

This is what I call a very rushed chapter...it is long, but it was done in a rush and I haven't checked it yet. So... :/

Sorry for not updating for a while, I'm preparing for my final exam so I might not be able to update as frequently. 

This chapter...please tell me what you think of it. I was tired, like dead tired, when I wrote this. It's 12:51 AM right now. So I'm half sleeping-half awake right now, lol.

Sorry for ranting! :|


Since last Sunday, Jessica’s mood had went up. It was obvious, especially to Tiffany. The other girl was too obvious, which could only make Tiffany smile at her successful plan.

It wasn’t really a plan actually, she just told Yoona that her best friend loved watching the basketball team and was a fan of Yoona in particular.

Well the last statement was something that she made up, but it wasn’t entirely a lie, Jessica did like Yoona after all.

Today was Sunday and Jessica was more hyperactive than usual, it was weird, knowing that the other girl was never hyper to begin with.

Jessica kept asking her which top she should use today, when all Tiffany could see was the same kind of tops being thrown at her; making it harder for her to help the frantic Jessica.

Jessica needed to go shopping, was Tiffany’s conclusion after being hurdled by a sea of clothing with similar designs.

Tiffany wanted to tease Jessica for being so painfully obvious that she happier than her usual self because of a certain person, but decided against it. Her best friend might change her mood suddenly and become her usual grumpy self.

So she stayed quiet, watching her best friend choose what she was going to wear today with a happy smile on her face, in the corner of Jessica’s comfy bed.


After 30 long minutes of choosing just a top to go with her skinny jeans, Jessica finally made up her mind. She realized that Tiffany wasn’t really helping her, the other girl was being way too creepy, watching her every movement with a weird smile on her face when she thought that Jessica was too busy to not notice.

Jessica just wanted to get away from the room as fast as possible; Tiffany was starting to creep her!

“Okay Tiff, I’m going.” Jessica waited for Tiffany to snap out of whatever she was thinking.

“Okay.” Tiffany smiled to Jessica and gave her a thumb up, which earned her a raised eyebrow from Jessica.

“Okay…” Jessica awkwardly shuffled her feet to the door.


Jessica arrived at the basketball practice, there was no Sunny to accompany her this time, but it didn’t really stop her, since she had become used to watching alone.

She scanned the area. There were not too many people around this time, maybe it was because she came earlier than usual, but Jessica didn’t really pay no mind to it. She was in the middle of her search for Yoona, when a hand tapped her shoulder lightly, breaking her concentration right away. She was about to glare her sharpest glare to the person that just interrupted her moment, when she turned around and saw that the person was actually Yoona.

Jessica almost stumbled back if it wasn’t for her hands holding the side of the bench.

“Hi there!” a cheerful voice greeted her eardrums, the voice could be mistaken of a kid’s if the owner wasn’t actually standing right in front of where Jessica was sitting.

“Uhh…hi.” Jessica tried not to be awkward, but she couldn’t look at Yoona’s eyes however hard she tried. A blush was starting to creep on her cheeks due to the close proximity between her and Yoona.

“You come!” Jessica could only nod at that, she was still not looking at Yoona, but she could feel the stare that Yoona was boring into her head.

Yoona was amazed by how amazing Jessica looked today, but her coach just had to interrupt her moment.

“Well I need to go now. See you later, Jessica.” Jessica decided to raise her head when Yoona was no longer standing in front of her. Yoona waved to her from afar and Jessica decided to awkwardly wave back.

Yoona was so friendly despite only knowing her as one of Tiffany’s friends.

Jessica smiled when she remembered the silly grin Yoona gave her while waving earlier.


Practice was over for the basketball team; Yoona was once again, practicing alone after everyone had gone home. Jessica decided to stick around, Yoona had stated that it was okay for Jessica to watch her, so why not.

Even though she felt slightly embarrassed now that Yoona knew she was watching.

Nevertheless, Jessica stayed through the end, watching Yoona skillfully dribbled the ball and did other cool stuff only a basketball player knows how to do.

And when Yoona had stopped playing and was now packing her bag to leave the empty court did Jessica stand up to leave too. They ended up leaving at the same time, with Yoona trailing behind Jessica as she walked.

Both didn’t say anything but the silence was comfortable for them.

Jessica then stopped when she reached the exit.

She turned around to face Yoona and gave her a slight bow as a parting sign with a smile as a bonus. Jessica was beet red when she smiled, but it was hidden thanks to her long hair. Yoona bowed back. Jessica turned her body around to walk back to her dorm. Yoona watched silently, she wanted to stop the girl but didn’t know if she should do it or not.

“Oh just do it.”

Instead of going the other way, Yoona caught up with Jessica who was walking quickly and surprised herself by catching Jessica’s small wrist.

The look on Jessica’s face when she turned around to face her was unreadable. Yoona was having a second thought but she realized that there was no going back now that she was holding Jessica’s wrist.

“Umm…it’s dark, let me walk you back.” Yoona rubbed her exposed neck, she already had her jacket on but it suddenly felt colder and she could feel her sweating palm getting colder.

Yoona was nervous.

She waited for Jessica to response, anything would be good, even a silent shake of the head would do for Yoona, though that means she wouldn’t be walking Jessica back to her dorm.

It was nerve-racking as Yoona waited for Jessica to respond.

It took only 5 seconds for Jessica to nod her head but it felt like forever to Yoona, she let the wrist that she had unconsciously been holding go and awkwardly walk beside Jessica.

Yoona was a confident person, she never felt this nervous in her entire life as compared to what she was feeling right now.

As for Jessica, she was definitely surprised; she didn’t expect Yoona to come running back at her and offering to walk her back to the dorm.

It was a sweet gesture but Jessica reminded herself not to expect too much, it was probably just Yoona’s way of saying thank you to her for staying behind and watching her.

They walked together side by side. Yoona made sure to create a distance between her and Jessica, and the latter didn’t seem to mind. They chatted on the way back, though it was short and awkward; they had managed to get to know more about each other.

Yoona bid goodbye to Jessica once she had reached her dorm, her confidence was back as she waved goodbye to Jessica with a smile and walked back to her own dorm, smiling.







“Aren’t you getting bored of watching me do the same thing after practice?” A voice reached Jessica’s ears. It was a question directed at her from Yoona. There was no one else besides them as Yoona just finished her practice.

It had been two months since Yoona first walk Jessica home. They got a lot closer after that, Jessica still came to the basketball practice and they always ended up going home together.

Walking Jessica home had become a habit for Yoona, she kept insisting that it was dangerous for Jessica to go home alone despite the other girl’s protests.

They weren’t as awkward as they were before, in fact, Yoona was starting to show her goofy side to Jessica and Jessica could joke around Yoona easily now. The two had become friends and they sometimes would meet each other outside the basketball practice, though the two were not as comfortable with each other as they were during Sunday.

“Honestly?” Jessica lazily asked, she was keeping her gaze straight, not looking at Yoona, but looking at the vending machine in front of her instead, waiting for her drink.

“Honestly.” Yoona took a gulp from her water, she waited for Jessica’s answer.

“It was boring.” Jessica took the drink from the vending machine, she opened the canned drink and drank it. While keeping an eye contact with the now glaring Yoona.

The closer they got, the more “Jessica” Jessica had become. Gone was the shy girl that always kept her head down when talking to Yoona. Jessica was now comfortable around Yoona, she could express herself and converse with Yoona normally without stuttering (though it did take a while for her to get used to it).

“Yah.” Yoona bumped Jessica’s shoulder lightly, causing her to almost choke on her drink.

They also got a lot more touchy. Jessica was trying to keep herself calm everytime Yoona initiated a contact like touching her shoulder, accidentally brushing their hands together, or sometimes, a habit that was new to Yoona, patting Jessica on the head.

Jessica tried to act as if it didn’t have any impact to her, but her heart said otherwise.


“You ready?” Yoona asked the shorter girl who was leaning onto the wall next to the vending machine.

“I was ready since like half an hour ago, waiting for you to finish preparing.” Jessica answered sticking her tongue out, earning her a melodious laughter from Yoona. Jessica was walking ahead of Yoona to the exit while holding her half-empty can of coffee.

Yoona soon caught up after she struggled to carry her heavy bag.

“Hey, Sica-unnie. Do you mind if we stop by the café first before going to your dorm? I just got a message from my friend telling me to drop by there first to talk about our project. It won’t take long, I promise.”

Yoona only called Jessica ‘unnie’ when she needed something from the other girl, and as much as Jessica hated it when Yoona called her unnie, she couldn’t help but comply to the younger girl’s request.

“Yeah, sure. You’re going to have to buy me a cup of coffee though.” Jessica, again, stuck her tongue out at Yoona. The younger but (for now) more mature girl could only smile at her unnie, before lightly draping her arm over Jessica’s shoulder and pinched her cheek.

Just in time, Jessica turned her head to face Yoona, planning to give her a big scolding for treating her like a kid.

Jessica froze immediately, the close gap between her and Yoona made her feel breathless all of a sudden, she stared at the lips in front of her. She wanted so much to close the gap.

Yoona seemed to be shocked as well, they were both unmoving and neither had the will to move away.

A ringtone suddenly broke the silence, both Yoona and Jessica part away from each other immediately.

Yoona swiped her thumb over the phone and answered the call. She glanced at the flustered brunette in front of her who was now looking at her feet with her hair hiding her face.

“Hello, Soo?” Jessica watched Yoona silently, wondering what would happen after that awkward event.

“Uh…Sooyoung called to say that she has arrived at the café. We better hurry up.” Yoona said not looking at Jessica. Jessica could only follow Yoona who was now walking faster than before.

The both of them was walking with a big gap between them. Jessica was close to tearing up while Yoona was confused with her action.

If Sooyoung didn’t call her just in time, she would...

No Yoona, it’s wrong.”

Yoona shook the thought out of her mind, forgetting it ever happened.

Jessica looked at Yoona worriedly, scared that the younger girl would think of her weirdly now.

They both walked to the café with a heavy cloud on their mind.


“Yoona, what took you so long?” The tall and lanky girl said loudly, she got up and hugged Yoona as if it was a normal greeting for them.

Jessica was silent throughout the whole greeting. She was sad before, but right now, she was trying to keep the sudden jealousy from arising after seeing the girl named Sooyoung hugged Yoona so casually like that.

Jessica awkwardly waited for Yoona to introduce her. Sooyoung glanced behind Yoona, waiting for her best friend to introduce the pretty but short girl to her.

Noticing that she had forgotten to introduce Jessica and Sooyoung to each other, Yoona hurriedly introduced them.

“Jessica, this is Sooyoung. And Sooyoung this is Sica-unnie.”

“Unnie? She’s older than us? How come you get to call her Jessica but not me?” Yoona wanted to smack her best friend’s loud mouth for embarrassing her.

Honestly, after she gave it a quick thought, Yoona didn’t know herself why she called Jessica by her name instead of using the honorific like she should. It just felt more right for her to call Jessica that.

“Yah. Don’t stay stuff like that. She’s older than us.” Yoona didn’t know what to answer Sooyoung so she just used the first thing that popped out on her mind as an excuse.

“It’s unfair. Can I call you Jessica too? It’s a pretty name.” Sooyoung turned to Jessica and gave her a wink, Jessica could only chuckle at the girl’s bluntness and nod.

Yoona looked at her two friends with disbelief. She had expected Jessica to shyly rejected Sooyoung’s suggestion but what happened in front of her was quite the opposite. It took her weeks to get Jessica to talk comfortably to her, but with Sooyoung, Jessica immediately looked like she was already comfortable with the other girl.

Yoona didn’t know what she was feeling right now, but she suddenly wanted to strangle Sooyoung after seeing her obvious flirting with Jessica.

“I’m gonna order something for us. Wait here, okay?” Yoona dragged Sooyoung with her, stopping the shikskin in the middle of her talking with Jessica.

Meanwhile, Jessica stared at the way Yoona was holding Sooyoung’s hand so casually, she wondered if Yoona could ever hold her hand like that too. She was jealous, but she had no right to feel like that, no?

Jessica sighed as she leaned her head on the comfy seat.

Yoona was driving her crazy.


Yoona had warned Sooyoung to stop flirting with Jessica, but seeing them talking comfortably with each other in front of her, acting like she didn’t exist, Yoona knew that Sooyoung never listened to her warning.

She was supposed to grab the project material from Sooyoung and walked Jessica home as usual.

But Sooyoung was getting in her way and she was starting to feel annoyed for some sort of reason.

“Sooyoung, there’s something on your cheek.” Jessica pointed at the whipped cream on Sooyoung’s cheek.

Sooyoung was trying to wipe the cream from her cheek but failed, she pouted and Jessica laughed at the funny sight. She got up from her seat, grabbed a tissue, and cleaned the cream on Sooyoung’s cheek gently.

Sooyoung smiled from ear to ear.

It triggered something within Yoona as she watched the scene in front of her in slow motion, she grabbed the stack of paper on the table hurriedly, then gave Jessica an angry look which scared the older girl for a second before turning to Sooyoung.

“Soo, I have to go now. See you tomorrow.” Then Yoona grabbed Jessica’s wrist before the other girl could even protest and took her outside.

Sooyoung looked at the two girls and shook her head lightly, wondering if she had gone too far this time.


“Ouch, Yoona, stop! You’re hurting me!” Hearing the words, Yoona immediately let go of Jessica’s wrist. She felt slightly guilty after seeing the red mark around Jessica’s wrist.

“Why did you do that? It was rude!” Jessica asked.

After hearing that question, Yoona’s anger got the better of her as she scoffed instead of apologizing to Jessica.

“You can go back if you want, I’m sure that Sooyoung will still be there. She’s a nice girl isn’t she? She’s tall and pretty too! And she’s really funny. Right?” Yoona didn’t know what she was saying but she said everything that she could think of anyway.

Jessica was left flabbergasted, she had never seen Yoona this angry before.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jessica tried to sound as gentle as she could when she asked that question, but the other girl gave her another scoff instead.

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you! How could you flirt with Sooyoung like that? She’s my friend.” The back of Yoona’s mind was telling her to stop, stop spurting nonsense and just apologize. But Yoona was stubborn and so she didn’t listen.

“I didn’t flirt with Sooyoung! What are you talking about?” Jessica started to raise her voice, she didn’t like to raise her voice but Yoona’s accusation was too unbelievable for her to stay still.

“Now you’re yelling at me!?” Yoona wanted so much to stop this, she didn’t want to fight with Jessica, she didn’t want this, and she was sure that she would be regretting this fight later.

“Why are you so mad anyway? Have I done something wrong?” Jessica asked in a lower voice, she tried to keep her emotion and tried to solve this rationally instead of yelling at each other.

Yoona unfortunately, was not in the mood to talk, she raised her hand and combed her hair tiredly.

She was confused with herself and ashamed by her action, what she did, was purely something she didn’t really mean to do. She didn’t know what came over her, it was a feeling she had never experienced before and she was confused…and angry.

“You know what, let’s just go. I’m sorry okay?” Jessica was disappointed with Yoona, she wanted the other girl to talk to her and tell her what was wrong. There was no way that Yoona would suddenly say all those things if she didn’t have any reason.

What Yoona said before left a scar on her, it was because Yoona didn’t trust her enough for her to accuse Jessica like that. Her heart belonged only to Yoona, but of course the girl didn’t know that.

Jessica was a fool for believing that Yoona could actually have the same feeling as her, when clearly she didn't.

“…I can walk by myself now. Good night.” Jessica stopped Yoona from walking. She turned around and gave Yoona a broken smile with a tear silently escaping her eye before running, leaving a regretting Yoona behind, watching the back of the leaving Jessica.

Yoona watched as realization dawned on her…

What have I done.”


The outcome of this chapter is very different from what I had planned. I don't know if you guys would like this chapter or not. But I want to keep my promise and finish this story in chapter 5 so it has to be done, the conflict (and the fast forward)...lol.

Thanks for reading! Please do comment and tell me what you think about this chapter. I might edit this chapter in the morning because I am too sleepy right now...




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Thank you!
Still in the process of writing the last chapter, I hope I can finisht it next week. Sorry for the delay!


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Chapter 4: Aww, can i still expect the final chapter? Hehe. Anyway, this is a good story :)
Chapter 4: Ermmmmm. .
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 4: update soon and make more yoonsic moment..
Chapter 4: it is an interesting story
please update
I'm so late. i thought you'd not continue this. I'm so glad you totally did!!
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 4: Yoonsic fight because of soo!! they both jealous to each other, keke. Ahh yoong, why dont you apologize to sica?? this chapter is hurt for both of them T_T
yoonsic722 #7
Chapter 4: Hahahaha thanks to soo now yoong perhaps realized she has a thing for sica^^

Enuf with the jelousy yoong, gear up and get ur girl :D

Omg is real that this fic is goin end up on chap 5?!?! Noo i m goin to miss it:)

Thanks for updating
fab_aa #8
Chapter 4: Pre-lovers's quarrel lol
Chapter 4: No longer awkward between Yoonsic..
Yoona already fallen to Jessica,right?That's why she feel so angry when see Jessica wipe a cream on Sooyoung cheek..
Chapter 4: Great! This is soooo goood to be trueeee~ kekekeke update soon author-nim :)