Chapter 9

My Personal Handsome Warrior

I followed Daehyun to the forest to get some of the Lemmaphyllum and he boiled it with water for Yoonmi to drink.

“Here, careful, it’s hot.” Daehyun said.

“Thank you.” Yoonmi said. “Ah… It’s so bitter.”

“Are you sure about what you are doing?” Baekhyun asked, pulling Daehyun’s sleeve.

“Hey watch it.” I said.


“Good things don’t usually look pretty or taste nice, don’t worry.” Daehyun said.

“Wow, our Daehyun sure is nice with the ladies.” Junhong teased.

“Really? Maybe because she needed help.” Daehyun said.

“So, do I need to boil this for Yoonmi every day?” Baekhyun asked.

“Yeah, just boil it for an hour and it’ll be alright.” Daehyun answered.

We went back to the inn after Yoonmi finish up all her medicine and promised we’ll visit the next day.

“He probably sold your ancient dagger.” Yun said to me.

“Huh? Ah… It’s just a pretty dagger I think, it doesn’t worth much I guess.” I said.

“He looks nice, and besides, if he really wants to sell it, why just sells one thing but not the whole bag?” Junhong said.

“But that dagger is different…” Yun said softly.

“How do you know that’s different?” Daehyun asked.

“Everybody knows that.” Yun said.

“I didn’t know about it.” I said and stopped walking.

“Princess needs to remember many things, you probably forgot about it.” Yun said.

“Fine. Look the inn is just up front.” I said.

“I’ll race you there!” Junghong said.

“Okay! The last one there is a rotten egg!” I said and the both of us sprinted towards the inn.

The next day, we went back to Baekhyun’s place to check on Yoonmi. But when we reached there, we saw Baekhyun fighting with some people and he was badly hurt already.

“Let’s go!” Yun said and took out his sword.

Junhong and Daehyun nodded and pulled out theirs too.

“Princess you should just stay….” Daehyun said but I have already taken out his extra sword.

“You were saying?” I asked.

“Nothing, let’s go!” He said and charged towards those people.

After quite a while of fighting, the enemies retreat.

“Finally!” I said, sitting down.

“You’re hurt! Let’s get inside.” Daehyun said and assist Baekhyun back into his house.

“Who are those people and what do they want?” Junhong asked, looking at Baekhyun.

“I don’t know. What do they want from a poor guy like me?” He said.

“Look!” Daehyun suddenly shouted and he’s pointing towards Baekhyun’s arm.

“The phoenix birthmark?” Junhong said with awe.

“He’s one of the forces of Maldea!” I shouted with excitement.

“What’s happening?” Yoonmi rushed out from her room from all the shouting.

“This! This!” I was pointing and jumping at the same time.

“That birthmark? I have one too.” Yoonmi said.


“Yeah, it’s behind me ears.” She said and I looked.

“She’s one of us too!” I said after I confirmed the birthmark.

“What do you mean one of us?” Yoonmi asked.

The four of us, Daehyun, Yun, Junhong and me explained everything to them and told them we need their help.

“You’ve helped my sister and saved my life, of course we’ll help you!” Baekhyun said with a smile.

“We’ve found three of them already!” I said.

“It’s already half the number, now if we’ll just continue looking for the other three…” Daehyun said.

“We’ll move out tomorrow morning and go look for them.” Baekhyun said and we nodded.


The next morning, the six of us move out as soon as the sun rises.

“Can’t we just have an hour more to sleep?” I asked Daehyun.

“Don’t you usually wake up this early?” Daehyun asked.

“No. I wake up at 9 every morning. This is just too early for me.” I said.

“I see that princess is not a morning person.” Daehyun said and laughed.

“Of course I’m not! I like sleeping, who doesn’t actually.” I said.

“Quite true though princess.” Daehyun said.

“Yoonmi are you alright?” I heard Baekhyun asking.

“I’m fine oppa.” She said, she was coughing non-stop.

“I think we all could use a rest.” Junhong said and we agreed.

We looked for a river and sat down at the river bank, taking a rest.

“How are we going to find the other three?” I asked, sighing.

“Hey, cheer up. We found three already. It’s not as hard as we think it is isn’t it?” Daehyun said.

“Yeah…. Probably…” I said.

“Come on cheer up!” Daehyun said and splashed some water towards me.

“Hey! How dare you!” I said and started chasing him around.

“Are they usually like that?” Baekhyun asked.

“Yeah sometimes…” Junhong said and smiled.

“We should get going.” Yun suddenly said.

It was already evening when we reach an inn and we had dinner together, discussing about what should we do next. After that everyone went to bed.

“Princess.” Someone patted my shoulder suddenly.

“Ah!! Who’s that! Yah you almost scared me to death!” I said, turning around. It was Daehyun.

Daehyun hid his hands behind his back and looked at me.

“What are you doing at the middle of the night?” He asked.

“None of your business Daehyun.” I said, looking back at him.

“Before escorting you back safely to the King, I believe you’re still under my care princess.” He said.

“What? Fine….”

“What’s so special about that dagger you had?” He asked suddenly.

“The dagger? It’s nothing I guess.”

“But, Yun seems so worried about it.” He said.

“He worries about everything.” I said.

“Princess, are you sure about that dagger being nothing?”

“I’m not sure, but I think it’s from my grandpa’s museum.” I said.


“Yeah, he gave it to me when I asked for it. And anyway, it’s just a dagger from the present world, what does it have to do with us?” I asked.

“You said it’s from the museum, so it should be an ancient dagger, this is the past, of course there’s a link between it.” He said, sitting down next to me.

“Huh…. Maybe…” I said.

“Princess, what happened to your hands?” Daehyun said, holding up my hands.

“It’s nothing, just paper cuts.” I said, pulling back my hand. My face felt hot.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Nothing, just folding some paper cranes.” I said, showing his my unfinished crane.

“Where did you get so many papers?” He asked, picking up the A4 paper I had next to me.

“It was in my bag all this while.” I said.

“Why are you folding these cranes?” He asked.

“One paper crane equals to one of my prayers towards the Kingdom of Maldea. So, I fold this everyday when I pray for them.” I said.

“Princess…” He looked at me, not able to believe what I just said.

“What? Are you crying?” I .


“Ahh… After coming here, I have just realized that anything can happen. From meeting you till meeting the others, even though we’re from different centuries I can feel the bond between us. I guess tthis is what we called it faith.” I said, looking to the moon.

“Yeah… I think it is.” Daehyun said.

I smiled.

“Here, let me help you with this.” He said, picking up the paper on the ground.

“Hey, you’re doing it wrong.” I said, showing him how to do it.

“Well, yours isn’t that normal either.” He said, pouting.

“Because this is my first time folding it.” I said.

“First time?” He asked.

“Yeah, back in the future, I can get anything I wanted. I just need to call my maid and tadah, everything gets done. But now, I finally understand how great it is to do things myself, to help people.” I said.

“Our princess has already grown up.” Daehyun said.

“Yeah, I guess I already have. But, although with all the money my parents make, I still can’t get something I have always wanted.” I said.

“What is it?” He asked.

“My parents’ love.” I said.

“Isn’t the King always by your side?” Daehyun asked.

“No… All they do is work and work and work… They never have time for me. Going overseas, going for meeting… I don’t want their money! Just spend some time with me and I’ll be the happiest person alive.” I said, crying.

“Princess….” Daehyun said, wiping my tears away.

“But Daehyun… Thank you… Thank you for bringing me here…”

“You’re welcome princess…” He said and smiled.

“We have four cranes already.” I said.


“Yeah…. But you know what? Four in Chinese is not a very lucky number. It means death. Did you know that numbers can mean a lot of things?” I asked.

“Example?” He looked at me.

“Like flowers, one means love, eleven means forever love and one hundred and one means only love.” I explained.

“Whoa…. That’s weird.” He said.

“And nine thousand and ninety nine means eternal love, love with no boundaries.”

“Ahh… Are we going to fold that much?” He asked.

“Yeah….” I replied.

“That’s going to take a long time.”

“No it won’t, as long as we have the will to do it.” I said and smiled. “So, let’s continue folding it!”


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awesomebear #1
Chapter 7: Wow. I like your story!! please update soon, author-nim! :)