1. Lovers, keep on the road you're on.

Reign Of Love


This was usually the first thing he said in the mornings, with his sleepy dark brown eyes and bed head.  "Good morning."  You would say back quietly.  
 He would plop down on the seat (and take up most of the space with his long legs), yawn and get ready for class.  How lucky you were, that he was assigned this seat to you.   But rarely would he talk to you, except for the occasional explanation for some maths equation.  The butterflies in your stomach would come as soon as he turned to you.  
"Um.  Would you mind explaining..."  He would ask absentmindedly.  You would comply, patiently talking out the basics.  
"Ok..yeah.  Thanks."  He would mutter.  And turn straight away.  Despite knowing each other since kindergarten, these were the only words you said to each other.  Polite, simple phrases with not much meaning. 
It was a Saturday night, and the whole class was together in the dorm common room.   Figures.  Lying on couches, the floor, the table.  All concentrated in playing truth or dare.  
It was his turn.  From where you perched, on the table with some of your friends, you could see he chose a "truth".
"Who do you like?"  A person smirked.
He refused, and asked for another question.  They battered back and forth until..
"Fine! Just give a letter from her name!"  The darer sighed.  
He sighed a letter and a "ooh" sound emitted.  You stayed quiet.    This letter was in your name.  Could it-
"Guys, he likes Chan Mi."  A voice called out, and his face reddened as gusts of giggles and nudges proceeded.  
Chan mi was one of the girls in his class.  She was cute and quite lovely except for the fact that she despised your existence ever since you came to this school.    You looked at her blushing face and knew, in that second, that she liked him too.  
You caught him staring at her, unsure how to ask her out.  
"Do you think she'll like flowers?"  He had asked you.
  "W-what?" You mumbled quietly.  This was the first time he had talked to you about anything other than an algerbra problem.  But little did you know it was a start of a friendship.  And before you knew it, you were close friends.  You two kept it a secret, knowing that it would shock the entire year if this came out.  Late night chats, texting, and notes written to each other, even going to each others homes.  He even called you his "diary".  Not that you minded of course.  He told you everything he thought of, his dreams, his wishes.  When he had a problem, it was you he went to.  You advised him on what he should do.
"Could you give this to her?  I'm gonna ask her out tonight."  He passed a envelope to you, the same one he spent hours picking from a rack.  "Just choose the pink one Zelo.  I'm sure she likes pink."  You rolled your eyes and sighed as he eyed each one carefully.  You picked it up and went over to Chan Mi. 
 "Um hello." You said quietly, to her attention from her gossiping with the other girls.  
She looked at you with disgust.  "Hello.  What do you want?"  She sniffed.
"Um.  Z-Zelo told me to give it to you." You held out the note.  "...okay then.  just give it to me then.   Don't get your dirty hands all over it."  She whispered the last part into your ear.  You shivered and went off.   You wanted to say something, but she was Zelo's crush.  Anything you did could be used against you. 
Within a few days, they were going out.   They were the couple of the school.   Everyone had dubbed them the "lovebirds".  You could see why.  They looked perfect together, as if they came from a picture book.  Their names sounded perfect for each other.  Zelo and Chan Mi.  Chan mi and Zelo.  
Your heart hurt.  
But the summer holidays came, and your parents planned to send you off to another country for summer school. "What?!"  Zelo half yelled as you told him.  
"Aish, it's not even forever.  I'll be back for our last year!"  You patted his head.  Suddenly you caught Chan mi's eyes glaring poisoned darts at you, and you took your hands off like it was fire.  
Summer came.  You left as soon as school ended.
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Telissa #1
Chapter 4: Interesting plot. Will be looking forward to future updates.~