2.Soldiers, you've got to soldier on.

Reign Of Love


You learned English, and soon, you could speak fluently.  You made new friends, who both taught you to dance and skateboard.  They even help you dye and perm your hair into brown waves.  You were a little more into fashion, as over the summer, you grew a full 10cm and your body developed. Gone were the pimples and awkwardness.  Gone were your braces and glasses.  It was the ugly duckling turning into a swan.  
But you never stopped emailing Zelo.  There was something wrong- his answers became more infrequent and short.   Everytime, it started with a "I was so drunk last night..I couldn't email you.  Mianhae." And  ended with a "I'm going out with Chan Mi to party tonight." 
Further emails with your other friends back at home told you he was different.  He drank, partied, and didn't care about anything.  But most of all, he followed Chan Mi like a puppy.
You were so worried, and sad for him.  But you also felt anger.  You knew he was originally a good, considerate boy with a sweet mind.  What...no ..who had made him like this?
When you arrived back to Seoul, your parents hardly could recognize you.  "Aigoo...you suddenly grew up!"  Wailed your mother, tearing up.  You were taller than her now, being 5'3
Since your plan was delayed, you missed the first 2 days of school.  it was midnight by the time you came back home.  Same school, same classes, another year.  You couldn't wait to see Zelo, although you remembered about how he ignored your emails.  
As you pulled on your school uniform, you noticed it ha d become baggier. You had to use a belt to keep your skirt on.  It was obvious you went down a few sizes since summer came.  "Omma!!!  I'm going to school!"  You yelled, putting on your shoes.
"Arasso!  Appa and I will go visit Grandma in Busan. can you manage these few days by yourself ?" She called from the kitchen.
"Yup!  Enjoy!"  You picked up your skateboard and skated to school.
Everyone stared.  Whoops.  This was Korea, not some foreign country.  In Korea, skate boarding was not common.  You completely forgot.  But your friends had urged you to be different,  love yourself and to have confidence.  So you held your head high, and went to class.
"Is she new?"
"She looks so pretty!"
"Ask her out!"  
These comments swirled past you as You flipped open my locker. You scoffed.  Those didn't mean anything if they didnt know you.  Sadly, You didn't have any classes with Zelo today, and you didn't see him at all during break time.  So by the time school ended, you had lost all hope of seeing him at school.  "----!! Don't forget the dance tonight!"  Reminded Hei Ri, the class monitor.  
"D-dance?  Oh I'm not going."  You declined.  You'd much rather go skateboarding at the park and practice than go to some silly dance. 
"Well.  You're gonna miss out a lot."  Hei Ri sighed.  
Shaking your head, you went out.  
Opening the fridge, you found it to be empty.  "Oh omma."  You sighed.  Trust her to be forgetful.  Looks like you had to go shopping.  You planned to make a trip when you went to the park.   After a nice shower you got ready to go out once your hair dried.  You pulled on some shorts, a white shirt and a black jacket.
*at the skate park*
You were skateboarding and just doing your thing when 2 people approached you.  "Hey."  They seemed to be led by the girl, who was also in skateboarding gear herself.  "Um hey."  You looked at them curiously.  "You skate really well.  Where did you learn those tricks?"  She asked.  
"I went to Europe for the past summer.  The people there were kind enough to teach me."  You replied.  
Within an hour, you found yourselves to be really close to them.   She was called Hanuel, and he was her brother Myungsoo.  They were both older than you by a few months.  You shared same taste in music, hobbies, clothing style...everything, but not the same school.  They went to same gender private schools 15 minutes away from your school.  After a few more hours of talking, you found it to be quiet late- 8:43pm, exactly.  "Oh darn- I gotta go!"  You muttered as you leapt up.  You still needed to get groceries for these days.  "Let's exchange numbers.  And we should hang out some time!"  Hanuel grinned as she pulled out her phone.  "Arraso!  What about tomorrow?  It's saturday...so..."  You suggested.  Their cheeky, lit up smiles concluded that they would love to.  "Annyeong!!  See you!" You waved and went off.  
Your mom suddenly texted you and told you that a delivery truck would come to bring groceries.  You laughed as she finally remembered she had a hungry daughter at home.  "Komawo!  Good night!"  You headed home.  
When you passed through Zelo's place, you stopped to look around.  The place hasn't changed much, but it felt empty.  Zelo wasn't there, and you missed him a lot.  Where was he now?  Probably at the ball.  You sighed and skated away.  
You were outside your home when you saw a few drunk figures stumbling around.  Two boys, and a girl.  They were dressed in party wear and looked to be in their teens.  They were giggling, but when a police car came along, the girl and one of the boys ran off, while the other boy collapsed.   Luckily the police didn't notice and drove off.   You approached him slowly.  The boy was tall, with black bed hair.
It was Zelo.
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Telissa #1
Chapter 4: Interesting plot. Will be looking forward to future updates.~