

Back with a new one-shot (or is it…).

I’ve been making a lot of stories these days but I never get to finish any of it. This is one of the stories I just managed to finish right away since I was feeling very inspired today.

Also! I’m planning to make a one-shot collection, but I’m still hesitating, so I don’t know. I don’t think I’m at that level to suddenly make a collection, you know. Does that make any sense? Lol.

Sorry for the long author note!

Hope you enjoy it, and again, sorry for the incoming bad grammars.


Im Yoona was her name.

The girl that Jessica was crushing on.

She was a famous basketball player in her school, not exactly the smartest student, but she was definitely one of the friendliest students in their school.

Her friendly attitude was one of the many reasons why Jessica liked the girl.

Jessica knew that Yoona’s face was the first thing that caught her eyes, she was not going to lie about that. But what made it even more special was the smile on her face. Yoona was the most beautiful when she smiled, Jessica would always say to herself.   

And Jessica always saw Yoona smiling, so in her eyes, Yoona was always beautiful. And did she mention that Yoona was good at what she was doing? She was the captain of the basketball team for that reason.

Jessica knew that Yoona had so many other suitors; she was very popular in their school so it was no surprise really.

It still didn’t stop her from having a tiny little hope that Yoona could like her too.

But who was she kidding. She was nothing like Yoona, she was just your average high school student. Besides her outstanding grades, she was nothing compared to the beauty that is Im Yoona.

She never told anyone about her little crush, not even her closest friends. They never stopped asking her about her nonexistent love life, some of them even think that she was dating someone behind their back because she always kept her love life a mystery but Jessica always denied, saying that education was her first priority.

Of course it was all a lie.

If education was Jessica’s first priority, then what was she doing sitting on one of the benches, watching the basketball team training, if she could spend her time studying in the library or somewhere else?  

Jessica was one of the grade A students in their school, she didn’t really have to study every day to achieve perfect grades and today was one of those rare days that she could spend without studying.

Today was Sunday, usually Jessica would stay in her room and sleep all day before Monday starts. But everything changed one day after one of her best friends, Sunny, asked her to come and watch the basketball match with her on Sunday months ago, Jessica couldn’t deny her best friend, especially if Sunny decided to use her aegyo on Jessica. So they went to see the basketball match, much to Jessica constant whining on the way to their school gym. Ever since that, Sunny had always asked her to go with her to watch the basketball training or sometimes, match against other schools.

Jessica should probably thank Sunny, because she was able to see Yoona there.

Even without Sunny, Jessica still watched the basketball team train on Sunday. Sunny had countless time before, saying that Jessica obviously had a crush on one of the basketball players, which the latter strongly denied by saying that she only wanted to learn how to play basketball, Sunny of course didn’t buy that at all. Jessica managed to shut the short girl by threatening to push her from the stairs of their dormitory.  

Jessica had the feeling that Sunny actually knew about her secret crush towards Yoona. But Sunny never mentioned it to her so she never thought about bringing the topic up to her best friend.

Today Sunny couldn’t come because she needed to study for tomorrow’s test. Lately, she had been using the same excuses every time Jessica asked her if she would come to watch the basketball team or not.

Jessica had the feeling that Sunny was planning something behind her back, but she didn’t want to pry.

Watching the basketball team had been a weekly habit for her, it was really hard to believe that she would sacrifice her precious Sunday just to sit here and do nothing except watching the basketball players play.

At first she was not comfortable with the idea of going to the basketball court alone without her best friend, but she didn’t have any other chance to see Im Yoona at school since they were from a different class so this was her only option if she wanted to see more of Yoona.

She felt like a stalker sometimes, but she didn’t care. There were other people watching the basketball team too, so if she was a stalker, at least she was not the only one.

Her thought was interrupted when she heard a voice shouting at her direction, “Watch out!”

Before she could react or dodge the incoming ball, a slender hand suddenly blocked the ball and pass it somewhere where the other players were standing.

“Be careful!” She heard the woman who just saved her and was standing not so far away from her say to what she assumed to be her teammates.

“Sorry, won’t happen again, captain!” Captain? Wasn’t Yoona the captain of the basketball team?

Jessica opened her eyes that she had unconsciously closed, she tried to adjust to the sun light that had suddenly become brighter and looked closer to her saver.

“Hey, you okay?” Her vision finally came back, to say that she was surprised when she saw the object of her attraction staring down at her was an understatement.

Jessica was frozen in the inside, even though it was summer and she was outside under the scorching sun, there was no better explanation.

“Uh…miss?” Yoona asked again, sensing that her crush was staring confusedly at her, Jessica snapped out of her trance and managed to say, “I’m fine.” It came out really cold and Jessica almost wanted to bury herself right there and then, she was supposed to say ‘Thank you’ with a smile instead of glaring at her crush who just saved her from a possible head damage.

“Sorry for my teammates, they often play around like that during our breaks. You should be careful for any incoming balls the next time you come here to watch again.” Yoona didn’t seem to mind the cold reply that Jessica just blurted out earlier.

Feeling a little bit guilty, Jessica wanted to apologize and thank the other girl for saving her, but before she could even utter another word, the coach shouted Yoona’s name, interrupting Jessica’s mind from thinking of a good sentence to apologize.

“I have to go, sorry again for my teammates.” Yoona smiled her usual charming smile and went off to meet her coach.

Jessica was left staring at the spot where Yoona just stood before. She held her hands out and reached for her chest to calm her raging heart caused by seeing her crush up close, her stomach was in no better condition, it felt like her stomach was about to burst from the sudden feeling that just washed over her.

Then she smiled, as she looked up to watch the retreating back of her crush.

“Deep breath Jessica, deep breath.”



A/N: How was it? It’s short and the ending is…well it’s not like an ending. I’m trying to describe the feeling of having your crush do that…thing that makes your heart feel like it’s about to burst and the butterflies in your stomach to act up. It does happen in real life, well at least it happened to me before.

I don’t know if I should continue this (or if I could continue this).

Tell me anything in the comment box and I’ll try my best to reply it!

Thanks for reading! :)  

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Still in the process of writing the last chapter, I hope I can finisht it next week. Sorry for the delay!


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Chapter 4: Aww, can i still expect the final chapter? Hehe. Anyway, this is a good story :)
Chapter 4: Ermmmmm. .
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 4: update soon and make more yoonsic moment..
Chapter 4: it is an interesting story
please update
I'm so late. i thought you'd not continue this. I'm so glad you totally did!!
Kiddie13 #6
Chapter 4: Yoonsic fight because of soo!! they both jealous to each other, keke. Ahh yoong, why dont you apologize to sica?? this chapter is hurt for both of them T_T
yoonsic722 #7
Chapter 4: Hahahaha thanks to soo now yoong perhaps realized she has a thing for sica^^

Enuf with the jelousy yoong, gear up and get ur girl :D

Omg is real that this fic is goin end up on chap 5?!?! Noo i m goin to miss it:)

Thanks for updating
fab_aa #8
Chapter 4: Pre-lovers's quarrel lol
Chapter 4: No longer awkward between Yoonsic..
Yoona already fallen to Jessica,right?That's why she feel so angry when see Jessica wipe a cream on Sooyoung cheek..
Chapter 4: Great! This is soooo goood to be trueeee~ kekekeke update soon author-nim :)