Angry laugh!!!

The One

Hyunjoong's POV

She sat right next to the chair next to me, I felt a bit uneasy and was about to get up but she held my arm tightly and told me to stay.I looked at her once before sitting back down.

I looked at somewhere else besides her eyes afraid of geting lost in them but then again her demands forced me to looked at her.

She started to explain everything looking right straight into my eyes, while she's explaning I felt a bit of guilt rising up inside me, I tried to get them off and not fall for her.

I shook my head a few times then looked back at her but then again I can see her eyes are full of sincerity.

Now the guilt inside me is killing me.

why didn't I let her explain before?

why didn't I trust her?

Noona and kyujong is right, I jump into conclution without talking to her.

I didn't even bother to stop her from talking, NO I don't have the right to stop her from talking.

All the things that happened yesterday she probably worried so much and maybe even cried then the way I treated her today,KIM HYUN JOONG YOUR SUCH A STUPID BASTARD.

I was so deep into my own guilt thoughts that I didn't notice her finish her explanation and hand me a paper which was suppose to be a script.

I just pretended to look over it then place it on the chair besides me.

I can't lift my head anymore to look at her so I just kept my head down.

All the things that happened circling around my head while the guilt rised up more.

Tears started to form in my eyes without notice, im so sorry tiffany, im such a bad guy, I don't deserve you.

I heard her called me asking if I believe her, the least I can do is answer her question, I slowly lift my head up and told her I do then back down.

She said a few more things but I can barely heard them.

The moment tears started to fall is the same time I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Im sorry......Im so sorry," I said between my sobs.

I keep saying a lot of things without stopping and the next thing I knew she pulled me into her chest while patting my back and hair saying that its not my fault but I knew its all my fault.

she felt so warm, then another thing on my guilt added I don't deserve this warmness.

I pulled myself a bit from her and looked up to meet her eyes ,"Im sorry" I said again then she also said its not my fault.

I was gonna say something else but she cut my off when she crashed her lips against mine,I thought for a bit do I deserve this?again guilt but finally kissed her back.

After we pulled away she hugged me tightly and I just hugged her back.

It felt that I haven't seen her for years, I MISS HER SO MUCH, her addicting kisses and scent mostly everything.

I promise her that I won't jump into conclution like this anymore and she did too.

Finally I was able to smile after releasing all those things.

She told me that she misses me so much and the same goes for me.

I told her sorry one last time remembering the scene yesterday and she just pinched my nose and gave me a peck telling me to forget about it , its all in the past.

She reminded me about the two people outside thats probably waiting axiously.

She intertwined our hand and we both stood up walking towards the door but I an idea popped into my mine.

I asked her of we could play a pranked on them that I didn't believe her and she gave up.

She answered me saiyng that instead we should be thankful to them and hyoyeon planned all of this.

I told her that she could tell hyoyeon after we seperated while pouting which she agreed.

I gave her a peck on her cheeks and continued to walk towards the door.

We looked at each other one more time taking a deep breath before she yelled to them to open the door.

I gave my last signal to her that I'll call her then finally the door opened.

Kyujong immediately ran towards me worried, same goes for hyoyeon to fany who was lowering her head pretending to be sad and crying.

I acted angry to get the things going and quickly walked out of the room towards outside my car leaving the two girls inside, kyujong quickly followed still confuse.

"Hyung what happened?"

"Are you two ok now?"

"She already explained everything right?"

He kept asking question but I just ignored them and keep walking till we reach outside and I felt him gripped on my arms.

"HYUNG," He almost yelled.

I took a breath trying to keep my acting on then slowly turned around.

"NO Kyujong-ah, I didn't believe her, were not ok, can we go now," I said acting angry then took his hand off my arm and continued to walk towards my car.

I got inside off the car first quickly followed by him.

I turned the engine on and stared to drive back to our dorm.

On the way there kyujong just keep talking and talking but I keep ignoring him while controlling my emotions saying that I don't care anymore making him really mad which is really funny cause I never seen him like this.

I went inside our dorm first which is followed by him again and found the other 3 on the couch watching T.V.

I quickly went inside the room which is again followed by kyujong.

He shut the door real loud probably everyone heard it.

"HYUNG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?" He's furious now.

"Whats wrong? I just learn the truth kyujong-ah," I said without looking at him, afraid he'll see my face holding a deep LAUGH.

But next thing he said is really gonna make it hard for me to hold it."HYUNG LOOK AT ME, LETS TALK MAN TO MAN," I didn't do it instead walk out of the room towards the other three and sat on one of the empty space with my hand covering my mouth.

I saw him running towards me in furious then grabbed my collar, the other 3 looked watched the scene in suprised.

He looked at me in the eyes with anger and seriousness which is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

"Hyung I never interfered with your love life before thats how we are, but this ti-," Thats when I lost it.

I burst into laugher like there's no tomorrow while I felt him release my collar.

"NOW WHATS FUNNY?" He asked in furious again that FACE.

"HAHAHAHAHA YOU," I pointed at him while holding my stomach from laugher.

"YOU MEAN YOU TWO," I nodded and he already know what I meant.

"You should have seen your face," I said between my laugh.

"YAH Hyung stop laughing already, this is not funny," He said embarrassed.

"Lets talk man to man, WAHAHAHAHAHAH," I collapsed on the floor still holding my tummy.

"HYUNG Seriously, stop laughing already," He said more embarrased but I just couldn't.

"I never interfered with your love life, WAHAHAHAHAHAA," He ran back to the room poor kyujong while Im rolling on the floor dying of laugher.

"Hyung is about to die," I heard hyungjun said.

"Lets hurry and save hyunjoong," said jungmin.

Oh poor kyujong, its the side of him that we never to get see.


Poor kyujong LOL! Enjoy the new chapter!!! The next chapter kyujong will try to get revenge!!!



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This is my first fanfic so please bare with me if there are some grammar error and leave comment in what you think about the story so far... Kamsamida


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ramesh #1
Chapter 1: hyunfany....cutest couple!!""
Chapter 28: Just finished reading!!! So sweet!!
Please make some more hyunfany!!
Chapter 2: Poor hyunjoong!!
Chapter 28: I love it, do mind to put dome additional chaptert, news about fany and hyun joong spread everywhere, and maybe a press conference?
Chapter 27: You want this Hyun Joong... N go settle it :)
Chapter 27: I think the idea of making her snap will work wonderfully now.
Girl_4archana #7
Chapter 26: Plz plz plz i need the next update also
Girl_4archana #8
Chapter 25: Where is the next update
Chapter 24: Poor fany, hyun Joong is more sweet to other girls
Chapter 24: This is funny. Can't wait to see how she handles the kiss scene info.