ :"D
But what happened to the food? XD
KehKeh #7
Chapter 3: U go youngjae and yongguk plz go to daehyun he needs u
This is a great story!'
Plz update xD
Chapter 2: OMG yes! I was expecting something like tht had happened! Bang totally likes Dae!!! Admit it Bang!!! >w<
Update Soon~^^
and i just cried sobs emotions
heeyoung_kwon #10
Chapter 2: I'm rolling on the floor, clutching my heart so tight so it won't burst from SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY feels that I'm getting now ;__;
I almost f***king cry :'(((((((((((
Oh God, please update soon, I don't think I can handle my feeling any longer, I'm gonna die soon :'(((((((((