
There's no going back now, I'm officially going to continue this. 

Don't expect too much though, I still haven't finished this but I think it's going to be short, probably around 3-5 chapters? I still haven't decided yet, but no, it's not going to be long and you can't change my mind! Lol.

So here...the next chapter.


“I still can’t believe that Yoona spoke to me.”

Jessica was lying on her bed, after the previous incident with Yoona, she had been chanting the same words over and over again.

“Who spoke to who?” a voice from the front door startled Jessica, she immediately sat up and welcomed her roommate-slash-best friend. Jessica scolded herself for not hearing the sound of the door opening.

Tiffany looked at her strangely, Jessica froze on her bed as she thought about the perfect excuse to why she was talking to herself, she hoped Tiffany didn’t hear what she was mumbling before she entered the room. She decided to greet the other girl first, just to make sure.

“Hi Tiff!” Jessica’s voice sounded a little bit too cheerful than usual and Tiffany, being the observant girl, noticed.

“What happened to your voice?”

Tiffany, seeing the poker face of her best friend, decided to shrug it off and proceed to her side of the room to change her clothes; she was too sweaty to ask Jessica questions anyway, she needed her shower.

Tiffany was the member of the badminton club, just like the basketball club, the badminton club also had to train every Sunday. So it was no surprise to see Tiffany home drenched in sweat after her training, at least it was a normal sight for Jessica.

Jessica saw Tiffany going to her room and sighed, so Tiffany didn’t hear her after all.


“So…Yoona?” A voice interrupted her cheering session, Tiffany came out of her room with a towel on her shoulder. Her face showed no hint of surprise at all, which actually scared Jessica.

Okay so maybe Tiffany did hear her after all.

Tiffany was wearing her usual white tee and black short that she usually wore every time she was about to go to sleep, Jessica was still frozen when Tiffany decided to plop herself next to her best friend.

“Hey, I’m talking to you.” Tiffany poked Jessica’s cheek after getting ignored by her best friend.

Jessica, snapped out of her trance and glared at Tiffany, she swatted away the raven-haired girl’s hand away and stuffed her face on the pillow avoiding Tiffany’s deadly question.

“So it is Yoona.” Tiffany hummed to herself, the truth was, Tiffany already knew that Jessica liked Yoona. It was obvious if your best friend keeps chanting her crush’s name while she was sleeping. Tiffany had been waiting for Jessica to tell her, she knew that Jessica probably hesitate on telling her because she knew that Tiffany was friends with Yoona.

Oh well, the cat was out of the bag now.

“Itsnawtyouwna!” Jessica’s muffled voice made it harder for Tiffany to decipher what Jessica was saying, though she already got a hint to what Jessica was saying; she knew her best friend too much.

“It’s not Yoona!” Jessica’s face was beet red when she decided to face her best friend and stop using her pillow as a hiding place, Tiffany would trust her anyway, right?

Tiffany knowing look was the first thing that greet Jessica after she unattached herself from the pillow.

Oh no not that look.

Tiffany was smirking at her best friend, Jessica knew that look too much, it meant trouble when Tiffany gave her that look.

“Look, Tiffany--Tiff--princess Tiffany, whatever you’re thinking right now, it’s not the truth.” Jessica tried to coax her best friend with sweet words, which of course didn’t work, knowing that Tiffany knew what she was trying to do.

“Jessi, trust me, I know. There’s no use denying it.” What did Tiffany know exactly? Jessica hadn’t even told her a word! But knowing that Tiffany had the ability to read her mind as if she could really read minds, Jessica knew she was busted.

“Okay, what do you know?” Jessica decided to test Tiffany, if she really knows what Jessica was actually hiding than she could answer this question easily.

“You like Yoona.” Now Tiffany was smiling as she saw the once again frozen Jessica in front of her. Tiffany had known Jessica since they were kids, she knew that it was really hard to make Jessica dropped her expression like that if you weren’t a cucumber or something else that she hate (or maybe like?).

Jessica looked down, embarrassed to face her own best friend, she fiddled with her fingers, not knowing what she was supposed to say now that her best friend knew her secret.

“Oh c’mon stop acting like a shy kid and tell me about the details already.” Tiffany managed to dodge the pillow that Jessica was throwing at her, she laughed at the pouting Jessica and threw the pillow back at her.

“There is no detail.” Jessica slipped into her own bed and pulled the blanket up to her nose, hiding half of her face from Tiffany view.

The girl was too stubborn and Tiffany was getting impatient.

Tiffany pulled the blanket, making Jessica groaned for she knew that Tiffany was stronger than her.

With a pout Jessica began to tell her best friend what happened earlier today. Jessica felt like it was about time her best friend know about her secret crush anyway, besides, she could always trust Tiffany with this thing since she was far more experienced than Jessica was.

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Oh, I thought something else happened.”

“What—what do you mean!?”

“Nothing, nothing.” It was probably something, but Jessica decided to save her mind from another corruption coming from Tiffany, “Okay, you know what Jessi? This can’t continue.”

“What can’t?” Nothing had even started yet, thought Jessica.

“You need to step up your game, you need to make Yoona notice you somehow.” Tiffany then stopped talking suddenly, she seemed to be in a deep thought when she suddenly snapped her fingers and said “Aha!” like she had finally found an idea to this ambiguous plan of hers.

“Jessi, I know Yoona!”

“Yes…you do?” The clueless Jessica asked. She didn’t get how the fact that Tiffany know Yoona would help anything.

“I can introduce you.” Tiffany’s expression changed suddenly into a serious one. The frowning Jessica indicates that she didn’t agree with Tiffany’s idea, at all.

“No.” Jessica went back under her cover, she wished for Tiffany to stop pestering her with questions.

Sensing no excessive movement from Tiffany, Jessica decided that her best friend probably had given up on her.

A few minutes later, Tiffany heard a snore coming from the figure hiding under the thick blanket. Her best friend must have been tired, she sighed then stood up to leave the sleeping girl, careful not to wake Jessica.

Tiffany then smirked at the sleeping Jessica, no matter what the older girl said, she would never listen.


The next Sunday, Jessica contemplated on whether to come to the basketball training or stay. She wanted to see Yoona again, but she was afraid that Tiffany had told Yoona something about her. She knew Tiffany, and based on her knowledge, the girl would never back down on her words.

Jessica chose to come anyway. Even if Tiffany had told Yoona something, the other girl would surely do nothing about it. Besides, Sunny was coming today, exam week was finally over and the short girl was now unable to reason her way out of Jessica as she dragged her out of her room.


Jessica and Sunny came just in time, the basketball team had just finished practicing and was getting ready to start the practice game. Jessica tried spotting her crush but it seemed like Yoona was nowhere to be seen. Jessica tried to make it less obvious that she was scanning the whole area for her crush, but Sunny noticed.

“Sica, who are you looking for?”

Jessica wondered why she had to have two very observant best friends in her life.

“Nobody, I was just checking the…weather.” That was an obvious lie of course, Jessica wanted to slap herself for being so bad at lying.

Just as Sunny was about to question Jessica again, the whistle blew, signaling the start of the game.

Saved by the whistle.

Jessica knew how scary Sunny could be when she starts asking questions. Still, she was relieved that Sunny was too engrossed in watching the basketball game to even start asking her questions or worse, interrogate her. She was in par with Tiffany when it came to stuff like that.

Still with no Yoona on sight, Jessica sighed. What was the point of coming here if the one she was looking for was not present?

Suddenly, Jessica spotted Yoona, she had just arrived from god knows where and was wearing her usual basketball uniform with the number “07” on her back. Her teammates were cheering when they saw Yoona, excited to see their captain.

Jessica herself was also cheering in the inside, she could feel her pupil getting bigger; a sign that was known to occur when a person sees an object that attracts their attention. She tried to steady her breathing, her heart also felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.

Jessica then saw Yoona glanced around, as if she was looking for something, then she stopped at Jessica for a second before turning her head back to her teammates.

What was that? Jessica thought that it was probably nothing.

After calming herself down, Jessica looked back to the court. Yoona was sitting on the bleacher with some of the other players who were not playing for this game, chatting with her teammates leisurely.

It seemed that Yoona wouldn’t be playing today, but it was a good thing that she could still observe Yoona from afar. Jessica smiled at the thought that she could see Yoona for a few hours today, it was one her favorite activities after all.

“Pass the ball! C’mon!” Jessica winced when she heard Sunny’s loud voice, maybe watching Yoona with her best friend constantly screaming breaking her concentration every now and then, was a bad idea…


After the game had ended, Yoona high-fived her teammates before going to the now empty court for a little practice. Everyone had already went home but Yoona refused to go before playing a little. Everyone teased Yoona for being late and not able to play in the game earlier, but she just stuck her tongue out at them and said goodbye.

Jessica wanted to stay, she still wanted to see Yoona play, there were still some people around but Sunny wanted to go back and if she refuses, Sunny would start suspecting her.

Jessica looked back at Yoona and back to the already-prepared-to-leave Sunny, she saw Yoona stretching on the corner of the court, the sight of Im Yoona stretching was enough for her to decide.

Sorry Sunny.

“Sunny, you go back first, I…I’m gonna stay and watch a little.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, Tiffany isn’t back yet anyway and I’m bored.”

“Okay, if you say so.”


If Jessica wasn’t too distracted, she would notice that Sunny was agreeing too quickly.

Sunny quickly typed a message to Tiffany when she turned her back from Jessica.

“Your plan actually works, she is staying.”


There was no one else but Jessica on the watching side, she honestly felt a little bit self-conscious now that she was alone.

Yoona was too focused on playing by herself so Jessica could relax after convincing herself that Yoona wouldn’t notice her.

Yoona stopped playing, bead of sweats was rolling down from her neck, as she pulled out her towel from her bag. Jessica noticed that Yoona was preparing to go back and finish up so she stood up from her seat and walked out, afraid that if she stays any longer, Yoona would notice her.

Before she could avoid getting seen by Yoona though, a voice called her name.



My very first cliffhanger! Hahaha. I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't live up to your expectation. I did try my best to write this, it is after all my very first try to write a short on-going story. I hope I don't dissapoint you guys too much hehe.


I added JeTi in this chapter because they will forever be my OTP <3 and they just had to be in this story, even though they could only be friends here :3 Lol.

What do you think I should write in the next chapter? Suggestions are welcomed! 

As always, comment, and I'll try my best to reply it.

Thanks for reading! 

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Thank you!
Still in the process of writing the last chapter, I hope I can finisht it next week. Sorry for the delay!


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Chapter 4: Aww, can i still expect the final chapter? Hehe. Anyway, this is a good story :)
Chapter 4: Ermmmmm. .
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 4: update soon and make more yoonsic moment..
Chapter 4: it is an interesting story
please update
I'm so late. i thought you'd not continue this. I'm so glad you totally did!!
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 4: Yoonsic fight because of soo!! they both jealous to each other, keke. Ahh yoong, why dont you apologize to sica?? this chapter is hurt for both of them T_T
yoonsic722 #7
Chapter 4: Hahahaha thanks to soo now yoong perhaps realized she has a thing for sica^^

Enuf with the jelousy yoong, gear up and get ur girl :D

Omg is real that this fic is goin end up on chap 5?!?! Noo i m goin to miss it:)

Thanks for updating
fab_aa #8
Chapter 4: Pre-lovers's quarrel lol
Chapter 4: No longer awkward between Yoonsic..
Yoona already fallen to Jessica,right?That's why she feel so angry when see Jessica wipe a cream on Sooyoung cheek..
Chapter 4: Great! This is soooo goood to be trueeee~ kekekeke update soon author-nim :)