the choice of the finger is..

You have got some nerves

"WHAAATTTTT ????" Minah,SOL and GD said toghether in shock " B..b...but  i.." TOP cut her off " just for today pls i know it´s to much to ask 

but i don´t like it when my dongsaengs are ill. Or if you want they can sleep on the floor,on the cold COLD floor hmppff " he said in a dramatic act

"Fine so who will sleep in my room? " Minah asked but the two just looked at her "Fine i will close my eyes and turn 3 timesand when i stop and 

the one who my finger points to will sleep in my room ok? " she said and they just nodded " OK here i go oneeee ...." while she was turning gd 

and sol were both changing their places with hektik. "THREEEEE ...."   *DRUM-ROLL PLEASEEE and the one who will sleep in her room,the one who the finger pointed tooooo,the one the finger pickeeed,the one issssssssssssssssssss . 






You´ll know  after the advertising break. haha XD

~~~~~ MEAN WHILE at the others ~~~~~~

"Daesung-ah i really want to look how this house looks like why don´t we take a secretly tour hmm?? seungri said with a smirk on his face 

" HAHAHA Broo you are really one come on let´s go but we have to watch out of bingu top when he find us he will be like an reall grandpa"

Daesung said. The two of them went out like one of the spy in M.I.B and then they went to the kitchen first of course they opend the fridge and 

seungri begann singing "WOOWW FANTASTIC BABY EATT WOHOOOOO I WANNA EAT EAT EAT " shhhhhtt yahh panda you wanna wake bingu up

be quite if he finds out then im gonna beat you up and will say that everything was your idea "  " tsee ok i´m quite but hyung look at this come 

on let´s eat.15 min later they went out from the big kitchen and went upstairs but when he passed the rooms they hear some giggles they went 

closer where it came from and heard celi and fanni speaking "Hihihih yeah your right and i some how like daesung oppa the way he goes,the way

he looks,the way he smiles ouwww ^^ when i think about how he smiles  my heart beats faster " said fanni.Daesung blushed while he heard 

those things and seungri gave him a teasing smile and smirk and said "OHHHH looks like some one is interested in you haha " "shhhtt they´re 

gonna hear you " daesung said. When they went to hear the conversation again they heard them saying" And that seungri doesn´t he look like 

he´s interested in Minah? " "Yeah your right i thought of this too hihi" .This time it was daesung who had a teasing revenge and said " OHHHH

what did i heard you´re interested in Minah hmmmm ohooohoo Minah and seungri sitting on a tree.." "AISHH HYUNG stop that im gonna go and 

sleep" said seungri and stormed off while dummber was teasing him.They got in their room and then TOP came from somewhere and said

" yahhh i knew you two would go on a trip here go and sleep now tomorow we´ll talk " by those words D&D became panick "ahh what do we do

now he got us noo i don´t want to die soon hyunnng save me" seungri  cried out"What save you i´ve got my own precious life ahead " daesung

said crying out too." Ah let´s go to sleep for now i´m tired " Yeah you´re right hyung good night hyung " "good night panda" 


   Break is finished now.

~~~~~~~Now back to the others~~~~~ 

" And threeeee...."  






"LOOKS like i will sleep with you" said.....








MUAHAHAHAHAHA I KNOW IM BAD hahaha sryy but i have to do it dramatic theheheh next chapi will be revealed who it is .^^ pls look forwords to it ^^

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Chapter 16: No you shouldn't, you should updaaate maaaaan ....
Chapter 14: i swear läuft bei dir hahahhaa
Chapter 9: i love it <3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha läuft bei celi und sol xD
Chapter 5: Omg omg JDBDKANSINSKSNA<3
Chapter 3: omg that was so amazing <3
Chapter 2: so amazing ahahaha i laughed so much xD ahahahaha