CHAPTER 7:My feels~~~



It's Monday again!!!The students hurriedly went to their class,so that they won't be late.But not YOONA,as usual she's late again!


*No,No,I cant believe im late,aigoo~ our first subject teacher now is Mrs.Han,she's known for giving a detention class,I cant!!!!I dont know what she will let me do now!?Ottokae!?*yoona thought as she hurriedly run and run,atlast she reach her school but she's late,poor yoong:((your always late aigoo!


As she enter her room all eyed on her,but seo look at her worriedly.




“So Ms.Im!!!!!what do you think your doing!?You know that I hate it when my students are late!!!”


“im really sorry!!”she bowed and bowed


“your not forgiven,unless you get out!And clean our school's garden!”

Her classmates our all quiet,they are scared to Mrs.hand too,And if they make any noise they will be sent to clean the garden along with yoona.


“What are you waiting for!?”


“I'll clean it now.”


Yoona get some things that can help her to clean the schools garden,she sighed heavily.She still cant believe that she will clean that huge garden.




Ottokae?How could I do this!?It's my fault anyway,but this is too much.She can just scold me all day,but to clean this!!!???Aigoo~better start now!

Music on.

Earphone on.

Cleaning time~~~~~


Omo!my favorite song,kyaaaa!!!

“gee,gee,gee baby~baby~”


I was in the middle of cleaning when someone covered my eyes.Aish!

“yah!who are you?”I remove my earphone so that I can hear his or her response


“Your boyfriend upcourse!”

*sigh*I already knew who is it!!!!


“yah!yah!”I glared at him“your not my boyfriend,how many times should I tell you that!”

“Ara!ara~nickhhun hyung just want to ask you something~”


“eh!?what is it?”I ask,he called nickhhun sshi,along with wooyoung


“annyeong!”nick waved at me I bow a little“what is it!?”


“just want to ask wheres Yuri!?”


“oh!?I see,she's heartbroken that's why she's absent!”


“HEARTBROKEN!?”the three of them said at the same time,is this the first time they heard that word???I nod at them

“but wae??and with who?”nick ask again


“omo!hyung dont tell me you broke her heart!????”wooyoung blurted out

“How could I do that!?She didn't even notice my existence, she doesn't even care for me,she don't love me, she love someone else and now im broken hearted too.”nick left us dumbfounded,what the heck!!!I never knew he was so emotional!?So sad~


“what did just happened?”wooyoung ask,I just shrugged and then taecyeon glared at him.


“yah!!yah!!yah!!this is your fault you know!!!!”he shouted at him


“Why me!?”


“Aish!if you didn't say anything he will not feel that way,aigoo~say sorry to him!”




“then when huh!?Go now!!!!”

“ara!!!”he left also,then I'm alone with taecyeon,aish!!!!!



*Now I'm alone with yoona,kekeke"this is all I want La la la~*taecyeon thought


“what are you doing here?”


“cleaning~cant you see!?”


“aigoo~”he grabs YOONA's hand “stop that!I'll do it for you!”


“eish!I can do it by myself!!!”


“uh!uh!just sit back and relax,im your boy--,no!FRIEND!so just stay there huh!”


“aigoo~aigoo~I don't like it,If you want you can just help me.”


“Oke!as you say so yoong~~”




It was their free time so everyone can do whatever they want to do


“ah,shin!”yong called jungshin who's busy writing something in the back of his notebook




Yong cough before saying something“ah-just want to ask if,ahm,if you--”


Shin close his notebook and face yong“what is it!?”

“ah,if ,if you don't have any tutor class for today!?”


“wae!?why are you asking that!?”

“eish!!!!why dont you answer first!!!”


“ara!ara!Because I quit already!!!!”




“yah!hyung what's your problem!?do you want to have a tutor too,I can call seohyun”He grab his phone and ready to call


“No!Dont do it!!!I just ask!”


“Guys!quiet please,I'm talking to my girlfriend!”Minhyuk shouted while covering his phone

“Girlfriend huh!or GIRLFRIENDS!!!!well I will just buy something~”yong left and make his way to the schools canteen.





This school is full of noisy people!!Arghhh!I can't even stay in our room,even my members are noisy too.Aish!!I take a walk since it's our free time.


While walking I decided to went to the garden,But before I enter it.I just saw that Yoona with a guy,and If I'm not mistaken he's our classmate.They are laughing, poking each other.Tsk!Such a lovey dovey couple huh!?I should leave now before I disturb them.But when I turn around, a girl pop out.

“jonghyun oppa!”a girl block my way,I look at her, she smiled.


“who are you!?”I ask coldly


“Im Kim hana”


“so!?what do you want!?”


“You know I like you~”


“Im sorry but I don't like you!”


“is that so!?”She bite her lower lip and turn around,Well if she will cry she needs more time.I leave her already, we're not close so why should I stay with her.



It's already afternoon and every class have their afternoon break.


“Yah!would you please move,theres more space in your side!”yong said while pushing shin to move.


“eiishshh!ara!ara!hyung give me some chips!”shin gets yong's food and started to get a handfull of it.


“yah!you kid!why dont you buy some!its my money you know!”yong smacked Shin's head and he faked cry


“i know,I know that's why I'm getting some of it ,Cause it's free~~”shin laugh as he put some into his mouth

“eeiisshhhh!!!I really want to smacked your head again you know!” yong make a fist and started to do something to shin.


“Yah!!!!YOUR ALWAYS NOISY, YOU KNOW!”minhyuk put down his drinks ,yong and shin gulped at the same time,but yong realized that he's the leader and he's older than him.




“HYu---hyung,ii--ttts--no--t th--at”min stuttered


“Then what!?Give me some valuable reason!!!!!!!!!NOW!”

Jungshin feels that he is on yong's side,so he did a MERONG~~to minhyuk,Who's now speechless,on the other side if your wondering what our jonghyun's doing,well....


Jonghyun take off his earphone and eyed all of s

“Are you finish now!?”he ask,everyone slowly nods


“omo!its seohyun ah!”jungshin pointed at the other side,yong followed him


“Where!?I can't see her!”


“look there,he's with wooyoungsshi”


By hearing that yong's ears busted out.




“eish!yah!hyung are you blind!!!????”



Atlast I saw her,aigoo~That wooyoung he's so sticky to her huh!?Are they in a relationship!??????


“yah!hyung~you like her don't you!?”minhyuk ask me,what the!How dare he!!!he's still not forgiven for what he did earlier.

“HAHAHAHA!!!your funny dude!whats with that question!?”I confidently said but still they are looking at me as if im lying,*sigh*I don't like her,I think!?But why Am I looking for her always!!???ANI!but still her smile,its always popping into my mind ,whats happening to me!!!????

“hyung~are you still there?you like her right!?”shin poked me,and I came back to my senses.he said that with a teasing tone 

“If you like her,just tell us.”jonghyun suddenly spoke up,I dont know what to say now.


“I don't like her.end!”I decided to left them.I'm really out of my gonna be crazy now.






Our class is over. Yes!!!Gotta go home now!!!lalala~I take a walk with Seo,since she don't have any tutor for today.

“lets visit unnie!?”she ask


“oh sure!”then my phone vibrated,Its a message from appa,he wants me to come to his office again..Aish!


“seo~mian,I cant go now.Appa wants me to go to his office.”


“ara!I understand~”


I waved at her and I hurriedly take a cab.


Since appa's office is on the 5th floor I decided to take the elevator.


I enter his office, he make me seat then he get an envelope. OMO!!I wonder what is that!!!


“here.its your 2 weeks allowance.I will be gone for a business trip.I want you to take care of yourself.Keep that properly and I also put some excess there for your grocery or what do you want to buy..”


“oh!?then it means I will be alone in the house!?”


“About that,You will live in my boss house.”


Did I just heard it right!?No.No.this can't be!!!!I can't, I cant do that!!!!!!

“MWO??????????No.appa!!!I can take care of myself in our house please appa,don't do this to me!!!!Im begging you!!!please”


“Our decision is already final.It's just a 2 weeks so you don't have to worry,Pack your things now and you will live there tomorrow evening!”





My eyes widened “appa!!!!!wae!?wae!?wae!?Please change that decision!!!!!!!”


“dear,dont worry,you will stay there as a princess,don't you want that!?My boss said that their maids will take care of you.And beside there's a lot of rooms in there.”





I decided to leave already,I feel so weak now.I wait for the elevator to open.Then my eyes widened.Whats happening to me now!!!

“yah!you will enter or what!?”he ask coldly,aish,I slowly enter the elevator.The my phone vibrated,please don't let appa call me.I look at it and I jump in happiness its yuri unnie.omo!I hurriedly press the answer button.




“yoong~how are you!?”


“aigoo~im always fine unnie,how about you!?”


“I think I'm fine now,what are you doing!?”


“oh nothing~wait!”



I put down my phone“yah!Mr.pale guy,come on say sorry to my unnie!”I gave him my phone


“Tsk!why should I do that!Ms.Big mouth!”


He even gave me a nickname,how dare he to do that!!!!!YOU DONT DO THAT TO ME!


“here,say sorry now,just say sorry!!!!”I pushed my cellphone to him but he pushed my arm,then my cellphone fall!!!I was about to get it when the elevator stops.


“Omo!whats happening!?”I get my cellphone and went near the elevator's door.


“we're trapped.Pabo!”


This guy is really!!!!aish!!!!!MY BLOOD IS REALLY BOILING NOW!!!!!!


“then what are you waiting for!?Since your the guy,Why don't you open it!”


“are you kidding!How could I do that!”


“then don't tell me that you will just sit back and relax!?”


“well you dont care!”

Gosh!I need to know why is this happening to me!!!!Aha!I should call appa,I grab my phone just so unlucky you know!No signal!!!!!!!!!!!


I went near to the CCTV camera,maybe this can help me


“annyeong~its me Im yoona,Im trap here at the elevator so please help me.I really need to get out of here.I don't want to be with this guy and I'm already hungry.thankyou very much~”


“micheosso~~~~”he whispered but I still heard it.


RELAX YOONA.this guy is just a waste of time.


“Aigoo~I can imagine now,while they are watching at your video.All they can watch is your big mouth!”


“I don't care what you say!!!!then they will just notice a ghost on my back.”


“How could they watch that,when your mouth is blocking the whole camera.”

“Oh really!that's quite funny~I should laugh...satisfied now!?”


“why should I!?Did I told you to do that!?”




She was about to speak up.Then its blockout.OMO!

I stand up but I cant see anything,I walk in my side then I just step on her finger.


“YAH!IT HURTS!”she shouted




I heard her sneezing, she must be cold,then so!?I don't care now.


“Yah!where are you!?”


“wae!?”I heard her voice so I throw my jacket in her direction “wear it!”




“just do it!”


After awhile I feel so sleepy already,so I decided to sleep on the ground.


After almost an hour I woke up and the light is already on.I hurriedly stay away from her when I saw her face is only inches away from me.This elevator should be open now!aish!




“Oppa!!!!jongmi is so cute,is'nt he!?”Eunmi patted jongmi's head,I smiled at her


“But still your much cuter than him!”I said as I picnch her cheeks,then I pat her head,I really love doing that.I take a sit beside her,she lied her head into my lap.


“im sleepy oppa!”


“Then sleep now.I don't want you to get tired.”She close her eyes and sleeps like an angel.I brush her hair with my fingers,she's really pretty.



Without knowing it,I was about to put my hands on YOONA's hair,I hurriedly remove it when I heard her Snore.Aigoo~She can still sleep peacefully in this situation huh!?


“No.appa!!!I can't live to that house!!its that pale guy's house,please!!!!!I can't do that!”I heard her talking,what the!Is she dreaming of me.And why will she li--


Omo!Dont tell me that ....aigoo!Appa just told me earlier that a girl will live to our house!!!ANDWAE!!!!THIS IS JUST A DREAM!!!!!They can't do this to me!!!Im so dizzy. I should sleep again.



I yawn,aigoo my bed is like a floor huh.My eyes widened when I was just a few inches away from jonghyun's face.I hurriedly moved backward.Eish!This is elevator is just useless.


“is anyone there!?”Omo!I heard a guy,I hurriedly shake jonghyun's body to wake him up


“yes!!!we're here!!!”I spoke up and went near to it.


“okay here,take my hand!”I take his hand but I cant even carry my body,but then jonghyun put my legs into his shoulders.“yah!what are you doing!?”


“Do you want to leave here or what!?”


After awhile we both successfully came out.I thank the ahjussiss,an we make our way separately.I wish this all a dream!!!T_T.I was. About to leave when someone called me,it's the ahjussi




“I guess this is your phone or to your boyfriend.”


“he's not my boyfriend.”

“well then just give it to him”I get the cellphone and bowed at them.I left already.




Annyeong~~~Eish,This chapter is kinda boring!

Subscribers please!!!kekekeXD

well to be honest ,I dont really know much about 2pm, jeongmal mianhae~~~~




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Chapter 24: Kyyyaaaaa, i love this story..... Thanks for wonderfull jongyoon story.
Tyaswy #2
I re-read again this story please make another amazing jongyoon story I'll waiting for your jongyoon story
Tyaswy #3
Chapter 24: I know Im very late but and I think I fall for your story
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 24: So good authornim!!!

great job ^^
tiarashinyoora #5
Chapter 24: to be honest, I prefer this one than the one I read before (your jongyoon ff story), in this add more the description to describe I can imagine it..and I love it!!
Nasyiq #6
Chapter 24: My second comment. I love your story!! ,
Nasyiq #7
Chapter 14: I love your story. The pace is slow and steady like in real life, I just like it. Some stories here went straight to the part where the lovers spend over night together, or the girl went giddy the whole story, though it might be really happening, I found it dragging and escalated. But yours, you define the raltionship beautifully, and I like it. Two thumbs up!n
Chapter 24: thank for ur wonderful story... i also like the pics that u inserted in every chapters thank u... please make another deerburning story i really ship this couple :D thank u again
novamp #9
Chapter 24: I read this story ina few hours and like it
please make another JongYoon
CNBLUE_Katielicious #10
Chapter 24: Waaahh!!! Congratulations Author-nim for such a wonderful story! ^^
Really love your story 'cause you inserted some YongSeo moments! Lol!

Thanks for the story! ^^ More Power Author-nim! Fighting!! ^^