
The Prince who melted the Ice princess' heart.

So why is she with infinite? Well..... Let's see. Shall we? :)



Hyosung continued to toss and turn at her bed. I can't sleep. She groaned. It was already 1 am yet she can't get herself to sleep. She burried her face inside the pillows yet she can't sleep. Aigoo. What to do?  She then heard her phone beep. She grabbed her phone and checked, there were 2 messages. She opened each.


From: Unknown number

    Hey Hyosungie. It's me Daehyun. I got your number from Sunhwa ssi. Oh! Don't get the wrong idea btw, I have the others contact number too!! Anyway. I know you're asleep now so yeah. Goodnight! ^^


Hyosing chuckled. Aigoo, he thought I would get the wrong idea. How cute. She saved his number as 'Daehyunnie' but didn't even bother to reply at his message. She then checked the second one.


From: Sungjong 🍋

    Noona yah! Are you still awake?


To: Sungjong 🍋

   Yeah. Why?


From: Sungjong 🍋

    I ah.. No! We miss you noona. 😭😭😭


To: Sungjong 🍋

    I do too lemonjong!


From: Sungjong 🍋

    It's been awhile since you last hang out with us. Wanna go hang out with us tomorrow?


Should I? Ahyoo. It's been a long time since I did hang out with them and I kinda missed them too so why not?


To: Sungjong 🍋

    Okay then


From: Sungjong 🍋

     Okay. We'll pick you up at 7 am tomorrow okay? And noonaaaa! Spend lunchtime with us to. Please? 🙏


To: Sungjong 🍋

    Okay. I'll make some cookies for all of you


From: Sungjong 🍋

    Okay. See you then noona. I'll be heading off to dream land now. Goodnight! ^^ ❤~


She didn't reply anymore. She closed her phone and laid down on her bed. Drifting off to sleep




The doorbell rang. Oh they might be here.

"Zelo ah. I'll be with Infinite today. Okay? I'll go now. Bye!" She opened the door, revealing a 6 good looking men. "Hey"

"Noona. I missed you!" Sungjong hugged her

"I missed you all too!"

"Let's go. Shall we?" Sunggyu motioned her to go first so she walked ahead of them silently, then Sungyeol and Dongwoo decided to join her in walking which left the other 4 behind

Myungsoo placed a hand around her shoulder, "We missed you Hyoagi!"

"Ye. We do miss you alot!" Dongwoo said linking arms with her, showing her his gummy smile


As they arrived at the school grounds, Sungyeol noticed Hyo's bag was opened and a pink notebook catches his attention, he then grabbed the notebook from her bag and opened it. There was a guy's name on it, but before he could understand the name written someone placed it's hands on top of the open notebook. Aish!

"What are you doing with noona's stuff?" Sungjong asked, as Hyosung heard the word 'noona' she turned and saw Sungyeol looking at her too, formed an 'o' and walked towards him, Sungyeol immediately held his hands up, holding the pink notebook


Sungyeol laughed. "Not until you tell me who's written here" He smirked. The others looked at her

"What is it? What is it?" They asked leaning to her

"It was nothing" Hyosung said, waving her hands at their face and glaring at Yeollie

They spent the next 10 minutes arguing about whoever is that is written on her notebook yet she would refuse to tell them.




@Hyosung & Infinite's side

The eight of them where gathered together in a circle at their school's garden. (Sunggyu-Woohyun-Sungjong-Hyosung-Dongwoo-Myungsoo-Sungyeol-Sunggyu)

After having their lunch, Sunggyu started playing the guitar while Woohyun sang. Hyosung watched them and would smile from time to time and it didn't fail to cath the other's attention

"Noona, you've changed" Sungjong suddenly said, Everyone looked at him including Woohyun and Sunggyu who had stopped playing the guitar and singing


"I mean it in a good way though noona"

"What do you mean I changed?"

"You see, you talk alot now more often which is a good thing"

"You smile alot now too" Woohyun added

"What? I don't talk alot nor smile alot. I just talked and smiled alot right now. At this moment, I don't know but I think Dongwoo's happy virus has affected me"

"Heesh. We know it's not the reason noona!" Hoya said

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"You're crushing pn someone aren't you?" Sunggyu jumped into the conclusions

"No, why would you think that?" 

"We could clearly see it Sungie no need to deny" Dongwoo said

"Aigoo. What are you guys talking about" She said, ending her words in an awkward laugh

"See you're nervous talking about that" Sunggyu pointed at her

"Aigoo. Let's stop intriguing Hyo noona. Let's just wait for her to tell it to us whenever she's ready" Myungsoo said, Hyosung smiled at him and mouthed a 'thankyou' which Myungsoo smiled in return

"Arasso, let's just enjoy our lunch and this cookies noona made us" Sungjong said taking a cookie from the tupperware. Hyosung's mind was occupied by what his infinite friends told her awhile ago. Ehhy, Is it really true that I changed? Am I that bad before? Ahyoo. And they said I'm crushing on someone, who might that be? Is it...... Ah! Ani Hyosung ah, impossible. You can't like him. No. No. No.  She said mentally slapping herself. Just then, his smiling face flashed through her head. Aigoo. Jung Daehyun, what have you done to me?



Meanwhile.. @B.A.P & Secret's side

While the others were busy savoring their food, Daehyun keeps on shifting from his seat and would look at the cafeteria door from time to time

"Hyung, noona's not gonna have lunch with us today, just eat your lunch. Don't worry you'll be able to walk with her later" Jongup , making him blush in embarassment. He noticed?

"Aigoo. You're so onto her" Yongguk said

Daehyun just laughed it off... "Where is she anyway?"

"She's with Infinite"

"Aigoo, I know that Hana ssi. I'm asking about her exact location"

"Molla" Hana shrugged her shoulders

"They're probably at the garden" Jieun told him

"Garden? What are they doing there?"

"Probably eating the grass" Himchan joked causing everyone to laugh

"Kidding. All of us don't know Dehyunnie. Aigoo. I wonder how did you fell in like with her? She's like the coldest person in the campus yet you fell for her" Himchan said, taking a sip of his milk

"Yeah. Yeah. Said the guy who was head over heels with noona" Zelo said, rolling his eyes

"You like her?" Jongup asked, the rest looked stared at him

"Ahyoo. Why are you all looking at me like that? It's not like I have committed a murder or a very serious crime. So what if I like her? Daehyun does too and the others too. It's not that bad" Himchan defended himself, The others just laughed.

Something... No, someone suddenly entered Daehyun's mind that time. I wonder where is she... Aigoo. Why am I thinking of her? Do I really like her? Nah, impossible.




jara!! Chapter 9 is here. Keke. Oooooooh. I watched some Secret and B.A.P vids. And I can't help but notice some DaeHyo moments. Well, it was some short moments though, for example laughing together, glance at each other. Hahaha. Kkk. I'm spazzing again!!! 😂 Anyway, It's already past 12 and I'm kinda sleepy so yeah. Last update for this day. Goodnight yeorobun!!! Oh. Subscribe & comment. Keke. I love you all! ❤

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syakuzayamiky #1
Chapter 30: can u just create other story again for daehyun and hyosung couple...plzzzz i really like both of them...and i'm pretty sure most of the fan wait for the other story...oh i really fall inlove with them..thnkzz coz make this story :)
Chapter 30: 2 more? Sissy, I can't wait for them! >.<
Are they daehyo too?
Chapter 29: Add a few more chapters!~ AND OH MY GOSH THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER!!
Panda_landa #4
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Kyahhh!!! So cheesy!!
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 28: They are so cheesy :)
Chapter 28: So cheesy >.< and they kissed in the rain aww.
Omg is it end already, sissy?
Chapter 26: Aaa finally <3 Uptade soon~ ;D
Chapter 26: Omg the ending~ Are they official now? .__.
I'm glad kikwang doesn't have bad relation with hyosung anymore :)
Update soon, sissy <3
GummyBear24 #9
Chapter 25: When will they start dating
They are so slow~