Saengil Chukahae

Kyungsoo Feels


I saw a gif of Kyungsoo making a heart sign at the I-forgot-event and I’m too tired to dl the video, then gif it so I searched one on google and the one I saw isn’t working (or it’s just my internet being crappy) so I just used a photo of him. 
FACT: The photo above is the first ever photo of D.O. on my laptop. Mwahihi.
You heard the front door creaked as a sign that someone has come in. And that someone is no other than, which you are very sure of, your husband, Kyungsoo. You glanced at the clock, 2AM.
“You’re late.” You said, arms crossed over your chest and legs crossed together at the dining room where he’ll immediately see you.
“I know, yeobo. Manager hyung wants us to practice for hours since we’re preparing for our comeback so I came home late. And I'm pretty sure you know that.” 
“Yes Kyungsoo! I know that! It’s just that you said you’ll go home at around 10 so I even prepared our favourite dish and then excitedly waited for you! But look, you arrived 4 hours later. You even skipped my birthday, and the worst is you didn’t even texted me.” You said shaking your head, disappointment washing you. 
You looked at him one more time before making your way towards the bedroom you both shared.
The bedroom door opened and you saw Kyungsoo peeked in. You looked at him asking why is he peeking. He just smiled at you then continued going in.
You looked at him weirdly when you saw him carrying the dishes you cooked earlier and the birthday cake you ordered. He placed the tray on the opposite side of the bed.
He pecked you on the lips and said, “I’m sorry _____. I really am. I should’ve said that I’ll be coming home really late so you wouldn’t worry and wait for me to eat dinner. And I’m also sorry for missing your birthday. I know that only happens once a year and as your husband, I should celebrate it with you.
I promise I’ll make it up to you. I requested manager hyung a day-off tomorrow, and he agreed. So I’m all yours yeobo for tomorrow. Well, uhm, I’m all yours ever since you became my girlfriend. Hehe.” He said, cutely, making a heart sign between his hands.
You eyed him, than your lips slowly curving a smile and said, “Make sure you keep that promise Kyungsoo, especially since there’s another member adding to the family.”
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Oh hihi~ I am wondering why is my user name in your story. I just subscribed to it though it's adorable~~ I am forgetful so I am wondering if I requested for it?:D
Chapter 5: I'd love to help u but I don't have any experience and I think I'll mess ur story up :(
Chapter 2: []
idk are you still writing but please do
I Just love this little piece of rainbow and unicorns!(being an idiot and talking about kyungsoo)