Coming Home

Kyungsoo Feels

“Yeobo! I’m home!” Kyungsoo shouted. Only to be replied by an echoing of silence.

‘That’s odd.’ He thought. Usually, you will greet him with hugs and kisses after leaving the country even if it’s late at night, but now, he received none.

Growing worried, Kyungsoo placed his luggage and bags on the floor near the closed front door and rushed into the living room, kitchen, bedroom and even in the bathroom but he didn’t see you. He started wondering off where you could have been.

‘Ah! Min Yoon’s room!’


Seeing you sitting at the rocking chair on the corner of the room with your sleeping 8-months-old daughter on your arms. Slowly, trying to not make any noise, Kyungsoo carried Min Yoon from your arms, and softly laid her on her crib. Finally carrying you bridal style before making his way into the master’s bedroom.


As soon as he placed you on the bed, you softly muttered, “Soo?”

“Mmm. I’m here, don’t worry.” He said then kissed your forehead.

After making sure you’re comfy, he changed into wife beater and sweats, he softly laid beside you making you adjust and find a comfortable position beside him.

He sighed, completely filled with joy at how perfect your body feels beside him.

Kissing your bare shoulder, he smiled before whispering, “Goodnight honey.”


what is this. I don't even know anymore. .____.

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Oh hihi~ I am wondering why is my user name in your story. I just subscribed to it though it's adorable~~ I am forgetful so I am wondering if I requested for it?:D
Chapter 5: I'd love to help u but I don't have any experience and I think I'll mess ur story up :(
Chapter 2: []
idk are you still writing but please do
I Just love this little piece of rainbow and unicorns!(being an idiot and talking about kyungsoo)