You Dare Challenge Me?!

The Misunderstood Kingka




❝chapter 002.

               you dare challenge me?!.

              ❝chapter 002.




“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” A trembling voice issued from the person who unintentionally tackled Hansoo down. Hansoo sighed and just stayed on the ground, her hands on either side of her, ready to jump up any time. But she didn’t. She just laid there as if she was on a vacation.


“Uh, miss? Excuse me? Are you alright?” the same trembling voice pestered again as Hansoo closed her eyes, counting to ten.


He’s just an innocent, clueless male, Hansoo. Just an innocent clueless male who will lose a limb.


“Let me help you up-“ the boy, despite Hansoo not responding, tried to help her up. Hansoo hissed immediately, looking up to glare at the frightened boy. Hansoo was about to snap and release the inner annoying version of her when she stopped.


Instead of feeling a sense of dread and hate, all she felt was the fast beating of her heart.


Above her was a tall, slightly tanned boy. He had tousled jet black hair that was swept to one side. He had bags under his eyes, and even though it should be a flaw, Hansoo didn’t find anything wrong or unappealing about it. parted open in surprise as she stared directly at his face.


He was a looker alright. Enough to stop one of the childish tantrums of Hansoo.


Yo braniac! You’ll fail your Chemistry test if you’re late!


“Ah! My test!” Hansoo exclaimed, finally getting some rational thoughts in her brain. She scrambled to stand up quickly, dusting herself off. She fixed her hair absentmindedly, hoping it would be tamed and that her fringe would stay down.


“Uhm, I’m Hong Jisoo, new student, Korean-American, from LA.” Hansoo glanced at the boy as if it was her first time seeing him. Now that she was standing, he was taller than her at least by a head. She looked down at the hand he was offering and wrinkled her nose.


She wasn’t normally the social type.


“And I’m about to miss the biggest test in my life. I hope we won’t see each other again. Goodbye.” Hansoo gave him a stiff nod and salute before putting on a frantic expression, clutching her backpack tightly.


Jisoo blinked at the weird girl who wore those abnormally large glasses. He accidentally bumped her, asked if she was okay, and in return, he got a very cold welcome to the school. He sighed and shouldered his black backpack tightly, walking to the entrance of the school, wondering about the mysterious girl.


Back at USA, he was always the one girls want. Because of his shy and understanding nature, he was the target of most girls in his school. They gave him gifts, cards and confessed to him. He was basically the most popular guy there.


And he disliked it.


Jisoo frowned as he recounted all the times he had to reject confessions, stay up reading the cards and throw the garbage out everyday by himself because it was always loaded with gift wrappers.


He hoped this year would be different. This year, he would come and leave unnoticed. A kingka in disguise, if you must.


Jisoo almost got his wish. If it weren’t for another Korean-American.


As soon as Jisoo stepped in the school, he wishes he hadn’t. Seas of fangirls were coming his way, and his eyes widened.


“Argh, I feel sorry for the guy in the middle,” Jisoo muttered in pity, smirking as he stepped aside for the fangirls to pass. He watched the girls scream and go crazy, but he was curious as to why no guy was in the middle of them. He decided to shrug it off as he continued to find his class.




Jisoo turned around but so no one calling him. Narrowing his eyes, he turned his back again.


“Psst!” This time, Jisoo turned back in lightning speed to see a small boy crouching behind the trashcan. Jisoo raised an eyebrow. The boy behind the trashcan looked like he was in a spy movie. Since he was two feet away from Jisoo, he stuck his back to lockers, rolled on the floor and pointed finger guns at anyone who looked at him funny.


He finally reached Jisoo, standing in front of him, smiling like a child.


“Hiya! You must be the new Korean-American, eh?” The boy asked in English as Jisoo blinked in shock.


“Don’t say it that loud-“


“There’s Choi Hansol! And look! HE’S WITH ANOTHER KOREAN-AMERICAN!” A fangirl shouted as tons of screams followed. Jisoo sighed in annoyance, knowing that his plan on being a wallflower evaporated. All because of one boy.


“Whoops, sorry about that. Let’s go!” Hansol laughed as he grabbed Jisoo’s arm, running like the wind with Jisoo being dragged along. He didn’t exactly mind though. Anywhere from the fangirls is fine by him.


They both entered a classroom, Hansol closing the door shut tightly as the fangirls pounded on it. Both walked back like in a trance, scared that the door might give in.


“They are worse than the ones in America,”


“Believe me, that’s just the start of it. Well, welcome to Korea, Hong Jisoo!” Hansol greeted, spreading his arms wide in welcome. Jisoo laughed at how energetic he was.


“Thanks for the warm welcome. I’m sure I’ll be able to get along with you,”


“Yeah, I hope so. Anyway, do you want to meet my friend?” Hansol asked absentmindedly already walking to his seat in the front, since he seats beside the smartest girl in class, who is also his friend.


Jisoo shrugged. Hey, it won’t hurt making more friends, right? He just wished it wasn’t another fangirl. He followed Hansol to his seat, taking a seat next to a girl who was sleeping on the desk, slightly snoring, which Jisoo found adorable.


“This is her.” Hansol pointed downwards at the snoring girl as Jisoo’s smile dropped.


He thought it would be someone who was outgoing, friendly and peppy like him, but Jisoo was surprised he was friends with someone like…well, someone like this.


“Oh. Well, is she alright?” Jisoo asked in concern, poking her head with his finger carefully. Hansol shrugged, not really caring. He knew that his friend was always careful.


“I guess so. Her name’s Shin Hansoo by the way. If you dare make up a nickname for her, she will lash out. Just a heads up,” Hansol warned, remembering the time he called her ‘Snorlax’ since she sleeps too much.


“Hansoo? That’s a unique name,” Jisoo commented, the corners of his lips tilting upwards as he said her name over and over again.


“DID SOMEONE CALL MY NAME?!” Hansoo’s head shot up, hitting Jisoo square in the jaw as she looked around agitatedly. She was always alert when someone called her name. Too many times her teachers call her name that it has been drilled already in her mind.


“Ow!” Jisoo yelped, rubbing his jaw, pouting as he did so.


“Aww, he’s so cute!” he heard a few girls in his class squeal as he reminded himself that they could potentially pester him till the end of the year. Hansoo glanced to her right to see the boy she had met earlier. She looked at him up and down disinterestedly before glancing at her right. A small smile escaped her lips as she saw the familiar fluffy haired boy she was always with everyday.


“Why wake me up so early, Hansol? You know I sleep ten minutes before the teacher comes in,” Hansoo complained, wrinkling her nose as she looked down at the textbook she was sleeping on. She was just catching up on what she learned last night. Hansol chuckled and leaned over to Hansoo, ruffling up her hair.


“You need to sleep more at home then. And it was he who woke you up.” Hansol pointed at Jisoo who was looking quite scared of Hansoo. Hansoo sighed and studied Jisoo. He didn’t look dangerous, nor like a delinquent.


“Is he normal?” Hansoo asked Hansol suddenly as Jisoo’s jaw dropped. Here was a girl who slept in class and refused to introduce herself like a normal person should, asking if he was normal.


“Me? Normal? I think I should be asking you that question!”


“But you didn’t! So ha, I win!” Hansoo said in a sing song voice, sticking her tongue out childishly at Jisoo who looked taken back. Hansol chuckled nervously, putting either hands on Hansoo’s shoulders, pulling her backwards.


“Sorry for…well, her. She’s like this to all the people she meets. She’ll be nicer, I promise,” Hansol tried to comfort Jisoo who just nodded.


“So Jisoo, did you know there’s a big test today?” Hansoo asked in a superior voice as Jisoo smiled mischievously. Of course he knew. He asked if there were any surprise tests in his class from the principal, and the principal informed him about the Chemistry test.


“Yes, I do. Problem with that?” Jisoo replied arrogantly as Hansoo’s superior facade crumbled almost immediately. She thought she could show him up in Chemistry, but he somehow knew about the test. Hansoo curled her lip, but put in a sickly sweet smile that looked fake.


“Oh, no problem. Just wondering how would you do,”


“Well, if you’re really curious, I think I can predict I can do better than you,” Jisoo said in a challenging tone, surprising the class, Hansol and Hansoo. You could tell by the silence around the room.


“You? Be better than Hansoo? Are you willing to be humiliated?!” Hansol whispered urgently at him, but Jisoo kept his eyes trained at Hansoo who was fuming inside. No one has challenged her in academics ever since she got top of her class ever since freshman year.


Now that she’s a junior, for three years, she was top of her class. No one has beaten her, and no one has the intention of doing that. Until now.


“Oh yeah? How about we test it in the test today?” Hansoo asked with an air of audacity as Jisoo shrugged.


“Sure, why not?”


“Is this really your wish before you get utterly humiliated?” Hansoo whispered, her eyes narrowing like a cat. Jisoo smirked, making the girls in the class swoon.


“Oh, I wouldn’t count on that, Smart Girl.”


“Oh, you’re so dead,” Hansol moaned, his face in his hands. 

                 ★ TRANQUIL  LAYOUTS.                   


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Chapter 4: this is cool xD lmao i like the oc's character o/
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH I LIKE THIS STORY... and im your 35th subbie :D THUMBS UP~ UHHHHHH.... update soon... we sm17es need moar good 17 fanfics around... this one is pretty good so far.. UPDATE SOON PWEASE~ <3
rainbowunicorns20 #4
Chapter 3: Im Lovin' it! Update soon~!♡
Chapter 3: Jisol is probably the best part of this story. Jinsoo can't wait a little.
zeology #6
Chapter 3: So much Jisol OTL
Chapter 2: It would be so hilarious if Hansoo just creams Jisoo (∩_∩)
Chapter 1: Omo! Daebak! Please update soon. BTW, hansoo and kyungsi is a funny name ^^
Love it so far. Update soon! <3