4. Runners, until the race is run

Reign Of Love


A few months passed.  All had been calm.  Chan Mi was becoming more nice to you, and nothing seemed strange about their relationship.   She invited you along to their hangouts, but you found that you were always the third wheel to the lovers.  You preferred going to Myungsoo or Hanuel.  The three of you were now literally siblings, with sleepovers occurring every few days at your place, because apparently, your mom made the "best kimchi ever" according to Myungsoo.
Your mom loved the Kim siblings, and your Dad liked the fact that they went to an elite school.  He also went to a elite singe gender school, the exact same one as Myungsoo.  They often laughed about the traditions and happenings when they had "men to men" talk.  "When are they coming over again?  Should I add another ingredient to the kimchi?" Your mom asked as you went into the kitchen to grab some water.  "Omma.  Don't worry.  They love everything that you make.  So relax and carry on."  You pecked her cheek and left.   
You finished the rest of the maths homework before getting a text message from Haneul.  
"Come over now. SOS."
"Something Myungsoo found."
You shook your head.  It was probably a collectible or something from death note.  He loved that anime.
When you got there, Hanuel bursted out and grabbed you into Myungsoo's room.  He was fixing something to his computer.  It was a picture of buildings.  "Okay.  You want to show me some buildings?" You asked confusedly.     Myungsoo shook his head as he zoomed in and clicked play.
   "----- ah...is this...the girl dating...um...Zelo?"  Hanuel asked softly as I stared with shock at the video  popping up at the screen.  
"WHAT IS THIS?"  You whispered.
Myungsoo explained.  "I was takin a film for my art project and something caught my eye."
"No.  It's a mistake. You guys are just effing with me.  It's not true.  T-that is not Chan Mi...SHE SAID SHE WOULDN'T DO IT AGAIN!" You refused to believe that you were dumb enough to let her go.
Hanuel your arm comfortingly.  "We'll think of something...just calm down."  Myungsoo was also in a state of shock at you.  You were never like this.  If you were angry, it was the cold, quiet angry.  Not a panicky loud kind.   He went over and hugged you, until you felt calm enough to talk again.  
"We'll show the video to Zelo.  Just ring him up now and tell him to come here."  Hanuel grabbed your phone.  "Fine."  She dialed his number, but no one answered.  Hanuel swore under her breath and handed the phone down to me.  "...I'll make a copy of that video."  Myungsoo hurried over and went to work.
You stared outside.  Things had changed, and not for the better.  You had to confront him.  And her.  Zelo had to know this before things got any further. 
You had called him at least 500 times for the last few weeks.  But he had always blocked you off.  You didn't have school either, since it was the holidays again.  You tried to visit him, but he wouldn't open the door for you.  
One day, your parents called you to the living room to talk to you.
"---ah.  Your dad and I have been offered a place to work  in Busan, and it is pretty near you Haemoni's place....and we accepted."  Your mom explained.   
"The thing is, we need to go the day after tomorrow...and since we cannot change your school at this time of the year, when you finish high school here, you can join us here...if you'd like.  You would be officially an adult by then.  So I would trust you to make your own decisions."  Your dad continued. 
"I see.  Omma, Appa...right now..." You tried to explain your situation with Zelo to them without explicitly saying his name or making them too worried.  
"---ah, even if you think we haven't noticed...we do know that you need to fix something at this time, and although we do not know what, it's best you fix it.  so...when you do make your decision, call us.  But it has to be by the end of this academic year, arraso?"  Your dad stated firmly, and patted your head with affection.  
"Deh appa." You smiled with gratitude.
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Telissa #1
Chapter 4: Interesting plot. Will be looking forward to future updates.~