Second Trojan War

The Misunderstood Kingka




❝chapter 004.

               second trojan war.

              ❝chapter 004.




“Hansol, I think we should get back in class-“


“Oh! Our food is coming!” the usual hyperactive Hansol squealed, hopping in place as he saw his favorite snack descending slowly, but surely. Ever ten minute break between classes, he always went to the vending machine to eat.


How he burns all these calories and fats? Dancing. That boy dances as if his life depended on it. It was his passion in life.


As for Jisoo…well his ultimate goal right now is to get out of the staring crowd. Since the two Korean-Americans were gathered in one place, the girls (and boys alike) gathered there also, eager to see what were the daily activities of Hansol and Jisoo.


“Dude, we’re going to die in the hands of these people once we move. We have to go now!” Jisoo whispered urgently, trying to knock some sense into Hansol who was too mesmerized at the food that was almost falling.


“Come on Jisoo! Just wait a bit! Jeez, you treat fangirls as if they were a bad-“










Several girls came to them, jumping up and down in excitement like Chihuahuas, demanding for their attention. Jisoo and Hansol tried to avoid them and decline everything politely, but the girls were too much.


They kept interrupting their sentences and answers with questions that were irrelevant. Jisoo was about to shout in frustration when,


“Don’t you have any respect for yourselves?!” Jisoo and Hansol’s savior hissed as all noise stopped. Jisoo tip-ti-toed to see who saved him and saw that it was none other than an annoyed Shin Hansoo. He groaned, rolling his eyes.


Great, he was saved alright, but he was going to be dead later.


He had to remind himself that Hansoo was human, not a deranged alien from outer space.


“Why’d she come here? It could’ve been a teacher,” Jisoo grumbled, soft enough for only Hansol to hear. However, Hansol being grateful for his best friend, shushed Jisoo vehemently.


“She’s saving us, dude. Let her do her thing.”


“These are innocent boys who can state their opinion! They bring their good looks here to give you eyecandy, and what do you do? You taint them with your inappropriate ways! You disturb them with your unnecessary actions! Aren’t you ashamed?” Hansoo asked wisely at the girls who parted for her, bowing their heads.


“She looks like she’s campaigning to be president,” Jisoo whispered to Hansol, trying to hold in his laughter as he watched Hansoo act all patriotic and grave. Hansol disguised his laughter as a cough.


“Well, I’m voting for her.”


“Now go on with your lives! Think about what you have done! And remind yourselves why good people with looks are in this planet.” And with that, the school bell rung, signaling classes will start soon. The once crowded vending machine cleared, little by little as the fangirls awhile ago started to calm down.


Hansoo smirked, crossing her arms on her chest. She was never a fangirl, never the one to throw herself at her ‘biases’ because she didn’t have any.


She was glad she got to save her best friend. And of course…Hong Jisoo.


“Hansoo! You were amazing! Where did you learn that speech?” Hansol commented gratefully, slinging an arm around his best friend shoulder, making Jisoo slightly aggravated. He didn’t like how Hansol was so comfortable in skin to skin contact with Hansoo, and how Hansoo was okay with it.


Jisoo immediately went to Hansoo’s left as Hansol stayed on her right, the trio walking over to their classroom.


Hansoo shrugged modestly, smiling after awhile of fuming over how Mr. Kim favored Jisoo over her.


Speaking of that, what Hansoo did when she walk out was simple.


She ate.


She went to the cafeteria, asked if she could have a burger, and ate it alone, pondering all the reasons why Mr. Kim would like Jisoo more than her.


Hansoo was smart, but so was Jisoo. Hansoo was on the short side, unlike Jisoo. And also unlike Jisoo, she wasn’t as decent looking.


But, she told herself, she had the upper hand. She knew how to persuade people. That’s the only thing she’s good at. But making friends and keeping up a conversation with a person other than Hansol? She wished there were some tutorials for that.


“Eh, you were in trouble. As a duty of a best friend, I am required to help you.”


“You say it like it’s a bad thing,”


“Well, running away from fangirls definitely is sad-“


“Yah! I’m not running away from fangirls-“


“Guys! I’m still here!” Jisoo waved his hand back and forth, trying to catch the duo’s attention. Hansoo glanced at Jisoo, looking irritated. She had had enough of this boy who looked like a panda because of the bags under his eyes. They stopped in front of the classroom, and before Jisoo could open the door, Hansoo grabbed his wrist.


“I don’t know who you think you are, but don’t you dare try to challenge me in anything. I will humiliate you, and I will beat you. I don’t want anything to do with you, and besides, you’re a kingka now, a popular person in school. Why should I even converse with you? Stay with your own clique, and I’ll stay with mine. Clear?” Hansoo demanded with uttermost seriousness.


She didn’t like Hong Jisoo, not at all.


And Jisoo wasn’t feeling the love. He yanked his wrist out of Hansoo’s grip, moving forward so that Hansoo’s back was pinned on the door. Jisoo, still near Hansoo, rested his arm above Hansoo’s head, staring deeply into her eyes. Hansoo’s heart thudded quickly, her palms sweating. She wondered why she was nervous, but Jisoo’s heated gaze was enough to silence her, even for awhile.


“Who are you to tell me what to do? And if you haven’t noticed princess, Hansol is a kingka also, a popular person. So hanging out with him is acceptable. I’m don’t discriminate anyone, so I will have only have two goals here in this school,” Jisoo raised one finger,


“One. I will beat you in everything. Studies, sports, in talent shows, whatever. I’ll beat you,”


“What’s the second one?” Hansoo asked boldly, glaring at Jisoo. Even though she had a determined look on her, her eyeglasses pushed up so that her eyelashes hit the lens, she was honestly scared.


“Two? Easy. Make you understand why I’m an misunderstood kingka.” And with that, Jisoo dropped his gaze, his arm descending to open the door, strolling in. Hansoo stood limp, her back still lightly pressed on the door.


She couldn’t believe that a new student could put her out like that. She was supposed to be the strong one.


“Hansol, is it illegal to strangle him?”


“Yes, Hansoo,”


“Push him off a cliff?”




“How about-“


“Hansoo, you can’t beat him by killing the poor boy! You just have to step your game up,” Hansol suggested, shrugging. He suddenly thought about the food he left in the vending machine, pouting.


“Fine. He wants a war, he’ll get a war. Let the second Trojan War start, Hong Jisoo.” Hansoo glared at Jisoo who was sitting comfortably beside her empty seat, looking as confident as ever.

                 ★ TRANQUIL  LAYOUTS.                   


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Chapter 4: this is cool xD lmao i like the oc's character o/
OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH I LIKE THIS STORY... and im your 35th subbie :D THUMBS UP~ UHHHHHH.... update soon... we sm17es need moar good 17 fanfics around... this one is pretty good so far.. UPDATE SOON PWEASE~ <3
rainbowunicorns20 #4
Chapter 3: Im Lovin' it! Update soon~!♡
Chapter 3: Jisol is probably the best part of this story. Jinsoo can't wait a little.
zeology #6
Chapter 3: So much Jisol OTL
Chapter 2: It would be so hilarious if Hansoo just creams Jisoo (∩_∩)
Chapter 1: Omo! Daebak! Please update soon. BTW, hansoo and kyungsi is a funny name ^^
Love it so far. Update soon! <3