
Three Sugars

The apartment was small and cramped, thankfully the owner was Sunggyu. Everything had its own little spot and was perfectly arranged to fit into place. The kitchen and livingroom was one area, the bedroom and bathroom were through separate doors. Sunggyu was sitting at a floor table playing on his phone until the three walked in. As in three ‘walked’ in, Howon and Woohyun walked while Dongwoo stumbled. The table was covered in an assortment of alcohol, some of them were empty probably due to Dongwoo and Sunggyu’s earlier drinking.


Sunggyu’s normal pale face had a pink tinge the only evidence that he was also drinking. ”Oh you’re here now,” Sunggyu stated.


“Yeah, we had to finish up working”  Woohyun explained taking a seat next to Sunggyu, Howon and Dongwoo following after him. “So what are we celebrating?” he asked looking around the room for a clue.


“I gained custody of  my little brother so this is the last time Dongwoo and I will be drinking,” Sunggyu smiled but then gestured to Dongwoo, “Though this one doesn’t hold liquor very well. He’s like that after three shots.”


Sunggyu passed around shot glasses to the two guests and Dongwoo proceed to drunkenly pour alcohol into them. “Uh, Dongwoo-ssi, let me do that,” Howon offered as Dongwoo wasn’t doing a very good job and took the bottle off him.


“Howon, you should call me Hyung,” Dongwoo slurred and Howon nodded in agreement, “I’ve always wanted a cute little dongsaeng,” Dongwoo giggled to himself earning a judging look from Sunggyu.


Howon filled the cups and set the bottle down. “Should we play a game?”  Woohyun suggested, eyeing the drink. Howon knew he was just trying to set off drinking. Really it was a petty attempt, but Sunggyu and Dongwoo agreed. Settling on 3-6-9, it turned out Woohyun at it. Seeing as the first time they went round, Woohyun messed up a 6, they started again. This time he managed to make it to 43 until he messed up. Woohyun let out a small whine as Sunggyu slid a shot glass towards him. If it was extremely impolite to reject the first drink he wouldn’t have taken it. He tried not to cough as the liquor burnt its way down his throat, but instead mumbled out, “It tastes like poison,” Causing Sunggyu to giggle, him being the only one to catch the comment.


So, Woohyun-ssi, Howon-ssi, what do you two do?” Sunggyu question setting up the titanic as a game.


As Woohyun was distracted by watching Sunggyu set up the odd game Howon answer for the two of them, “I’m just in university, and I help out at the cafe Woohyun own’s”


“Oh, you own that cafe,” Sunggyu said surprised, “That admirable,” he praised smiling at Woohyun, eyes turning into crescent moons. Woohyun blushed slightly and shyly returned the smile.


On the other side of the table Dongwoo started his own conversation with Howon, “I miss uni,” he slurred leaning onto Howon head resting on the his shoulder, making the other shift to get more comfortable, “Things were so much easily,” he yawned, “And less tiring,” he mumbled rubbing his eyes.


“So what do you do?” Howon asked curiously.


I’m a dance teacher,” he laughed, “So much fun. But I also help Sunggyu hyung with his business and thats hard. Sunggyu why do you have to have such a boring job?” he complained flailing his arms in Sunggyu direction. Getting a shrug in return, he continued to sulk using Howon as a resting spot.


_ _ _


Howon awoke with Dongwoo’s legs tangled in his, with thee elder hugging his waist.His head hurt like and he felt like vomiting. “Why did I do this to myself?” he grumbled. Sleepily staring at the ceiling he tried to gather his jumbled thoughts. “I have school,” he remembered panicking. Dongwoo-ssi. Get up!” He complained shaking the elder male.


When the other did finally awaken, he ran his hands up and down Howon’s back, “Morning Howon,” he sighed burying his face into the his chest as apparently he didn’t have a care in the world unlike Howon. “Oh, you have a fabulous ,” Dongwoo stated as Howon stood up as blushed as Dongwoo d him before. Dongwoo broke out into a loud laugh rolling around on the floor where they were situate before.


Shut up,” A slipper came flying out of nowhere, hitting Dongwoo square in the forehead. Howon looked around to find a very irritated and grumpy looking Sunggyu. “How are you not hung over?” he questioned rubbing his head, closing his small eyes, Woohyun left already. He called your family already,” Sunggyu informed Howon as he was rushing to put his shoes on. Howon hurriedly bid goodbye to the two and raced out the door.


He arrived home to his mothers angry glare who scolded will he ran to and from his room gathering his belongings and quickly made his way to school. He making his way up the steps to the second story he opened the door to the classroom and found it completely empty glancing down his watch he groaned taking his seat finding himself a school an hour early than need be.

Howon left his stuff at the table and made his way to the library. He may as well study if his at school now. Searching through the history text books he found the one he needed on the Meji era in Japan opening it out to the first page to find the page of the chapter, the list of the other student that had borrowed out the book was stamped over the top. Glancing over it, one name in particular catch his eyes. Jang Dongwoo. It was scrawled there in messy writing. Curiosity got the better of him, and he wandered along the wall of the graduating classes until he hit the year that would be Dongwoo’s. His big smile was impossible to miss a he stood in the front row with his his fellow classmates. Howon smiled a how cute and young the other looked at that time. His hair shone a dark blue and his uniform was messy, despite the importance of the picture.

I'm back... again. I'm just going to endlessly apologies for me tiness on updating

On a different note is anyone going to see Junsu/Xiah in Sydney???? Oh yeah, The stories called three sugar's but it more three chapters.

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burdenheart #1
omoo i need an update somewhere near in the future ;; this story is seriously adorable and unique! hwaiting author-sshi ^-^
burdenheart #2
Chapter 3: ah thanks so much for the update! *hugs u* anyways this story is just so cute. ^-^ can't wait to read the next chapter!
Chapter 3: Update <3 Hohoho in bed together ey . Everything is just so adorable I - /flails everywhere
albinski #4
Chapter 1: Aww i love Yadong stories~ it's really sad that not many people ship them :/
Anyway a 17 year old Howon - asdfghjkl~
I laughed so hard when Sunggyu said "Age. Age. Age" it reminded me of Birth of a family xD
burdenheart #5
i like this story and i miss it! you aren't gonna ditch it aren't you? *pouts* i wish that you would update soon! hwaiting:3
salflower #6
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update! ♡ And update soon! c:
straybangfinite877 #7
Chapter 2: This is sooooo cute please update soon!!
burdenheart #8
Chapter 1: aww this is cute and well written story. ♡
i hope you update soon!