Chapter 7

My Personal Handsome Warrior


“Food’s ready.” Junhong told us.

“Wow, you’re really a great cook Junhong. You can cook even though we have such few ingredients. Where did you get those spoons?” Yun asked.

“I have a habit of carrying utensils everywhere I go, you know, just in case.” Junhong said.

“Hey, where’s Daehyun?” I asked.

“He went to look for some Osmanthus . Geez, what a picky guy.” Junhong said.

“What? I’ll go look for him.” I said.

“Hey princess!” I heard the both of them shouted but I ignore them.

Where could he be? Are there even Osmanthus trees around here? Ah! Found him.

“Will there be Osmanthus tress here?” I asked.

“Ah! Princess! What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Just walking around… Looking for you.” I said.

“Really?” He said and I could see him blushing.

“What wrong with you? Your face is red! Are you feeling okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine…” He said, looking away to hide his face. “Look over there!”

There really are Osmanthus trees here! I was amazed by the view though.

“Hey!” Daehyun went up the tree swiftly.

“Wait for me.” I said, climbing up. Jeez, this hanbok sure is tiring.

“Princess, it’s dangerous for you to climb up here. Plus, you don’t know any of the ancient Kung Fu.” Daehyun said, pulling my hand.

“Yeah, but I’m very athletic! I’ve won gold medal for the school’s high jump and track running!” I said.

“Ah… Okay, okay…”

“Whoa!” I stepped on a branch and almost slipped.

“Princess! Be careful!” Daehyun said and pulled my waist nearer to him.

“Thanks.” I said, I can feel my heart pounding and my face burning.

We were in an awkward silence for quite a long time.

“Hey, I never knew we were close friends. You knew so much about me.” I said.

“Yeah… I guess you can say that. We grew up together…” He said.

“Ah…” I said. “Hold on…”

I realize that I have bought my bag from the present world and wanted to take a picture of the beautiful sunset.

“Tadah!” I said and took out my phone.

“Whoa… You bought your phone back here?” He looked at me.

“What? You were pulling my hand when we came here remember? And I was holding my bag at that time.”

“Oh right…” He said and scratches the back of his head.

I pressed the button and took a picture of the beautiful scenery, and gave it to Daehyun.

“Look! Beautiful right?” I asked.

“What does this button do?” Daehyun asked and he pressed it.

“Click!” A photo was taken.

“Yah babo, you accidentally took our picture.” I said, taking my phone from him.

“Ah.. Jinjja…” He said and smiled.

“See, I looked so lost!” I said, showing him the picture.

“You don’t… You always looked so beautiful.” He said shyly.

“Ehem…” I can feel my heart pound faster and my cheek was burning.

I kept quiet and keep on looking at the scenery.

“Are you thinking of your fiancé?” Daehyun asked suddenly.

“I don’t even have memories about him.” I said.

“Right… I forgot.” He said.

“Sometimes, not knowing about something is far more better than knowing the truth.” I said.

“I know that feeling.”

“Do you have a girl that you like?” I asked him.

“I used to have one…” He said, shyly.

“Ah… I never thought that you’ll have a girlfriend.” I .

“She’s not my girlfriend. She doesn’t know I like her.”

“So it’s a secret crush?” I asked.

“You can say that.” He smiled.

“Let’s go, they must be worried sick if we don’t go back now.” Daehyun said and jumped down from the tree.


“Seems like someone’s in a good mood.” Junhong said.

“Who? Me? Nah, it’s just that even if we’re sad, life still goes on.” I said.

“But if you ever witness your own parents got killed in front of you, you will never get to smile again.” Junhong said.


“But, you’re right. Life still goes on. So why not live our lives to the fullest, right?” He said with a faint smile.

“Look, the road ahead looks dangerous. I’ll go first and I’ll come back later to tell you guys if it’s safe to go.” Daehyun said.

“I want to go too.” I said.

“It might be dangerous. Princess, please just stay here.” He said.

I sat down on a rock and looked around while Junhong and Yun chat away.

“Look! Bouganvilla!” I said.

“Be careful Princess, you might hurt your finger, it has thorns on it.” Yun said.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a thorn.” I said,

“You’re such an active person; you don’t seem like a princess.” Junhong said.


“What’s wrong?” Yun asked and stood up.

“You’re bleeding!” Junhong said.

“Let me stop the bleeding.” Yun said and took out a cloth.

“Thanks…” I said.

“It’s just a prick, why doesn’t the blood stop yet?” Yun asked.

“Where’s Daehyun? He’s been gone for quite a while now.” I was getting worried.

“Princess, stop moving. If you keep moving your blood won’t stop!” Yun said.

“You’re bleeding yourself Princess, just let Daehyun be, he can take care of himself.” Junhong said.

“But he’s gone for so long! What if he got chased by the Black Ninjas, what if they hurt him? What if…”

“They won’t.” Yun said calmly.

“How can you be so sure?” I asked.

“Because he’s not their target.” Yun replied.

“Ahh! Molla! I want to go look for him!” I said.

“Princess! I’ll go… Just stay here with Junhong.” Yun said and stood up.

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awesomebear #1
Chapter 7: Wow. I like your story!! please update soon, author-nim! :)