Big Bang

You have got some nerves

We are now on the plane,Chi-Hee and Fani argued who take the seat beside seat beside the window

they played rock,papper,sissors.Fani won so Celi had to sit in the middel of them. Next to Minahs side 5 handsome boys  were sitting there.                                                                                                          

The flight was quite long ,on this time Fani was painting her nails and doing some make up stuff,Celi was playing with her cellphone and Minah was sleeping.

Fani and Celi saw that she was sleeping and thought both  the same "Let´s doddle on her hehehe " .The 5 boys heard that and looked at them they were laughing.When Fani and Celi were about to put                                            

down the lip-gloss on her eyes she said " Don´t think about it " with her eyes still closed.They jumped a little bit ,cuz she scared them all of sudden.The Boys were just laughing"haha hyung did you see that haha they´re really 

bad ahaha and how they looked when she said to them ´don´t think about it ´ahaha they´re really funny i liked  their idea"  Hahaha yeahh Daesung i liked their idea too " said Taeyang 

Dear guests we landed thank you for flying with korea air lines ( i just thought of this name) please leave to the right door.

" AAAHHHHHH HOME SWEET HOME BABY , i missed you so much" said Seungri as he got out of the airpot " Yeah right ,i wonder if the girls from before know where their

place is where they want to go?" said GD and right then the 3 came out of the airpot too and stood next to them but they didn´t really mind them. " AHHHH MINAAAHH-YAAH i said that it is this way why don´t 

you belive me?" said celi " Because everytime you say that and then you bring me into an unicorn shop so NOO" the 3 of them keept discuss when someone interupted them " You seems like you are lost do you need any help? " the boy asked " NO THANKS" 

said Minah with a straight voice "yes of course thank you we need to get to ***street" said Fani with a high voice Minah left to buy some water "ok you have to go straight on and.." " YAAHH WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING GIVE THE PURSE BACK       

YOU THIEF " said GD to the boy who was trying to run away but GD was fast and catch up with him,then he grabbed him from the arm and twisted it "If you steal next time again from these girls i´ll make sure that you won´t be abel to walk anymore GOT IT??" he 

said and let go of him and went over where Fani  and Celi were standing " you should listen to your friend next time" he said " thank you and yes your right" Fani said.Minah came back and noticed 5 familiar guys " YAHH FANI,CHI-HEE WHAT DID

YOU DO THIS TIME UHH???" Minah said "oh your back? And we didn´t do anything,the boy from before was a thief" " i know" said Minah with no emotion and poker face "and this boy here helped me to get my purse back,wait what did you say you know?" said

Fani " Yeah i knew that he was a thief" mina said still with her poker face " why did you left us then?" said Fani "cuz you didn´t listen to me and i just wanted to see what will be stolen from you " mina said cold " Ah and you thank you for helping her so bye" she said

"Wait you seems like your lost can we help you to get you somewhere?" asked Taeyang. " No th.." "YES we´d love to,we have to get to*** street" Celi interupted Minah."oh that´s a little bit far away from here,com´on we take you with our limo" said Taeyang

"yeah ok thank you"said Minah.They followed Big Bang to their Limo it was a white limo and then they drived them to their homewhile the drive they get to know each other. When they came to Fani´s,Chi-hee´s and Minah´s house they didn´t belive what they saw.

"you live here?the 3 of you?Just the 3 of you?" Seungri asked in disbelive "Unnie we live here? REALLY NO JOKE RIGHT? AND JUST THE 3 OF US?" celi and festi asked minah she jsut nooded and said " yeah we life and yeah just the 3 of us why are you so suprised it´s nothing new?" she asked big bang turned at her 

with raised eyebrows*what does it mean nothing new,* T.O.P thought,*what just the 3 of those girls in this maison where did they get the money,maybe their parents are really rich* thought GD,*why doesn´t she show any interest in all of this,hmm maybe she´s used to it * thought Taeyang and Seungri and Daesung 

thought both the same thing *WHOOOAAAAA what a maison i want to swim here*. but then...

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Chapter 16: No you shouldn't, you should updaaate maaaaan ....
Chapter 14: i swear läuft bei dir hahahhaa
Chapter 9: i love it <3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha läuft bei celi und sol xD
Chapter 5: Omg omg JDBDKANSINSKSNA<3
Chapter 3: omg that was so amazing <3
Chapter 2: so amazing ahahaha i laughed so much xD ahahahaha