Chapter 5

My Personal Handsome Warrior


“Princess? Princess? Where are you Your Highness?” I heard the familiar voice calling.

“Who is it? Wait… Is that…?” I sat up and start rubbing my eyes. Yun is already up, meditating.

“Your Highness! Thank god I’ve finally found you!”

“Daehyun! Oh man I’m so glad to see you!” I said, getting up and rushed to his direction, hugging him tightly.

“Are you all right Princess?” Daehyun asked.

“I’m fine… All thanks to Yun.” I said.

“Yun?” His eyes widen and glared at Yun.

Yun’s eyes opened and glared at Daehyun too. Daehyun took out his sword and pointed it at Yun, Yun did the same too.

“What are you guys doing?” I panicked.

“He is one of Mistress Han’s henchmen.” He said, still glaring at Yun.

“That’s rubbish! He’s the one that saved me from Mistress Han.” I said.


“It’s the truth!” I said, standing in between the two of them.

“Yun! What have you done to her?” Daehyun asked.

“I have done nothing to her.” Yun replied calmly.

“Jung Daehyun! He really saved me! Yesterday I fell off the cliff and he’s the one who saved me! If it’s not for him, I might be dead now!” I said.

“That is all perfectly planned.” Daehyun said.

“You’re thinking too much! If it’s all planned by Mistress Han, why save me? Why not let me die?” I said.

“Who knows what they are thinking!”

“Yah Jung Daehyun! Do you know how hard it is? Coming to this place, with no sense of direction, no one to lean on and I almost died! Do you know how scary is it to fight with a ghost and have no one to help you? And now after what happened, you wanted to kill the person who saved me?” I said, tears rolling down.

“Princess, I’m sorry… It’s all my fault! I did not protect you well enough.” Daehyun said, kneeling down.

“Don’t do that! I’m fine, I shouldn’t have shouted at you.” I said, pulling him up.

“Princess…” He looked at me.

“Come on, let’s go.” I said, pulling him out.

“Where are we going?”

“To save Maldea.” I said.

“Really? Your Highness!” Daehyun’s tone changed, he sounded happier.

“Of course! I can’t bear thinking that Mistress Han is trying to destroy Maldea, and she tried to kill me! I must have my revenge!” I said, smiling.

“And we…”

“I know… We’ll need to find the six forces of Maldea first. I can’t do anything by myself.” I said.

“Nae, Your Highness!” Daehyun seemed happy.


“Yes, Your Highness?” Yun said, he kept his sword too.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I have some work at Maldea’s neighboring country.” He replied.

“Great! Let’s go together!” I said, pulling Yun’s arm.

“Wait, Princess, you’re letting him follow us?” Daehyun asked.

“Why not? You slowpoke, hurry up!” I said and pull him too.


“Daehyun, are you hungry?” I asked, looking at him.

“Yeah, I am… Look, there’s a restaurant up ahead, let’s go.” He said and smiled.

We went in and that place is packed! I’m guessing that this place is a very famous restaurant.

“Welcome! May I ask how many of you?” The waiter asked.

“Two please.” Daehyun said.

“Yah…” I poke him.

“Fine… Three of us.”

“I’m sorry but there’s no more table for three people, one of you will have to be seated with the other guests.” The waiter said.

“It’s alright! Yun! We’ll sit together.” I said.

“Yah, andwae!” Daehyun said.


“I’ll sit with him.” Daehyun said.

“I’m fine with it.” Yun said and sat down.

“What a weird person.” I said and follow the waiter to the other seat with the other guests.

“What do you want to order?” The waiter asked Daehyun.

“Hmm… For that princess, ah! No, that girl over there, something light. Steamed fish, steamed scallop, mushroom soup… And umm… Can you please add some….” Daehyun whispered to the waiter.

“That… I don’t think we can get that much now… I’ll try asking the chef.” The waiter said.

There are so many people here! All eating and some are like anticipating something.

“There’ll be a performance later.” One of the guys from my table said.

“What performance?” I asked.

“Don’t you know?” The other asked.

“Miss, you must not be around here, right?”

“Any singing and dancing performances?” I asked.

“Eiii… Just singing and dancing is just not fun.” He replied.


“Do you know why is this place so full with customers?” He asked.

I looked around, seeing people eating their food deliciously.

“Probably because the food here is nice?” I asked.

“Not only that, later on the chef, which is also the owner of this place will be performing his cooking skills, live on that stage.” He said, pointing at the stage nearby.

“Live?” I asked.


“Miss, your food has arrived.” The waiter said.

“Whoa… You’re great in picking these.” One of the guys said.

“Why?” I asked, picking up my chopsticks.

“These are the restaurants signature dishes.”

“But I thought they never use Osmanthus (a type of edible flower) in their cooking?” One of them said.

“Really? But I really like them.” I said.

“Miss, may I ask, which one of those guys is your fiancé? I noticed that the three of you entered together.”

I almost choked on my food.

“They’re both not my fiancé.”

“Eii.. If they’re not, how come do they know that you like Osmanthus?”

“Umm… Luck?” I said.

Wait aren’t these dishes was ordered by Daehyun? How did he know I like Osmanthus? He’s such an attentive guy when you get to know him better.

“It’s starting!” Someone shouted and everyone looked at the stage.

The chef came out and everyone clapped their hands. That guy looked familiar…

“I shall now prepare the first dish.” He said and started cooking.

Everyone was amazed by the chef’s cooking skills. The smell of the dishes he prepared were all so great. The waiters are all busy serving the guests with the dishes he had prepared.

“Did you hear that?” Someone asked.

“What was that?”

The sound of horse hooves were louder and stopped.

“Could it be…?” Someone whispered.

The door slammed opened and black figures came in.

“The Black Ninjas!” Someone shouted and everyone started running around.

“Run! Miss, run!” Someone warned me.

“Let’s go!” Someone grabbed my waist and pulled me away.


It was Daehyun, the both of us hid behind the counter and observe what’s happening.

“Yah! Bring us the best wine and the best dishes!” One of the Black Ninjas said.

I bit my lower lip… Those are the people that wanted me dead. A few moments later, wine and some dishes were served. The Black Ninjas dig in and started eating happily.

“I feel so tired.” One of them said.

“Me too…” And all of them fell asleep on the table.

“Finally, you are asleep.” Someone said. It was the chef.

“These useless pigs!” One of the waiters said.

“They deserve to die!” The chef said and took out his sword.

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awesomebear #1
Chapter 7: Wow. I like your story!! please update soon, author-nim! :)