Well now I'm all alone in my room,I was absent for today,Since I'm still not feeling well.I bet seo is already worried.Aish my cellphone is not with me now.How could I text her.Tsk!


AH!I should call her on a landlines!!Kekeke.

I get down,and I slowly open the door.But then I saw jonghyun Lying outside. 0___0.

Omo!He slept there!?


I went near to his side and Make a fake cough.

But still he's sleeping peacefully.Eish


“yah!What are you doing there!?”I said,He slowly moved and open his eyes,He hurriedly take a sit when he saw me.


“Argh!My body hurts~”he said while stretching his arms,I didn't even told him to sleep there.It his fault.


“Why are you sleeping there!?”

“wae!?You own it!?”


“eish!I was just asking here.It's okay if you will not say the reason why!tsk!”I rolled my eyes,and started to walk away.

“where are you going!?”he ask,as if he's concern huh!?


“You Don't Care!”Still I left him,geesh!He make my day worst again.grr!


I found a payphone near at the hospital ,I called seohyun and explain her everything~Well I'm glad she understand.I hurriedly make my way back to my room,But he's not there.Where did he go now!?That's good he left already.


As I open my room,I saw 2 girls standing there,Well I can say they are on age 28 or up!?I bow at them,are they the nurses!?But they are not wearing a nurse uniform,What if they will ask me to pay for the hospital bill!?I don't have money now!?Ottokae!?-_-


“annyeong haseyo~yoona sshi~”a girl with a long straight hair greeted me,she knows me!?

“oh!?annyeong~Um actually I don't have money now,But I promise that I will pay the hospital bill,Not now.I still have to get my things in someone's house.It's really a promise! ”I told them,but they just look at me weirdly,gosh!They are thinking that I'm insane right!?


“wae!?Any problem!?”I ask with a low tone,They just smile then the other girl spoke up.


“Its not that,And actually its already paid.Now you can be discharge,you can just take a rest in our master's house.”





NOOOOOOOO!!!I can't!I can't live with jonghyun,Gosh!This is not really happening.Escape!?Yeah~I should escape now.Where will I go!?Ah.I should just escape first!


I fake smile at them,and I hurriedly opened the door.I run and run.

Come on ,this is VICTORY.whahahaha.But still I feel dizzy.Aish!

I'm still sick,I almost forgot.

Still,I continue to run,then It feels like someone just grab my both arms.

“YAH!WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!”I shouted at the two men in black,aish!Is this an action scene.

“YAH!YOU TWO PUT ME DOWN.GUARD HELP ME.HELP ME PLEASE.THIS TWO MEN ARE TRYING TO KIDNAP ME!!!!!!!!”I shouted and shouted but still it wont do.They are not listening to me


They look at each other and the other guy nods,And get something into his pocket.

I knew it!It's a knife!He will kill me now.Gosh!I still want to live.I still want to reach my dreams,and my appa,I still, want to see him for the last minute.


He was about to put it out“AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!DONT KI---”I feel sleepy at that moment.He just killed an innocent girl like me.







Yoona unnie is sick,I hope she'll get fine soon.

I was reading a book when my classmate talk to me.


“ahm,seohyun ah,Your close with yonghwa right!?”


“Ani,we're not that close~”


“But I saw you with him yesterday,I just want you to give this to him.”She gave me a card and a small box.*sigh*tsk.We're not really close, aigoo~




“Please seohyun, just give it please~~~~Thanks!”

Eish,I get it,well she's a good classmate anyway,but now how could I give this to him!?Wish me luck^^




“Where's jonghyun hyung!?”Shin ask while playing in his phone.


“geesshhh,I already told you earlier huh!?He will just take care of something, Tsk.Your really a deaf!”Yong irritatedly said

Shin keep his phone and eyed yong“hyung!Why are you always angry to me!?What did I do to you!!???You cannot blame me,I'm just a kid.Just a ki---”Before he could finish that, yong hurriedly smacked his head.

“stop that.drama is not your style !”


“Geesh!Your drama !”minhyuk suddenly joins the conversation“hyung,is that your crush!?”


Yonghwa hurriedly follows minhyuk's finger but nothing was there.



“whahahaha!GOTCHA hyung~you like her don't you~~”min teases,yong laugh out loud.


“How could you know!?I just look if it's someone I really like and besides you didn't even mention a name.your funny min!”

“eish!even you deny it hyung,We will find a way to make you blurt it all out.”min and shin appeared,but yong just shakes his head.

They take a walk first,while walking shin accidentally look at his back then he saw seohyun getting near to them.

He told it to his hyung but he just smirk.

“Oh come on guys!stop fooling around,How many times should I tell you that I dont like that seohyun,Your always like she's here, there!?I'm sick of it.”little did he know,that seohyun was already in his back and she heard all of that.Shin and min was stopping him but he just ignored them.

“oh?I knew it.”seo spoke up,yong froze when he heard her voice.


*omo!What did I just do now??????Ottokae!!!!aish!this is just ---- Aaaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!pabo me!!!eish!!!!*he thought

“oh!?your there!?”


“yeah~and I just want to give this to you,Don't expect that its from me,it's from my classmate.She wants me to give it to you~”she gave it and left already without saying goodbye.


“aigoo~hyung,What did you just do!?”min ask,yong shakes his head and gave him the box.


“just throw it.”He left them and he still out of his mind on what happened.


“tsk!what is it?open it now!”shin smiled evilly,and min hurriedly open it

“omo!A men's perfume ,I can have it!”


“yah!we should share!!!”


“eish!?wae!?Hyung gave it to me!”


“he said throw it.Since you didn't throw it,We should share!”

“ara!Ara!Since I'm a good hyung!”


“you should just give it to me,since I'm the maknae here and your the hyung~~~”

“So greedy huh!?We will just share or I will just have it!?”

“Fine.Lets share!!”






Gosh.My head hurts.Where am I!?I scan the place and its so clean here,everything is white.

Omo.Don't tell my dead already!?Am I in heaven!?? But---But---


I slowly open the door and saw some maids they are all busy.Eish.I'm still alive but where am I.!?


My eyes widened when I remember everything,This is such a dream.

I was about to get out,When a maid approach me.


“oh?Your awake~”she gave me some water and soup.“eat first dear, its good for you.”


“oh?kamsahamnida~Why am I here!?”well even If I already know,I still ask,who knows if they are just mistaken me.


“Our master told us to take care of you,and young master is the one who help us.”


HELP!Geesh, what is his help!?To insult me!?make my day worst!!!

As I finish eating we went to the other room,As she open it,My feels!!!!!


It's so pretty,gosh~~this is the room that I'm dreaming of.kyaaa!!!Well This is my feeling inside but outside I stay with my poker face.



“is it okay!?Do you like it!?”she ask,I nod


“yeah~Its nice.”i said With a smile,If you just know what I truly feel.Hahaha.I really really love it!!!


“then I will leave you first so that you can rest now.”I nod, she closes the door.



“KYAAAAAAA.THIS ROOM IS JUST PRETTY!!!”I jump and jump to my bed.Hahaha.No one is here So I can do everything.


The bed is really soft.gosh!I wonder what Fabric did they use here!!!

But still, I like it...HoHoHo,And the curtains are pretty too,is this the princess life!?

“Well then im living it now~~~~kyaaa!!”I was still jumping in my bed when someone spoke up.


“yah!Your sick!You should rest!”I stop and turn around,omo!It's jonghyun, I didn't even know that he enter the room..

And now what should I say!?I stop and clap in the air.


“aigoo~theres a lot of mosquitoes here.”I lied,eish.He didn't even know how to knock huh!?


“Are you satisfied with your room?”


I get down and sit“well,its okay for now.”

“tsk!okay huh!?I guess your really happy with it.I'll leave you now.”

Eish!he should just know how to knock!!!I wonder where is his room,I take a sneek into my door,And saw him enter the door infront of mine.


UNBELIEVABLE!!Our rooms are just near to each others,eish!!This is not right!!!

Wait.My cellphone.aish~~

I get it and charge it first.

“Hatchu~”eish,I should really rest now.

I lay down and take a sleep again.


“yah!!Yoona!!!Are you there!?”I woke up when I heard my name,but I just saw all red.

Theres a fire!!!!!!Omo!!!


Then someone broke my door  “yah!I was calling you,lets go out now!!!!”He carried me in a bridal way.Everyone was so panic, he put me down.


“Did you know that it's your fault!!!The inspector said,that it cause because your cellphone was overcharge! ”He glared at me




“And now our mansion is on fire!What will you do huh!?”






Eish!I woke up.DAMN it.That dream is just stupid!!!!!That is not so good huh.Wait my cellphone.I hurriedly look at it but it's still, charging.

Then I saw almost 30 messages and 18 missed calls. That's too many huh!

I open it and It came from taecyeon,Yuri unnie,seo ,Then I saw a different number that called me too,I wonder who is I text it..



Annyeong!Who are you!?You called me!



I was playing my guitar when my phone vibrated,its a message from yoona.Eish.What does she needs now!?


Ms.Big Mouth:


Annyeong!Who are you!?You called me!


I almost forgot it,she don't know my number ,what if I fool her!?That's a good idea.whahahaha.


“I'm hyunbin~~I just try your number.”


“Oh?is that so?”


“Yup.whats your name!?”


“I'm Yoona~ :)”


“Oh?yoonasshi can we be friends!?”


“Sure.sure.How old are you!?”


“I'm 23,you!?”


“The same too:)),where do you live?”


“Busan~I really want to go to SEOUL.How about you!?”




“When is your bday!?”


“Ahm,may 30, you!?”


“On May 15”


“Then belated.Kekeke”


“Thanks!What are you doing now!?”


“Welcum:),Nothing just resting,I'm just pissed off!”


“Wae?What happened!?”


“I just dreamed about someone I hate,and even in my dream,he still gives me headache.”


“Aigoo~that's bad!Who is it then!?”


“Just a guy,Well if you just know I was living in their house.If I could just escape here.Eish!”


“Hahaha!that's really bad~~~”

Eish!this girl is really!Aish!You trust easily huh.She really thought that I was nice .whahahaha.And now I will know, if she will try something bad about me.Poor yoona:((


“yeah~You ,what are you doing?”


“nothing,just writing some songs”


“whoa!thats cool!your a song writer huh!”


Aigoo~~~that's why I'm writing songs.tsk!!!


“yeah~sort of.”






Aish!!!!!!!!!What did I just do!?How could I solve this,eish!!!!!!!

She will stay away from me now,ggeeessshhh!

Omo,she will walk into my way.I should do something....

I was about to speak up,but she just passed by my way,It feels like I'm not here huh!?

“seo--seohyun ah”I called her she turn around and raise her eyebrows“Wae!?yonghwaSSHI!!”


What the---She pointed to word sshi,And now I lose all my strength.I feel so weak when she say that!!


“well Im kinda busy,I'll leave you now.”seohyun said coldly, she left yong who's still out in this world.

*I thought you will start to like me,aish!oppa!wae?Well I expect too much:(,I guess my feelings for you ,should really fade away. *(Aw!our poor seobaby:(,our seo is angry )

*seohyun ah,if you just know that I already like you!It's really confirmed now,eish!!!I didn't mean what I said earlier,I'm really sorry,I will confess to you!! *sigh* *





How is it!?

Well jong is Just evil,he's fooling our yoong~~

And yong was always Epic when it comes to seo,hehe

But don't you worry gogumas, the right time will come for them!!

lets make yong do some efforts~~~

(better make sure of that authornim)




What can you say!?Aigoo,some silent readers!!!I can smell you···kekeke""

to my subscribers kamsahamnida~~~~LOVE YOU!!!!





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Chapter 24: Kyyyaaaaa, i love this story..... Thanks for wonderfull jongyoon story.
Tyaswy #2
I re-read again this story please make another amazing jongyoon story I'll waiting for your jongyoon story
Tyaswy #3
Chapter 24: I know Im very late but and I think I fall for your story
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 24: So good authornim!!!

great job ^^
tiarashinyoora #5
Chapter 24: to be honest, I prefer this one than the one I read before (your jongyoon ff story), in this add more the description to describe I can imagine it..and I love it!!
Nasyiq #6
Chapter 24: My second comment. I love your story!! ,
Nasyiq #7
Chapter 14: I love your story. The pace is slow and steady like in real life, I just like it. Some stories here went straight to the part where the lovers spend over night together, or the girl went giddy the whole story, though it might be really happening, I found it dragging and escalated. But yours, you define the raltionship beautifully, and I like it. Two thumbs up!n
Chapter 24: thank for ur wonderful story... i also like the pics that u inserted in every chapters thank u... please make another deerburning story i really ship this couple :D thank u again
novamp #9
Chapter 24: I read this story ina few hours and like it
please make another JongYoon
CNBLUE_Katielicious #10
Chapter 24: Waaahh!!! Congratulations Author-nim for such a wonderful story! ^^
Really love your story 'cause you inserted some YongSeo moments! Lol!

Thanks for the story! ^^ More Power Author-nim! Fighting!! ^^