3.Sometimes even right is wrong.

Reign Of Love


With a small gasp, you bent and began to check him.  He looked absolutely drunk.  He reeked of alcohol.  You scrunched up your nose as you tried to drag him back into your house.   After a few tries, you succeeded and deposited him on the sofa.  The box of food was already placed outside, so you brought it in and organized it quickly.
You went to zelo's unconcious figure.  He had dirt on his face and looked quite stuffy, so gently took off his jacket.  Using a cloth, you wiped his face.  His eyes, mouth, white skin, hair....... you found yourself staring intently. He's the same old Zelo that I know...but he's lost you thought as your cool fingers traced his angel like features.   He stirred, and you took your hand off, leaping away to  get some pillows and a blanket, and arranged it around him.  You placed a glass of water on the coffee table, so if he woke up, he would have something to drink.  That was close...
You also made some korean hangover soup for when he woke up.   It was midnight by the time everything was finished.  You settled comfortably in a big soft chair and read a book, not able to sleep.  But exhaustion took over, and soon, you fell asleep.
Zelo woke up with sunlight shining in his eyes.  His head spun and hurt, and he didn't feel too good.  He looked around.  White walls and glass windows...all familiar....it was ---'s house.   What was he doing in her house?  He sat up quickly and then reclined, the room spinning like mad.
"Slow down, or it's gonna hurt, Zelo."  A familiar voice said.  Zelo looked.  
It couldn't be.
The last time he checked, she wasn't that tall.  She didn't have dark brown wavy hair, nor did she have such a... Nice body.  But the most change was her face.  Her eyes.  No more braces.  No more glasses.  Her brown, sparkling eyes stared back at his, amused.
"So you're finally awake.  You passed out, drunk, outside my place last night.  Drink some water, you must be thirsty.  "  She was holding a tray of steaming soup.   She sat down next to him and he smelled her scent- gentle vanilla.
Zelo kept his eyes on her as she gave him the glass.  "W-what?"  She asked wryly.
"You...look...well.  Different."  He managed.
"Hm.  I grew taller!"  She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.  Something...was off.  
"---, I'm so sorry I-". Zelo started but she cut him off.  
"It's okay Zelo.  It's better if it were a surprise like this right?"  She looked at him, her eyes half full of worry, anger and upset and half with happiness for something he couldn't place.
"I'm sorry."  He sighed as he devoured the soup.  "What can I do to make up for it?"
---- grinned.  "Hang out with me today.  I got some friends we can go out with."   She went to her room and returned.  "And take a shower.  You stink, JunHong."  She threw a bunch of clothes at his face and chuckled as she went to wash up the plates.
"Where did you get these cloths?"  Zelo came out of the shower, his hair wet and dripping.  
"My boyfriends."  You joked and he choked, his eyes bulging.  
"Y-your b-boyfriend?"  He spluttered, and his face reddened.  
"Yup." You could see the wheels running in his mid. 
"W-what?  W-when?  Why does he leaves his clothes here?  You didn't do...it..did you?"  He trailed you as you got ready.  
"Hm?  Yeah, we did.  I mean it was fun."  You lied, thinking it was about kissing.  
"-----!" He finally exploded and you burst out giggling.  
"Oh my god..Zelo..I can't believe you buy all of this. These are my dad's clothes, you nitwit.  And I went to England for god's sake. How can I even effing ship back a boy, huh?"  You flicked his head and opened the door. 
"Come on, tall guy."  You smiled at his gaping face.
"Oh.  Okay."  He clumsily got out and put on his shoes.  
"Where are we going?"  He asked as you headed for the skate park.
"My haven."  You told him.  It was a day with blue sunny skies...
You met up with Myungsoo and Hanuel, who accepted Zelo, as he could skate...a bit.  
After a bit of skating, Myungsoo told you that he was going to buy lunch and bring it back here, while Hanuel had to go to the toilet.  
"Arraso."  You nodded and relaxed under the tree.  Zelo hopped off his board and sat next to you. 
"How was your summer?"  You asked.
"......it's been great. Been to... A lot of parties."  He replied slowly.
"What about your girlfriend?"  You asked him.
".......she's good."  He manages.
"Zelo.  Stop lying.  Your face is too obvious."  You smacked him on his thigh as he yelped and pinched your cheek.  Laughing and whining in pain at the same time , you pushed him, starting a tickle fight.  
"Z-z-zelooooooo!!" You giggled as he tickled you.  He giggles back and pulls away.  All of your troubles seem to go away, and you found yourself talking about your summer.  Zelo listened, for once.  
The day had ended.  You ate lunch, played in the arcade..and soaked up some much needed vitamin D with Myungsoo, Hanuel and Zelo, who had constant phone calls and text messages until he switched off his phone.  
You said your goodbye to the siblings and left.  "----...."  Zelo said.
"Hmmm?"  You smiled at him.
"We're having a party tonight at Ahn Mi's place...do you want to come?"  He asked.  Ahn Mi was the sister of Chan Mi.
"Zelo.  You've been having a bit too much parties at the moment.  Don't you think?"  You frowned.
He stayed silent.  "Chan Mi is there.  I've got to go.  And stop sounding like my mom."  He said stubbornly.  
"You don't have to go."  
"Yes.  I have to."  Zelo picked up his phone and immediately, you heard a female voice.  Chan Mi.
You cringed, and Zelo waved a tiny wave before he left.  "Yeah, okay babe.  I'll be there."
It was raining outside.  You stared out at the pouring mess through your window as you worried about Zelo.  There was a gut feeling that something was going to happen to him.  He was only a teen...and he was always drunk.
That was it.  
If Zelo got into any trouble, you couldn't just stand there without doing anything.  
You pulled out your coat, and went to Ahn Mi's home.
"."  You swore as you saw the mess of a party it was.   Everyone was drunk, stumbling around, people trying to jump out of the window...music shaking inside of the house. You hurried in.   There was a large crowd and you could hardly breath.  "Zelo?  Zelo!  Excuse me, have you seen a tall guy called Zelo?"  You asked a passerby.  They drunkenly pointed upstairs and mumbled something "with girlfriend.."  And stumbled away. 
You went up the stairs, weaving your way across the sea of bodies before peering in.
"Oh...oppa...oh..."a familiar voice groaned out.
Chan Mi.  Doing something she wasn't supposed to do.  
You gaped silently.  What was she doing with another guy?  
She opened her eyes and found you staring.  Within a second  you rushed out, only to bump into a chest.  
"Crap!!"  You yelled in your brain as you stared at him.  He looked so angry, but pathetic.   He stormed in and punched the guy yelling "get off my girlfriend...stop..seducing her!"  
With every punch he made, you realized that he also, was drunk to the point where he was about to pass out. ...and also, it was clear he had no idea what had happened or what he was doing. 
"Zelo...come on..stop it."  You yelled as you detached him from his passed our opponent.  He collapsed and you hulled him to the bed.  
Chan Mi was in tears and had plopped into a chair.  You glared at her.  She had been so lucky.  She had the best guy in the world.  And now she messed up.  
"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" You said harshly as you turned towards her.  
She looked at him and then you with teary eyes.  "I'm so sorry...I mean..you won't tell him right?  I was just...I didn't know what I was doing.  I didn't mean it."  She cried.
"You cheated on him!  You know how much he likes you?"  You exclaimed.   You wanted to punch her for her stupidity.
"I..I know.  So...please don't tell him.  It might break his heart...I'm so sorry...."  She reached out and touched your hand.   
You hesitated. That was true.  But Zelo was going to hurt even more if he didn't know now.  But he's at such a vulnerable state..and she seemed like she meant it.
"Please!  Just one chance."  Chan Mi pleaded, her eyes welling up and her makeup everywhere.
"Fine.  If you mess it up again..." You looked at her angrily.  She looked away, not able to reach your eyes.
Sighing, you went to make Zelo comfortable- wipe his sweat away, and brushing his hair out of his forehead.   
You began to tidy up the mess off a room it was, making sure the rubbish was cleared off.  Chan Mi was in a trance, staring at Zelo.
Even though you felt furious at Chan Mi, you still had some sympathy for her.  "Here.  Drink this.  I'm going to clean up this hell of a party in your house."  You shoved a cup of water at her face and stomped off.  
She took it soundlessly and sipped, watching you walk off.
Down stairs, there a few drunk people here and there.  You herded them out and locked the door.  Then, you cleaned up the place until it was neat and tidy, the way it was supposed to be before the party.  You found Ahn Mi drunk outside, and pulled her back in.   She was pretty heavy, so you had to drag her up the stairs.  
When you were happy with the state the house was in, you turned to go back, where chan Mi was.  She was sitting next to Zelo, and just as you were about to open the door, he awoke. "Chan Mi?  What is going on?"  He asked her sleepily.  She looked at your retreating figure, and mumbled a "just rest."  He reached up and kissed her.  
You headed home, the sun rising; but your heart sinking... Hurting.  Again.
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Telissa #1
Chapter 4: Interesting plot. Will be looking forward to future updates.~