
The One


I finally got into the studio, can't wait to see her reaction.I opened the main door and walk towards the practice room, as I was about to go in, I heard a familiar voice coming from inside it was Tiffany looks like she's arguing with someone, I slightly opened the door and listened carefully to what their saying.

"How long are you going to make me wait?"I heard the guy she's talking to say,"Wait for what?"I thought while still listening quietly.

"Just a little more oppa, I promise just a little longer"She answered him,"Just a little more?What the hell are they talking about," I was getting furious the more a listen to it, but decided to heard the end of it.

"It seems like you love him already, why don't you just go to him,"The guy said while I could barely control myself, I opened the door more to see who the guy is and its him SIWON, I was about to walk towards them after seing him but I Frozed at what she said next.

"No oppa, I was just playing with him, your the one I truly love,"The next thing I knew they were kissing not to mension that what she said hit me like a dagger but that kiss broke me into pieces.

I couldn't take it anymore, this is too much, I slammed the door shut and ran outside towards my car, As I started the engine I saw a familiar figure running towards my direction, not caring much I took off in a with a unknown fast speed , I just gotta get out of there.I saw my phone rang but I quickly throw it into the back seat after seing who it was from.

After drove recklessly almost hitting every car that passes through but I didn't care, After about 35min of crazy driving, I ended up in an dead end river, I stopped the car and got out while the tears that build in my eyes are about to burst out,  my mind still processing about what just happened ,"She's just playing with me, she doesn't love me, she love him," I was like a lost puppy then a couple of thoughts run into my mind more,"Maybe this is a payback for all those girls I played with," I collapsed at the side of my car crying."How could this be?"


I was standing there frozen at what he did until I heard a loud door shutting, I quickly pulled away and ran towards the door, someone might had seen us and misunderstood what just happened,I got outside of the building but I didn't see any person there, All I saw was a familiar car speeding out of the building then I suddenly remember something.

"OMO IT COULDN"T BE" that familiar car looks like hyunjoong-oppa's car,"No no no no please let me be wrong," I quickly took out my phone and dialed his number but no answer, I was getting more nervous and freaked out, now I called hyoyeon's number fortunately she answered.

"Oh Fany-ah whats up?"

"Hyoyeon-ah please don't tell me that they really went home today," 

"Who are you talking about,"

"This is really serious, SS501 don't tell me they went back today,"

"Oh you already found out, miane kyujong-oppa told me not to tell you anything cause hyunjoong-oppa want to suprise you, did he got you good? were you that suprised?"

"OH NO Hyoyeon-ahhh no no this can't be happening,"

"Wae fany-ah what are you talking about,"

"He misunderstood hyoyeon-ah,"

"What misunderstood, your starting to freak me out fany-ah,"

"I can't explain on the phone hyoyeon-ahhhhh," 

"Ok ok we just finished our schedule, were on the way back to the dorm, didn't you say your on the dance studio go back now," after hearing that I quickly hang up and tried to call hyunjoong oppa's number but still no answer.

I quickly went back inside to take my bag that I left, I got inside and saw Siwon sitting at the corner murmuring to himself not really caring I quickly took my bag and was about to leave when someone grabbed my wrist making me stop.

"Tiffany-ah I can explain I-" I cut him off by shoving his arm off.

"Don't, just-" I didn't finish what I was saying as I rush outside with a teary eyes and quickly look for a cab, I need to get back as soon as possible.


After I heard her hang up, I knew something was wrong and this was serious, I quickly dialed kyujong-oppa's number and it didn't took long for him to answer.

"De hello?"

"Oppa its me,"

"Oh, ya you really couldn't stand not hearing my voice huh, i just called you a while ago then now your calling me,"he teased

"Aniyo oppa its about hyunjoong oppa and fany,"

"De what about them?"

"Something is wrong oppa, do you know where he is?"

"As far as i know he went to suprise tiffany, haven't heard from him since , why whats wrong?"

"Thats what I said, fany just called me a while ago about him misuderstanding something, were on our way back to the dorm now, I tell you later what I talk to her, try calling hyunjoong oppa ,"

"Ok ok I'll do it now," he hang up then as the same time we reached our dorm. I saw some lights were on and figure out that she's already there, I quickly rush inside.


Now im starting to freak out at what she told me, I quickly called hyunjoong hyung but there is no answer, that made me nervous," whats happening he misunderstood something? he found out something,"  questions ran through my mind, what could it be, I keep dialing hyung's number but still getting no answer, were just sitting there in our dorm watching T.V doing nothing. I couldn't just sit there , I called every person he knows maybe he went there first or they know something. The first person I called Kahi noona.

"Oh yoboseyo?"

"Kahi-noona its been a long time, its me kyujong,"

"Ah kyujong-ah I know its been a long time, how are you,"

"Im good, actually noona I called to ask you about hyunjoong hyung,"

"Oh I haven't talked or seen him too, why what about him?"

"Its just that he isn't answering his phone when I call him and hyoyeon told me a while ago that something is wrong with tiffany and him,"

"Bwo somethings wrong?, Aish that guy really,"

"De noona I just thought maybe he wen't to you first but I guess he didn't, im about to call jaejoong hyung now to ask him,"

"Im still here in our schedule call me what you found out something ok,"

"Ok noona bye" I said before hanging up and calling jaejoong hyung.

"Hyung pick up pick up," it took a long time for him to pick up.

"Oh kyujong-ah"

"Hyung glad you pick, did you know by a chance where hyunjoong hyung is?"

"No I don't, Wae did something happened?"

"Hyoyeon said that something is wrong between him and Tiffany so I called him but no answer,"

"Maybe he's at his apartment,"

"Oh I haven't thought of that, hyung I don't have a car where are you now?"

"Im just here in my apartment, wait for me there I pick you up and we'll go to his apartment,"

"Arraso hyung see you in a bit," I heard him hang up and I quickly change to a decent clothes, put on my shoes while looking at the window waiting for him to arrive.


Hyunjoong just sat at the side of his car crying for hours, his mix emotions are killing him, he felt betrayeled, hurt the same feeling he had from the past,

"How could I be so stupid to gave my heart to a girl again,I knew this would happened but why did I make this risk that maybe she's the one who would really love me, the one who would never hurt me, the one who would heal the past and the one who would be my everything, but-" his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden strong pour of rain.

He just sighed and continue his thoughts while tears keep rolling down his eyes and its getting mixed with the pour of rain.


I heard a vechicle pulled in and I knew it was them as I saw hyoyeon ran inside and saw me sitting in the sofa with a unknown face. She quickly took my hand and lead me to our room and lock the door behind.

"Now tell me what happened," she said in a comforting voice.

I began to tell him the whole thing about Siwon asking me for a help on his script and about him kissing me, then continue about the person who slammed the door and the car who look like hyunjoong oppa's car speeding out of there,"

"Bwo Siwon kissed you? I told you about him already, your too stubborn to listen, aishhh" she let out a big signed.

"What are you going to do now?," she asked

"I dont know, I don't know he doesnt pick up his phone, what im gonna do now hyoyeonnnnie," I started to cry , I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Shhhhh its gonna be ok," She said patting my back while i just keep crying.


Its starting to get dark as the rain pour get stronger, I knew somehow I need to stop and go back even though im broken to pieces, I slowly stood up while water keep dripping out of my clothes and opened my car door , I didn't care if it gets wet, hell I didn't even care about anything, I started the engine and started to drive recklessly again.

After a couple of minutes of driving I ended up in an familiar apartment, It was kahi-noona's apartment I didn't even know how I end up there but I got out and started to ring on the bell, there's no answer so I just sat there outside while the rain is still strong.

I started to tear up again after remembering what just happened, "I think im finished this time," I thought while suddenly a familiar voice called me.


I stood up and found kahi noona there standing looking at me worried. I walked towards her slowly with my eyes still teary but it couldn't be seen cause of the rain and said.

"Noona," Thats all I remember I said before everything in my sight went black.





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This is my first fanfic so please bare with me if there are some grammar error and leave comment in what you think about the story so far... Kamsamida


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ramesh #1
Chapter 1: hyunfany....cutest couple!!""
Chapter 28: Just finished reading!!! So sweet!!
Please make some more hyunfany!!
Chapter 2: Poor hyunjoong!!
Chapter 28: I love it, do mind to put dome additional chaptert, news about fany and hyun joong spread everywhere, and maybe a press conference?
Chapter 27: You want this Hyun Joong... N go settle it :)
Chapter 27: I think the idea of making her snap will work wonderfully now.
Girl_4archana #7
Chapter 26: Plz plz plz i need the next update also
Girl_4archana #8
Chapter 25: Where is the next update
Chapter 24: Poor fany, hyun Joong is more sweet to other girls
Chapter 24: This is funny. Can't wait to see how she handles the kiss scene info.