

Chapter 3! Yay. Two more chapters to go (...or not?) 

I can't believe that I wrote 1.000+ words for a single scene. Yeah...a single scene. 

Please forgive me. I hope this chapter is good enough for you guys! 



Jessica stopped on her track, was she hearing thing? It was definitely Yoona calling her. She could feel her heart beating faster again, but she stayed calm, turning around to face Yoona, feeling as if she had been busted for a crime.

How did Yoona know her name anyway? Guesses started appearing inside Jessica’s mind, before it was broken by none other than Im Yoona herself.

“…you’re Jessica, right?” Yoona’s voice was very soothing, she sounded tired but Jessica could hear the pure curiosity in the girl’s question. It was her second time hearing Yoona voice so clearly, and it was directed at her too.

“Y-yes.” Ask Jessica, ask!  “How did you know my name?” It felt like the gravity was suddenly stronger to make Jessica unable to raise her head when she asked Yoona that question.

“Umm…Tiffany?” Jessica knew she couldn’t trust Tiffany. She couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed though, she thought Yoona had actually noticed her, but of course it was too good to be true.

Jessica suddenly felt annoyed.

“You’re always here, aren’t you? Every Sunday?”

“Did Tiffany tell you that too?” Jessica didn’t mean to sound like she was pissed but it sounded exactly like that.

The truth was, Tiffany only told Yoona Jessica’s name. Yoona was the one who noticed Jessica every Sunday, sitting on one of the audience seats, watching the basketball team every move silently.

“No! Of course she didn’t. Umm…I just want to thank you for always watching us practice every Sunday.” Yoona smiled at the still expressionless Jessica. It was hard for Yoona to decipher what Jessica was thinking when the latter didn’t even change her expression.

It somehow made her feel nervous.

“I noticed that you never scream our names out like our fans, and you never seem to be too excited when watching the game too.” Yoona said with a smile, trying to word her sentence as nice as possible, just in case she pissed the other girl.

“So you’re asking me to stop watching you guys just because I don’t act like one of your fans?” Before Jessica could even stop herself, the words let itself out. Jessica didn’t mean every single word that she said, it was all because she didn’t know how else to answer Yoona.

Yoona looked utterly confused, she was talking nicely to Jessica but the girl seemed to be pissed at her for some reason she couldn’t comprehend.

And Jessica refused to look directly at her. Yoona knew she was sweaty and probably smelly too, but wasn’t it impolite for a person not to look at the people who spoke to them?

“That’s not what I meant…” Yoona mumbled to herself, Jessica managed to catch that and it only made her feel even guiltier.

Yoona sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t have talked to her?

Other people would have been pissed off by Jessica’s attitude.

But not Yoona. She was determined to know what made Jessica so ticked off like that, she didn’t do anything wrong now, did she? If she did do something wrong, then she would surely apologize to the other girl.

“I’m sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?” Yoona asked carefully,

She was just trying to be nice by talking to Jessica, but if Jessica didn’t feel comfortable than she would stop this conversation.

The only reason why Yoona started this conversation was because, she noticed that Jessica was the only person left watching from the side as she played, so she thought she should talk to her and thank her for staying behind and watching her.

This definitely was not what Yoona had expected to happen.

Jessica was still too deep in her thought, she didn’t know what else to say now that Yoona would never try to talk to her again after all that she said to Yoona.

“It’s not that…” Jessica tried to say, but because of her small voice and the distance between her and Yoona, Yoona didn’t seem to catch what she was saying.

Yoona walked closer to Jessica, and Jessica almost took a step backward but she held her ground. She needed to stop acting like a shy kid and face Yoona instead of making more embarrassing moves.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.” Yoona politely said, still slowly moving forward.

“I said…it’s not that. You don’t make me feel uncomfortable.” The honest words, again, slipped out of Jessica’s mouth. She was amazed by herself for not stuttering when she said that. To prove her point, Jessica raised her head to look straight at Yoona who was now standing just a few meters away from her.

When Jessica’s eyes finally met with Yoona’s, it was as if time stopped for the both of them. Jessica was amazed by how sincere the look on Yoona’s face and how beautiful Yoona’s eyes were.

As for Yoona, she didn’t know that the girl who could spew such harsh words was actually so beautiful up-close. She couldn’t stop herself from staring, her eyes might as well bulge out of its socket right now.

Jessica broke the stare first, she was afraid that if she looked at Yoona for too long, Yoona might feel uncomfortable.

“Yeah… and I’m sorry for saying all those words before, I didn’t mean it.” Jessica just had the sudden courage to apologize to Yoona out of nowhere, she raised her head again without directly looking at Yoona, she smiled a small smile.

“It’s okay…” Yoona was the opposite of Jessica, she suddenly got discouraged after seeing the pretty face of Jessica, she averted her sight and stared at the small patch of dirt on the ground instead.

There was still one thing bugging Yoona’s mind though.

Yoona wasn’t sure if she should ask Jessica this question.

But she asked her anyway.

“Will I be able to see you again on the next Sunday?”

Both Jessica and Yoona were surprised by the question.

One was surprised because of the sudden question.

And the other one was surprised at how pathetic and desperate the question sounded.

“Umm…yeah, of course.” Jessica couldn’t stop the blush on her face.

Both noticed that it was time for them to part. Jessica pretended to look at her watch while Yoona waited for Jessica to say goodbye first. Yoona think it was impolite of her to say goodbye first after initiating the conversation.

“I have to go…” Jessica finally said after a few second of awkwardly standing in front of the staring Yoona. She was once again surprised by how reluctant she sounded, but managed to keep her face straight.

Jessica braved herself to directly face Yoona and she smiled at her, trying her best to not make her face look awkward.

On the other side, Yoona was frozen, the smile that Jessica gave her made her feel very weird inside. It was as if her body wouldn’t listen to her mind.

Yoona never felt like this before, she was always comfortable around people, acting like a boy was a normal thing for her. But in front of this Jessica that she just met, she wanted to act as refine as possible, which was considered an almost impossible task for her.

After a few seconds of being dazed by Jessica’s simple smile, Yoona snapped out of it and smiled her goofy smile back at Jessica.

“So, I’ll see you next Sunday?” Yoona seemed to have regain her confident self as she cheerfully asked Jessica that question.

“Y-you’ll see me next Sunday.” Jessica replied back, she was no longer looking at Yoona. She was having a mixed feelings at the moment, in which all of it was a good feeling. Jessica hurriedly turned her back and quickly walked outside of the court.

Yoona could only stare at the back of the leaving Jessica before picking up her stuff that she had momentarily forgotten and went her own way back to her dorm.

“I’ll look forward to next Sunday.”

And Yoona kept smiling to herself on the way back. .


A basketball player…does have a certain charm in them, don’t you think so? I’ve been going to my brother basketball practice every Sunday to watch the boys play basketball. They just seem more charismatic when they play basketball, or is it just me? Lol.

I was planning to write a longer chapter, but I was too tired and I have school tomorrow :(

And I don’t know what the hell is wrong with my writing, it’s as if I could write 1.000 words just to explain a scene, a freaking scene! :/

I was planning to make this story short, but now, with the way I'm writing things, I’m not so sure anymore :”

Sorry for ranting, I’ll try my best to write the next chapter as quickly as I can.

Thanks for reading! 

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Still in the process of writing the last chapter, I hope I can finisht it next week. Sorry for the delay!


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Chapter 4: Aww, can i still expect the final chapter? Hehe. Anyway, this is a good story :)
Chapter 4: Ermmmmm. .
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 4: update soon and make more yoonsic moment..
Chapter 4: it is an interesting story
please update
I'm so late. i thought you'd not continue this. I'm so glad you totally did!!
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 4: Yoonsic fight because of soo!! they both jealous to each other, keke. Ahh yoong, why dont you apologize to sica?? this chapter is hurt for both of them T_T
yoonsic722 #7
Chapter 4: Hahahaha thanks to soo now yoong perhaps realized she has a thing for sica^^

Enuf with the jelousy yoong, gear up and get ur girl :D

Omg is real that this fic is goin end up on chap 5?!?! Noo i m goin to miss it:)

Thanks for updating
fab_aa #8
Chapter 4: Pre-lovers's quarrel lol
Chapter 4: No longer awkward between Yoonsic..
Yoona already fallen to Jessica,right?That's why she feel so angry when see Jessica wipe a cream on Sooyoung cheek..
Chapter 4: Great! This is soooo goood to be trueeee~ kekekeke update soon author-nim :)