First day of school 1.Classmates and seat partners

You have got some nerves

*beeep beep beep* the alarm woke Minah and the others up.

They went to their bathrooms to take a shower,and to get ready for their first school day.

The school has got 2 pairs of Uniform the first one is this


and second this

All three of them wore the second one since it´s for the first school day and events for the school.They didn´t know where the school really was so they decided to call their buttler,but with the little van.




As they arrived they thanked him and went forward to the school,when they enterd it  all students stared at them some girls were gossiping about them,others were glaring and boys were whistling.They just ignored it and went towards the prinicpal office.After they got their 

scedule,they went to their class,they were toghether in one class,so they didn´t have to worry about finding each other.When they found their class they disgusted who knocks." No you go " "No you " "Minah you should go since you´re the oldest one" Minah sighed "Fine I´ll do

it.She knocked on it,then someone spoke up guess it´s the teacher they thought.Wehn they enter the class all eyes were on them" Oh you must be our new students right?" " Yes" "Ok intruduce your selves please" Celi started" Hello I´m  Chi-Hee but you can call me 

Celi I hope we get well along." Then Fanni started to speak" Hi I´m Fani,hope we get along." she said with an eye smile.Then it was Minahs´turn" Hello I´m Minah,nice to meet you" she said with a poker face." Thank you 3 for intruducing yourselves now we´ve to look where you 

can sit ..hmm" Mr.Kim the teacher scaned the room for available seats for you to sit then he spotted a seat"Fani you go and sit next to Jihoon,Jihoon please raise your hand " Fanni scanned where he was and saw his face.She knew that face ,she saw it before."Hmm where

have I seen him before?....Ah right he was the one next to that Zico guy emm, PJ?PU? Ah P.O" said Fani to herself she went over to her seat and sat down"Hi do you still remember me?" asked P.O "Yes P.O right?" "Yes you remember me so your at the same school and same 

class as me.^^" "Yeah looks so ^^" " Ok now Celi you sit next to Zelo " when she heard that she immedently looked up and looked for the hand to raise up as the hand was up she smiled widely " Zelo?? " "Celi come here my Unicorn" she immedently went over to hear seat. 

"Oh ma gahd I can´t belive it now,you´re at the same class as me and you´re my seat neighbor ahhh " "Me too I can´t belive it too but we have to study and not talk to much ok?" "Ehh..Celi you´re ok?Are you sick?" "Nahhh was just a joke haha but we have to get good grades 

arrasso?" "OK " "So Minah there is only one seat left you sit next to Luhan and Himchan,your seat is between them " Minah nodded and looked for the hand to raise.She went over to her place and sat down."OHH MYY,Minah you´re my seat neighbor ahh OH MY we have to 

celebrate that " "Yah stop it already,pfft what  celebrate. " "Ohh Minah my little,pretty Minah I know you love me." "Yeah yeah what ever, but it´s great to be at the same class as you Himchannie" "YEEYYY I knew it you still love me." "Himchan and Minah please stop talking 

please I know it´s great to see your boy and girl friend  again as you seat neighbor,but you can talk at lunch ok? " oh no , Mr.Kim,Himchan isn´t my.." "Ok sorry Mr.Kim " said Himchan and gave him a bright smile. 

Minah didn´t notice Luhan since she was busy talking with Himchan or better say,Himchan wouldn´t stop talking to her.Minah looked randomly at the class,but then she stopped when she realized that some girls were giving Celi and Fani glares.They looked like they 

would do something to them.When she looked at the other side she saw that some other girls were giving her glares,she shruged them of and continiued looking at her book.

Soon the lesson finished,everybody took his things to go to the next subject and left the room.When Minah was about to leave she hear some voices next to her.*Those girls I know them aren´t they In my class? And who are they talking to isn´t that..Celi? " Stay away from P.O 

Oppa or you´ll" Celi raised her hand to show her that she knew what she was going to say "Yeah ,yeah  or  you´ll see the worst pfftt,com´on that is so old and second try to talk to me like that again  and you´ll see the worst did you es get that? " and with that she left,leaving 

the girls dumbfounded.*Tss that´s so typical Celi haha I´m proud of you little sis* thought Minah as she went to her next subject.Math.she went in and saw that everybody was seated down.After her came Celi and Fanni in."ah you´re the new students hi I´m Mr.Song so we´ll get

you three seats for my Math lessons" "Hae aren´t we suposed to sit next to our seat neighbors?" asked Fani " If you want you can do that"said Mr.Song.The 3 of them made their way towards their seats but Celi stopped and turned to that and gave her a glare,wich 

scared her,and then she gave that a smirk.Minah was about to go to her seat but then suddenly pair of arms wrapped her waist from the side and made her lose her balance and land on that persons lap that was sitting.When she looked up she couldn´t belive her eyes

it was.















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Chapter 16: No you shouldn't, you should updaaate maaaaan ....
Chapter 14: i swear läuft bei dir hahahhaa
Chapter 9: i love it <3
Chapter 6: Hahahaha läuft bei celi und sol xD
Chapter 5: Omg omg JDBDKANSINSKSNA<3
Chapter 3: omg that was so amazing <3
Chapter 2: so amazing ahahaha i laughed so much xD ahahahaha