Yoona hurriedly prepared herself for school,well she's late again.She get her things and start to leave when she opened the door one maid called her.





“Can you please give this to our young master, he forget his book.”She stretches her hand and gave the book.Yoona get it and leave the house.


She head into their classroom and found their adviser talking in front, she bowed and take her seat.


“Well Ms.Im is late again,So I will repeat what I'm saying...The one that I'm talking now is You will have a bazaar,Later on the schools gym ,we will know who will be your groupmates since I decided to mix you with Mr.park's students.You will be needing some guys that's why I do that.And the whole class dance is getting near so be prepared.Any questions!?”


The students shakes their heads “Then if that so,I will left now~”

“Eish!Why does she always wants to be partner with Mr.Park!?Are they in a relationship!”yoona said as she kicked the empty seat in front of her.

“Aigoo~it seems like that,And what is that whole class dance!?”Yuri suddenly ask.

“Its our P.E. I think,well they will base our grades on that dance. ”Seo explains,Yuri nods.


“I don't want to do it.That's quite embarrassing ~~”

“Yoong,we have to do it.And its Nickkhun oppa's room right!?Then you can partnered with taecyeon and seo with wooyoung!?Isn't it nice!?”


“NO!”the two said in unison.


“I don't want to be partnered with wooyoungsshi,maybe someone else~~”seo clap her hands happily.


Her two unnies eyed her as if she's hiding something..


“WHAT!?”she ask


“Then who do you want to be!?”they ask

“oh?Anyone..but not wooyoungsshi.”


“Tsk!it seems like --No nevermind.OMO,I still have to gave his book.Can you come with me!?”yoona stand up and look at them,seo suddenly stand up and yuri stays on her seat.


“You can go,I will stay here.I don't want to see him.”


“Ara unnie~kaja seo~~”



They slowly walk into the side of their rooms and saw that they are having their class.Yoona take a sneek into the window and look for jonghyun but taecyeon saw her.

Taecyeon excuses first and go out to talk to yoona.

“What do you need!?”


“Geesh.Its not you,it's jonghyun!”


“Wae!?Are you dating!?Do you like him!?How about me?”


“Oa!?Oa!?its not that.Okay just give this to him!”She gave the book and taecyeon get it.




“okay,go back now!”taec shakes his head and enter his room.

Yoona look at seohyun who's now busy on staring at the window and shes smiling like a fool.


“Why are you smiling!?”


“Oh!?Nothing~Lets go now!?”






At the school's gym:

“Hyung,its hot here!”min complained “I can't really take it!”

“Yah!stop complaining, Mrs.Baek's students will be here now.It's better to be early you know!”Yong cross his arms into his chest and take his seat.

“Its really obvious that you like seohyun,why do you keep on denying it hyung!?”Shin followed him and take a seat beside him along with jonghyun and min.

“oh!?Its because,I just...ahm.You know!?”

“We don't know hyung!!”min irritatedly said.






After a minutes they already came.Kyaaa~~.I hope I with the same group as her.They take a sit in front of ours.While walking It seems like seo was looking for something.Is she looking for me!?I hope so! But suddenly we made an eye contact for almost 5 seconds, well I can make it longer but she looks away.

She look down and bite her lower lip.Is she forcing herself not to smile!?Then it means that she's happy to see me!?aigoo~~


“Okay,listen class in this box you will get your group number, So by 10 will fall in line and get a piece of paper here.”Mr.Park said,as he show us the box.


I'm so nervous now.Please Let me be with seohyun's group.I really cant help it,I'm so nervous so I shake my legs really hard to remove my nervousness.


“Hyung,stop that it irritates me!”shin tap my legs and cross his eyebrow, This kid.aish!!I tried to stop it but I cant.


“Yah!hyung,I told you it irritates me,why do you keep on doing that!?”

“Eish!just don't mind it!”I still shakes it,I feel uncomfortable when I stop shaking it.


“Hyung!!stop it.Please!It really irritates me.Just stay still.And also---”

“YAH!”I shouted,he's too noisy,I cant help it.And now all of them are staring at me.This is his fault.Grrrr.I stand up and say sorry to them.Now what!?Seo will be turn off.


After awhile its our turn to get some pieces of paper.Well the box is near at seo's side.But I stay cool as I can.Then I heard her talking to yoonasshi.


“Yey!We're on the same group unnie,I wonder who's on group 5 too.”She's on group 5!???Then I need to get number 5,its my turn .I prayed so hard to be on number 5.


First I close my eyes.Slowly open.Then!!!!!!!!!!

It's group 6!?wae!?wae!?wae!This is not right!!!


We head back to our seat again, I saw shin holding the number 5,I can switch with him!!!




“What is it!?”


“Whats your group number!?”


“Oh!?5.How about you!?”


“Can I switch with you!?Please!!!”


“Wae!?Ah.Seohyun is on my group too.That would be nice.”


“Please.lets switch.What do you want!?I can give it to you!”


“Gessh.Your always hurting me And now you need me now.Im sorry!Haha”


“Im begging you shin.”I tried to convince him,but he's just shaking his head and he keeps on ignoring me.What to do!?Mrs Baek starts to call the group numbers.I really need to do something!!!!


“Okay,lets have group number 5.”I grab Shin's paper and stand up.Haha.I give him my group number. He's with minhyuk if he just know. I look around and I'm with the same group with jonghyun too aigoo,if I just know.I just convince him to switch with me.

After they list our names, I take a sit back and saw shin glaring at me.I pat his head“Your really a good dongsaeng,stand up now it's your group already. ”He let out a big sigh,and stand up.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!I'm just really happy,kyaaa!!!:))))



It's the end of our class,and I will go home now.Tsk.Im with the same group as jonghyun. This is not right!


“annyeong!”I look at my side and saw taecyeon waving at me.Geesh.What now!?

“Wae!?Your following me huh!?”


“Now,I will drive you home.”


“No.I can just walk.And I can go home by myself.”

“Then I will just take a walk with you.”


“Mwo?its alright I can really go home by myself,you can go now.”Aish,he can't. He will know that I'm living with that jonghyun. Aish!!!


I take my steps and left him,but he keeps on following me.Geesh!What is his problem!?

“Yah!I told you to go home now.”


“Kwenchana,I just want to know that you are safe.”


Geesh.he will not listen to me.So I just let him.Well we dont talk that much,we don't have some topics.And besides he force his self to take me home.


“Yoona,your bday is getting near.What gift do you want!?”


“its okay if you dont have some”


“upcourse its not.Come on just tell me.”


“Tsk.Gifts must be a surprise so you should just think of it.”

“aigoo~You love surprises huh!?”


“Every girl loves surprises~”


“Ara!I will really think of it.Omo,the houses here are so big.Are you living here!?”


Now.he will know!?Better not.


“Oh!?No.Not really it's just,ahm my father's boss let me sleep here for awhile because they have a business trip.”


He nods“Is that so!?They are quite rich huh!?Is there any guys living here too!?”


“None,really.All of them are girls.”


“oh!?I will be jealous if some guys are living here.So I will leave now~”I nod and he take a step back


I was about to enter the mansion when jonghyun came out.OMO.Wae!?Not now!!!!


“Uh,Yoona befo--”Eish!taec came back but he stops talking when he saw jonghyun they both stare on each other.Ottokae!?I'm trap now!!!!!Help me!!!

I hurriedly went to taecyeon and take away his eyes to jonghyun“wae what is it!?”


“why is he here!?”he point at jonghyun who's still in his position.


I scratch my head and think of some ideas,but that pale guy spoke up

“Because this is my house!”he said as he put his hands into his pocket and went towards us

“Any problem with that!?”he added


I facepalm myself cause I dont really know what to say to taecyeon now.eish!!


“Yoona,is that true!?”he ask


“kurae~its true!But I'm not living in that house,im living on the other one~thats true. really!”I point the house on my side

“We are all girls there.I pro--”I was interrupted when a group of guys came out into that house.Damn it!This is not right.Taecyeon cross his arms and shake his head.

“Yoona,I cant believe that you lied to me!”he started to walk away, then I saw jonghyun smirking at me.


“Yah!Whats your problem huh!”I glared at him, he walk away and left me too.

Then go.aish!Stupid peoples. I enter the mansion and saw his dog.Haha!!Should I just take my revenge here!?

This can't be,this dog is too cute to be harmed.His name is jongmi if im not mistaken.

“Jongmi ah,annyeong!”I pat his head and he take a sit.He loves to be patted huh.Well I think every dog loves it.

“How can you stay with your master,geesh he's cold like an ice cubes!”I pat him again,I bid my goodbye to jongmi and started to head to my room.

While walking away from him he keeps on barking,I look back and he was looking at me,what did I do now!?

I went back to him again he sit down and he's pushing his head into my hand.Pat again!?


I pat him again and he really likes it“yah!Im not your maid huh!?”

Aigoo~aigoo~“Noona will just do something,okay!?I will be back!”




I bought some yogurts and some snacks. I'm just hungry now.I saw jongmi sleeping peacefully so I decided to went to my room.

I put down my foods and then my phone vibrated.


Ms.Big Mouth:






“Just want to ask why you didn't reply on my last text!?”


“that!?I fell asleep mian!”


“Tsk.Okay!What are you doing!?”






“Whoa!Thats good.”


I don't know what to reply to her.Nevermind.I go out and she goes out too.Eish!what a coincidence.

Then jongmi came,I thought he's sleeping.I sit down and ready to hug him.But he just passed me by,He went to yoona.What is that!?Such a traitor!


“aigoo~jongmi ah!You miss me already huh!”she pat jongmi and he bark.As if he's saying something.


Did he just bark!?Is that for real!?But how did she do that!?


I went towards jongmi and hug him“yah!Your back again!”


He bark at me,I pat his head.It feels good that he's not that quite. I'm so alive now.

I get one yogurt and gave it to yoona,but she just raise her eyebrow.


“For me!?”


“who else!?For jongmi!?”


“But why!?”


“You will accept or what!?”

“Tsk!”atlast she gets it,well that's my thank you,cause she bring back the energetic jongmi.




We went to their garden and take a sit into the grass,well were together can you believe that. It's just because of jongmi.He keeps on barking at me.I don't know if he likes me or what.This dog aish!


Jonghyun throw some snacks into me,upcourse I get it.Why would I say No to foods,haha.


“Your Dog is so noisy huh!?”I spoke up to make a conversation with him.


“He's not really like that,he's actually quiet but I dont know what happened to him.”

“Aaahhhhhhhhhh,maybe he wants me to get out of here.”I said,He smiled then his dimples pop out!!,omo!that's the first time huh!!!Did I just saw it right he smiled!?Gosh!?UNBELIEVABLE!

“I don't think so!If that ,he will just bite you.”




“Are you dating taecyeon!?”He suddenly ask,why does he have to bring up his name here.


“Upcourse not!He's just my friend.”

“I guess you like him too!?”


“Hell no.Upcourse Not.Why are you asking that!?”


“Just curious!And BTW thanks for bringing my book!”


“Oh?your welcome. How about you,Do you already have a girlfriend!?”I look at him, he sighed heavily and look up the sky.


“Yeah~But It didn't get well,So she decided to have a breakup.”



“kwenchana~she lied to me,but I don't know why I can't be angry to her.Geesh.Such a fool!”


“Maybe your not meant for each other.That's why!”I replied, he shrugged and played with the grass...


This is the first time that I have a conversation with him huh!?aigoo~He's not that bad after all*sigh*





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Chapter 24: Kyyyaaaaa, i love this story..... Thanks for wonderfull jongyoon story.
Tyaswy #2
I re-read again this story please make another amazing jongyoon story I'll waiting for your jongyoon story
Tyaswy #3
Chapter 24: I know Im very late but and I think I fall for your story
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 24: So good authornim!!!

great job ^^
tiarashinyoora #5
Chapter 24: to be honest, I prefer this one than the one I read before (your jongyoon ff story), in this add more the description to describe I can imagine it..and I love it!!
Nasyiq #6
Chapter 24: My second comment. I love your story!! ,
Nasyiq #7
Chapter 14: I love your story. The pace is slow and steady like in real life, I just like it. Some stories here went straight to the part where the lovers spend over night together, or the girl went giddy the whole story, though it might be really happening, I found it dragging and escalated. But yours, you define the raltionship beautifully, and I like it. Two thumbs up!n
Chapter 24: thank for ur wonderful story... i also like the pics that u inserted in every chapters thank u... please make another deerburning story i really ship this couple :D thank u again
novamp #9
Chapter 24: I read this story ina few hours and like it
please make another JongYoon
CNBLUE_Katielicious #10
Chapter 24: Waaahh!!! Congratulations Author-nim for such a wonderful story! ^^
Really love your story 'cause you inserted some YongSeo moments! Lol!

Thanks for the story! ^^ More Power Author-nim! Fighting!! ^^